I've been in a few Azure nebula queues today and all (so far) have only spawned 1-2 ships for rescue. I hate to ask, but if there is going to be an endeavor, can we at least get on that capable of being completed in 1 queue? Very frustrating
This has been an issue with the Azure queue for years, it just gets more people talking about it when this particular Endeavor is active. Once the Endeavor is finished, the queue is abandoned again by the players (for the most part) and it never gets fixed.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
Same problem, no respawns plus a lot of lag within the nebula.
I was in a few of those Azure que's today, never experienced anything like that before, took 2 to get the endeavor cleared. I was surprised they didn't crash or server disconnect, but they both finished and I am now that much closer to the 50 needed for the accolade ;-) But yeah it would be great if the dev's could look into this. tnx
Yeah, we had number 4 pop a few seconds before the close. I think it was only one node generating ships instead of 4. This has been bust for ages, if they don't have a fix on schedule, which is fine as they're super busy, they should at least take it off the endeavour rotation.
If you don't intend to fix it, just remove it, pretend it never existend and move on.
Then again, if you want to get the feeling of the alpha days, this is a pretty good place to go I guess.
We had 6 ships, counting a total of 8 points, so could not finish endeavor and failed both bonus events - thanks for nothing.
Azure nebula is good outside of the endeavor, but when the endeavor is on it's one big lag thing. Normally you should get enough ships to rescue, but due the lag it's not spwaning corrrectly and you don't get enough to get the endeavor done in one round.
Dear Devs...since you're obviously NOT GOING TO BOTHER FIXING THIS ISSUE, then PLEASE remove it from the Endeavor rotation, so that people won't waste their time trying to complete it!
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
I was in a few of those Azure que's today, never experienced anything like that before, took 2 to get the endeavor cleared. I was surprised they didn't crash or server disconnect, but they both finished and I am now that much closer to the 50 needed for the accolade ;-) But yeah it would be great if the dev's could look into this. tnx
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
If you don't intend to fix it, just remove it, pretend it never existend and move on.
Then again, if you want to get the feeling of the alpha days, this is a pretty good place to go I guess.
We had 6 ships, counting a total of 8 points, so could not finish endeavor and failed both bonus events - thanks for nothing.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.