Hello all,
When a leader of a large fleet hears those words, you get a sinking feeling. It is a new configuration and it seems to be broken. About 2 weeks ago we tried to launch a 20 man event, and it was an utter failure. The changes weren't intuitive to work with, and when some of the guys that accepted the queue got stuck and couldn't accept anything but a 5 man Team. We gave up trying to get it to work after 45 minutes of chasing our tails. There should be an easier way.
All Fleet functions should be contained in the tab of the minimap for Fleet Ops. We have different levels of access in fleets. Those of us over a certain guild rank, say SEC III for example, should have the rights to create a large private queue. For example, myself, I am a SEC VI When I call up the Fleet Roster, I should be able to see who is online with check boxes next to each. I should be able to check the individuals for the queue I want to create, and have a Launch Private PvE button at the bottom to lauch for anything over 5 players. The queue window with all the selected individuals should pop up and in the frame I should have a dropdown menu of all the 10 and 20 man missions, and next to that an dropdown or check box with the level of difficulty.
STO may be in its 8th year, but the 7th Fleet is entering its 9th this March, and we are still hanging in there. I've been playing this game since January 2010 (Beta) ( JT Kerry@jtkerry - Life Member since game launch). Setting up a Large Group PvE should not take doing backflips with a fishbowl on my head - I say this with a smile. We couldn't get the darn thing to work 2 weeks ago. We had a group of 18 guys waiting, and grumbling, and saying things like "...working as intended..." We had to brake up into smaller groups to play.
My Fleet Admiral wants to attempt this atleast once a quarter. I know this isn't the orthodox way of trying to get the attention of the Devs, but, please, if any of you are reading this please pass this along to any of you that can help us, or make the changes. I'm willing try try anything to get this to work. 10 and 20 man missions are essential to keeping large fleets together, and when things don't work it undermines the reason for the group to stay together. Please help.
Thanks a bunch with kind regards,
Chief of Staff
The 7th Fleet
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP
Yeah that is unfortunately wai and not a bug. The overhaul of the pve UI last year changed it so you now need the full amount of members to start a pve, even a private one. Don't think you'll get much out of placing a bug report about it, since it's not a bug.
Normally you setup your group in a queue, and then select the STF to initiate. So long as you have the minimum number to launch the senerio, it will engage, on a 20 man mission it is usually a minimum of 16 or 17 to launch. I have been in this game for a while. The PC side is usually easier to work within. The problem - bug - is that adding the group to the queue is not working. We would get 8 to 10 in and then the software would stop allowing us to add more. We had not gotten to the function of selecting the mission.
And, ethereal, I am sorry you are slow and a sarcastic remark for one of my group has you befuddled (get a dictionary if you don't understand what befuddlement is).
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP
Now that you've actually told people what your problem was in a manner that can be understood, I did in fact have some advice for you that could make this work without the need for goldfish to be involved, but as you clearly don't want it no skin off my nose
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP
Last night, 7FEB18, I tried the minimap interface for PvE and PvP to create a Private queue for some 5 man missions. I saw the newer interface, which wasn't what we were seeing in mid January. It was nice and easy to use. We did PvP to Test out ship builds and then did 3 PvE missions without a hitch. Whatever the glitch was, it has been over written with the new interface.
I have to say, "Nice work guys!" It is easy to use and fairly intuitive. I still want to test it with a full compliment of a 20, but I'm not quite as worried about doing it.
VADM JT Kerry, USS Astoria, Chief of Communications, the "Lucky" 7th Fleet, SFC, UFP