My wish list...
1. Parallel Storyline missions: Same linear story, from Academy to Endgame--but different, complimentary, paths to get there.
2. Return to War: After the Armistice is declared, leading to the Alliance--talks towards a more permanent peace treaty break down. Hostilities resume. Fed vs KDF PvP returns!
3. Romulan Star Empire faction: As part of no.2, the Republic is forced to "pick sides" and chooses the Federation as it's puppet-master. The Star Empire returns, having been largely ignored during the Iconian crisis has quietly rebuilt their power base & crushed the remaining rogue elements of the Tal Shiar, comes out to aid Chancellor J'mpok when the war resumes, even larger than before, to become Democracies vs. Empires
4a. "PK" switches: With a "Player-Kill" Switch turned on, you can initiate a PvP match with a character from an enemy faction (who also has their PK flag switched on--no griefing someone who is doing PvE or just don't feel like matching today) who happens to be flying through the wrong area of sector space. Boarding party, anyone?
4b. Fleet raids. Same as 4a, but raiding enemy faction Fleet holdings.
5. De-emphasize (or remove) the <colorful metaphor> Trading-card games & make more hands-on exploratory & diplomatic missions.
6. Release Foundry 1.0 (end Beta--give us Dev tools & scripting functions)
7. 3D Foundry map editor
8. Place more emphasis on Role-Playing in the Star Trek universe & stop with the World-of-Warcraft-in-Space, loot farming grind fest.
9a. Player-selectable BOff positions on my bridge. (Why is my Security Chief sitting at the helm?)
9b. Player-editable Bridge NPC costumes. (If Subsection 2, Paragraph 1 of the Starfleet Uniform Code is good enough for my bridge crew, it should be good enough for my entire crew.)
10a. De-link game-level & rank titles.
10b. Rank titles for BOffs.
10c. Viewable BOff biographies.
4a. "PK" switches: With a "Player-Kill" Switch turned on, you can initiate a PvP match with a character from an enemy faction (who also has their PK flag switched on--no griefing someone who is doing PvE or just don't feel like matching today) who happens to be flying through the wrong area of sector space. Boarding party, anyone?
I really like this idea. The story excuse could be either that these PVP-PK matches take place prior to the armistice or are War Games (better option imo).
1) Make the Dominion enemies not just one of those villains you pulled lately that we obliterate in one expansion, but rather a new power player introduced and that came here for Staying, something that we will have constant war against (like they used to) with an actual war mechanicn instead of jhust a set of quest adventure.
2) Make the gamma quadrant exploration an actual Exploration mechanic, not just a set of quests like the Lukari story (albeit with interesting elements like the String, Geeordi's comeback ad all).
3)Make PVP matter again, and to do this: Drop the Alliance, make the Klingon go into a House Civil War and after that, make the Empire Hostrile towards the Federation again, make an actual Neutral Zone battlefront where players can go at war with each other, make the Romulan Character's faction choices more meaningful.
The competitors (SWTOR and WoW) are all revamping their PVP capabilities, expoecially now wih the explosion of PVP games and Battle Royales (PUBG almost hit GOTY last year), meaning players now Want PVP in the games, and Star Trek may offer some interseting things for that, including War mechanics.
(Unless you are planning to make the Dominion playable, in that case the Alliance,for now, can stay)
4) Make the Borg Fearsome Again, they are supposed to be the Death Itself of the Star Trek Galaxy, constantly looming in the far edges of the galaxy and always bringing the other factions to the brink of destruction, they demonstrate to be always capable to adapt to any weaponry we throw at them, they have an Enormous Empire spanning all quadrants, whenever they appear everyone feels like Hell is coming.
The Borg Queen herself (either the original one or the new one that is being menioned here and there) never really took any part of any story until now in the game.
The competitors (SWTOR and WoW) are all revamping their PVP capabilities, expoecially now wih the explosion of PVP games and Battle Royales (PUBG almost hit GOTY last year), meaning players now Want PVP in the games, and Star Trek may offer some interseting things for that, including War mechanics.
I recently saw a nice video on YouTube, "30 things I hate about your game pitch", where somebody from the industry explains major mistakes made when pitching, but also when creating a game. One of the points is "catering to the latest trend". somtaawkhar's comment notwithstanding (personally I do know PUBG players in Europe, but data is not the plural of anecdote), not every game should try to cram stuff into it just because it's popular. Firstly, even at the height of certain types of game (say RTS), other games thrived in their genres. Secondly, you should stick to what you can do - or would you like your favorite rock band to release rap music - or vice versa - just because it is what rules the charts this summer?
And in my eyes, STO isn't even remotely equipped to make for a satisfying PvP to draw new players. Way too much stuff around the pure experience - a PUBG player wouldn't want to grind for reputation. Not saying that it can't be done adequately to make existing players enjoy it, but at the same time probably many players here are playing STO because they like the basic mechanical set up without this on offer, and may easily be going.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
Alright, but with the Galactic Union...what kind of threats (since you need to have some adversaries whatsoever) can this game have in the long run... at some point they NEED to implement actual exploration mechanics,which wouldsound perfect in a Peaceful MMO setting.
Otherwise, if this game keeps its original "Go Around Shooting NPCs" mechanics, with not much more depth, you Need something to fight.
And if the Dominion won't be a threat,why the "Victory is Life" thing with something looking like an all new cutscene showing a Dominion Fleet moving towards DS9 (in the same fashion a villain is presented in the usual trailer trend STO has)
And alright the fact the Borg don't "Span the entire galaxy" like i said (i exaggerated), but aren't the Borg among the most formidable threats in the franchise, who always appeared (aside the game) to have always adapted to the superior tech the other factions gain and always almost obliterated the good guys?
Why not make the Borg even Bigger and more fearsome than currently in the game, maybe an entirely new Invasion mechanics similar to the PVE queue of the Tzenkethi nuking entire planets (with no relevant effect on the rest of the game), but with it becoming a thing in the galaxy map itself?
It's not the first time the Borg tried to make invasions.
Maybe something inspired from one mission from the old Star Trek Legacy game where we had to evacuate a system on the verge of assimilation?
I mean, they may start to assimilate planets from the map ( or if you prefer, not the main ones used for other game content) and the more they assimilate (thus the more battles we player community fai), the stronger their ships get and the harder the other missions become?
Maybe make something like the Galaxy map divided in a similar way the Battlezones are with areas influenced by whoever has them with either Buffs/debuffs or enemy ships patrolling the map and chasing your TRIBBLE and forcing you to fight like in Vanilla STO.
yup, i get all the references...damn, Cryptic really crippled a major thing that had so much poential to make the game much more varied in terms of gameplay and many games explored in different ways
yeah i mean, instead of making the Borg Alert random queues, make one featuring them assimilating a system and we have to evacuate the civilians as well as defeating the invasion force (either one set as optional9, and based on success or not influencing the Borg NPCs of that area liek a multiplier or something.
How would the map be MORE immersive when space doesn't have invisible walls you have to pass through loading screens to cross? Immersion comes from making things more realistic and natural, which Cryptic did by tearing down almost all the walls, not less, by adding back in these walls that don't actually exist, and which were removed because everyone hated them.
Here's how. Devs have already said that there's an upper limit to how big a sector space map can be. Since they can't make it any bigger to include the entire alpha and beta quadrants, I would prefer having maps that envelope an entire political unit so that you actually feel like you've entered a different territory. Imagine a Federation sector space map that has the entire federation instead of the meh map that we have now with Sol on the edge of the map as if it Sol doesn't matter.
You're right, this is a game. And like every game, the newest content is the most accurate to the story. AND, the newest content related to PVP in STO is the competitive reputation queues... which deal with the Alliance races not being at war.
Who said anything about war? I was talking about a PVP game mechanic which has nothing to do with the story. If you must have a story explanation for it, I have the ultimate *hand wave* for you. Border skirmishes. Yes, even allies can have a border skirmish here and there.
Also, the PVPers do have something to do, they have their own PVP system. Stop trying to force non-PVPers to have to play PVP simple because the PVP community is unable to keep itself afloat due to low playerbase.
While I do not partake in PVP myself, I would be ok with a PVP expansion. As I said above, the players will not support sector space ganking but bear in mind that this IS a wish list topic. It's quite alright to wish for things that will never happen regardless how how much it winds you up.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
You are aware that the Federation extends all the way out to the galactic rim, and that it wouldn't be possible to include all of the Federation even if they cut out the Romulans and Klingons?
It's more than just possible. In STO, the Federation is quite symmetrical and would fit nicely into it's own sector space map as opposed to some of the old star trek map book maps
Also, Sol is on the edge BECAUSE it matters, because Sol is so important the Federation was able to dictate to EVERYONE else that Earth was the dividing line between the Alpha and Beta Quadrant. You know what doesn't matter? Any other planet by comparison.
A map central Sol would be more interesting to me. Not really worth worrying about though on my end though. Also frankly not worth arguing about. Agree to disagree.
STO's map is based directly on the Star Trek Star Charts book, which, if you continue to extrapolate it all the way out, would have the Federation go out to the Galactic rim. It is by no means symmetrical.
It would be like the picture below
That is not the STO map. Below is the STO map. You can see that the Federation is QUITE symmetrical. Which makes for a nice tidy sector space map.
Then go back and reread my comments on the competitive pve queues.
Unnecessary. I have no issue with Competitive PVE queues. For some reason though, you seem obsessed with making it seem as though PVP cannot be justified story wise, which I have already demonstrated is not accurate.
Breen armor/visual definitely as someone said earlier. You might say "but the armor is too cold to wear, waaah!" - but I don't care.
So I hate to bring up canon, since I'm only interested in game-play, but here is kira wearing the breen armor, so there's no excuse for not having it eventually.
Please stop your bickering. You've taken this thread completely off the rails of its intended purpose with your debate.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
just noticed starswordc is a community mod, it seems a congrats is in order on that end though i expect no difference in judgements all the same. make it one of the ten things to do.
as for the other nine things? i will get around to those through the year at some point .
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
For cryptic to find a new female voice actor so we don't have to have pretty much every female in the game that isn't sela or kumaarke talking with the same voice.
Audio filter for summer event so the female dance shouter isnt quite so fingernails down a chalkboard.
Bring back the night, at least on the drain colony for those mugs who decided they needed outdoor lights during a perpetual daytime.
T6 Kar'fi One of the first cstore ships and it's still not had a t6 done. Although to make this happen there may need to be a change of staff to bring a more even balance in attitude towards the factions.
Slider to adjust the length of the kilt so those that don't want a mini can have a proper kilt.
Make the damage history admit that significant damage must have done when you get one shotted by something.
Add a timer to the respawn button to auto res after a set amount of time.
Stop having chats with NPC's dropping a cloak ESPECIALLY if its one of your own bridge crew.
Explain to the boffs what a doorway is and how to walk through it. Or possibly explain it to the map creators.
On a similar note. Have the QA team do some actual testing before episodes are put out the door.
Stop having flash sales that are announced right as they happen and are so short half the world will never ever be able to make use of them.
Tweak the log in phase on console so you only have to sign in once rather than sign in, sign in and select character.
Also on console avoid having popups interupt the player when the chatter has no relation to whats they're doing. Examples would be philip grey for temp agents, krampiri/gingerbread announcers.
1. Parallel Storyline missions: Same linear story, from Academy to Endgame--but different, complimentary, paths to get there.
2. Return to War: After the Armistice is declared, leading to the Alliance--talks towards a more permanent peace treaty break down. Hostilities resume. Fed vs KDF PvP returns!
3. Romulan Star Empire faction: As part of no.2, the Republic is forced to "pick sides" and chooses the Federation as it's puppet-master. The Star Empire returns, having been largely ignored during the Iconian crisis has quietly rebuilt their power base & crushed the remaining rogue elements of the Tal Shiar, comes out to aid Chancellor J'mpok when the war resumes, even larger than before, to become Democracies vs. Empires
4a. "PK" switches: With a "Player-Kill" Switch turned on, you can initiate a PvP match with a character from an enemy faction (who also has their PK flag switched on--no griefing someone who is doing PvE or just don't feel like matching today) who happens to be flying through the wrong area of sector space. Boarding party, anyone?
4b. Fleet raids. Same as 4a, but raiding enemy faction Fleet holdings.
5. De-emphasize (or remove) the <colorful metaphor> Trading-card games & make more hands-on exploratory & diplomatic missions.
6. Release Foundry 1.0 (end Beta--give us Dev tools & scripting functions)
7. 3D Foundry map editor
8. Place more emphasis on Role-Playing in the Star Trek universe & stop with the World-of-Warcraft-in-Space, loot farming grind fest.
9a. Player-selectable BOff positions on my bridge. (Why is my Security Chief sitting at the helm?)
9b. Player-editable Bridge NPC costumes. (If Subsection 2, Paragraph 1 of the Starfleet Uniform Code is good enough for my bridge crew, it should be good enough for my entire crew.)
10a. De-link game-level & rank titles.
10b. Rank titles for BOffs.
10c. Viewable BOff biographies.
I really like this idea. The story excuse could be either that these PVP-PK matches take place prior to the armistice or are War Games (better option imo).
1) Make the Dominion enemies not just one of those villains you pulled lately that we obliterate in one expansion, but rather a new power player introduced and that came here for Staying, something that we will have constant war against (like they used to) with an actual war mechanicn instead of jhust a set of quest adventure.
2) Make the gamma quadrant exploration an actual Exploration mechanic, not just a set of quests like the Lukari story (albeit with interesting elements like the String, Geeordi's comeback ad all).
3)Make PVP matter again, and to do this: Drop the Alliance, make the Klingon go into a House Civil War and after that, make the Empire Hostrile towards the Federation again, make an actual Neutral Zone battlefront where players can go at war with each other, make the Romulan Character's faction choices more meaningful.
The competitors (SWTOR and WoW) are all revamping their PVP capabilities, expoecially now wih the explosion of PVP games and Battle Royales (PUBG almost hit GOTY last year), meaning players now Want PVP in the games, and Star Trek may offer some interseting things for that, including War mechanics.
(Unless you are planning to make the Dominion playable, in that case the Alliance,for now, can stay)
4) Make the Borg Fearsome Again, they are supposed to be the Death Itself of the Star Trek Galaxy, constantly looming in the far edges of the galaxy and always bringing the other factions to the brink of destruction, they demonstrate to be always capable to adapt to any weaponry we throw at them, they have an Enormous Empire spanning all quadrants, whenever they appear everyone feels like Hell is coming.
The Borg Queen herself (either the original one or the new one that is being menioned here and there) never really took any part of any story until now in the game.
I recently saw a nice video on YouTube, "30 things I hate about your game pitch", where somebody from the industry explains major mistakes made when pitching, but also when creating a game. One of the points is "catering to the latest trend". somtaawkhar's comment notwithstanding (personally I do know PUBG players in Europe, but data is not the plural of anecdote), not every game should try to cram stuff into it just because it's popular. Firstly, even at the height of certain types of game (say RTS), other games thrived in their genres. Secondly, you should stick to what you can do - or would you like your favorite rock band to release rap music - or vice versa - just because it is what rules the charts this summer?
And in my eyes, STO isn't even remotely equipped to make for a satisfying PvP to draw new players. Way too much stuff around the pure experience - a PUBG player wouldn't want to grind for reputation. Not saying that it can't be done adequately to make existing players enjoy it, but at the same time probably many players here are playing STO because they like the basic mechanical set up without this on offer, and may easily be going.
Otherwise, if this game keeps its original "Go Around Shooting NPCs" mechanics, with not much more depth, you Need something to fight.
And if the Dominion won't be a threat,why the "Victory is Life" thing with something looking like an all new cutscene showing a Dominion Fleet moving towards DS9 (in the same fashion a villain is presented in the usual trailer trend STO has)
And alright the fact the Borg don't "Span the entire galaxy" like i said (i exaggerated), but aren't the Borg among the most formidable threats in the franchise, who always appeared (aside the game) to have always adapted to the superior tech the other factions gain and always almost obliterated the good guys?
Why not make the Borg even Bigger and more fearsome than currently in the game, maybe an entirely new Invasion mechanics similar to the PVE queue of the Tzenkethi nuking entire planets (with no relevant effect on the rest of the game), but with it becoming a thing in the galaxy map itself?
It's not the first time the Borg tried to make invasions.
Maybe something inspired from one mission from the old Star Trek Legacy game where we had to evacuate a system on the verge of assimilation?
I mean, they may start to assimilate planets from the map ( or if you prefer, not the main ones used for other game content) and the more they assimilate (thus the more battles we player community fai), the stronger their ships get and the harder the other missions become?
Maybe make something like the Galaxy map divided in a similar way the Battlezones are with areas influenced by whoever has them with either Buffs/debuffs or enemy ships patrolling the map and chasing your TRIBBLE and forcing you to fight like in Vanilla STO.
Something like this
Who said anything about war? I was talking about a PVP game mechanic which has nothing to do with the story. If you must have a story explanation for it, I have the ultimate *hand wave* for you. Border skirmishes. Yes, even allies can have a border skirmish here and there.
While I do not partake in PVP myself, I would be ok with a PVP expansion. As I said above, the players will not support sector space ganking but bear in mind that this IS a wish list topic. It's quite alright to wish for things that will never happen regardless how how much it winds you up.
A map central Sol would be more interesting to me. Not really worth worrying about though on my end though. Also frankly not worth arguing about. Agree to disagree.
Then see the second part of my statement in regard to border skirmishes. Your concerns have already been addressed.
Only if you're short-sighted. It adds to the discussion which can lead to either minds changing, or more likely, new ideas that are hybrids.
Unnecessary. I have no issue with Competitive PVE queues. For some reason though, you seem obsessed with making it seem as though PVP cannot be justified story wise, which I have already demonstrated is not accurate.
That's one way to frame the discussion. However, discussions that you don't like will continue regardless of whether you want it to or not.
So I hate to bring up canon, since I'm only interested in game-play, but here is kira wearing the breen armor, so there's no excuse for not having it eventually.
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as for the other nine things? i will get around to those through the year at some point
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Audio filter for summer event so the female dance shouter isnt quite so fingernails down a chalkboard.
Bring back the night, at least on the drain colony for those mugs who decided they needed outdoor lights during a perpetual daytime.
T6 Kar'fi One of the first cstore ships and it's still not had a t6 done. Although to make this happen there may need to be a change of staff to bring a more even balance in attitude towards the factions.
Slider to adjust the length of the kilt so those that don't want a mini can have a proper kilt.
Make the damage history admit that significant damage must have done when you get one shotted by something.
Add a timer to the respawn button to auto res after a set amount of time.
Stop having chats with NPC's dropping a cloak ESPECIALLY if its one of your own bridge crew.
Explain to the boffs what a doorway is and how to walk through it. Or possibly explain it to the map creators.
On a similar note. Have the QA team do some actual testing before episodes are put out the door.
Stop having flash sales that are announced right as they happen and are so short half the world will never ever be able to make use of them.
Tweak the log in phase on console so you only have to sign in once rather than sign in, sign in and select character.
Also on console avoid having popups interupt the player when the chatter has no relation to whats they're doing. Examples would be philip grey for temp agents, krampiri/gingerbread announcers.