My point still stands. Where do you find this information inside the story content inside the game? If you have to hunt through old release notes or forum posts to find answers, it isn't presented efficiently. Even if the information is accessible through an off to the side NPC inside the game, that still is inefficient (especially if the NPC or the instructions to visit that NPC are deleted). The fact that information exists does not in any way mean that that information is well executed or presented.
Its the same for every other queue in the game, they take place where they fit within their respective story arcs.
Going in reverse order
-"Dranuur Gauntlet"/"Dranuur Beach Assault" take place after "Melting Pot"
-"Binary Circuit"/"Core Assault"/"Twin Tribulations" take place after the New Frontiers arc started, but before "Melting Pot"
-"Gravity Kills"/"Tzenkethi Front", take place during the New Frontiers arc, but before "Melting Pot"
-"Days of Doom"/"Battle of Procyon V"/"Miner Instabilities" take place in the latter part of the Future Proof arc
-"Assault on Terok Nor"/"Counterpoint" take place in the early part of the Future Proof arc
-"Brotherhood of the Sword"/"Gateway to Gre'thor"/"Herald Sphere" take place during the Iconian War
-"Borg Disconnected"/"Bug Hunt"/"Battle of Korfez" take place during Delta Rising
-"Undine Assault"/"Undine Infiltration"/"Viscous Cycle" take place in the latter part of the Dyson Sphere arc
-"Storming the Spire"/"Breach" take place in the early part of the Dyson Sphere arc
-"Azure Nebula Rescue"/"Vault: Ensnared"/"Vault Shuttle Event"/"Atmosphere Assault"/"Defend Rh'Ihho Station" take place during the New Romulus arc
-"Nukara Prime: Self Destructive Tendencies"/"Nukara Prime: Transdimensional Tactics"/"Crystalline Catastrophe" take place during the Nukara storyline between the Borg and Romulan ones
-"Infected"/"Cure"/"Khitomer"/"Into the Hive" take place after the Borg arc, but before the Nukara content
-"Big Dig" takes place during the Romulan Mystery Arc
-"Starbase 24"/"Gorn Minefield"/"Federation Minefield"/"Klingon Scout Force"/"Breaking the Planet" take place during the Klingon War story arc
The more generic fleet queues like "Starbase Fleet Defense"/"Federation/Klingon Fleet Alert"/"Federation/Klingon Starbase Blockade"/"Federation/Klingon Starbase Incursion"/"Colony Invasion" have no real set place in the storyline, and conceivably happen whenever.
3. 2-3 FE arc KDF oriented maybe a power struggle within the high council (we still don't know how bad J'mpok is after being poisoned, and with martok's return there is sure to be an upheaval. maybe the PC can be named arbiter...
Actually, we do know how J'mpock is doing. He has given out several missions to KDF players since he was poisoned, and is perfectly fine. The poison was never maent to kill him, or even really harm him, it was a distraction so they could make an attempt on the Federation president.
Also, its explicitly stated Martok has no desire to get back into politics. If you recall, he never WANTED the job in the first place, he just accepted it due to the Klingon people needing him at the time of the Dominion War. Besides J'mpock beat him fairly, and even he admits it.
just because he does not want it does not mean other Houses won't push it
just because he does not want it does not mean other Houses won't push it
That's true, Martok didn't even ask to become Chancellor the 1st time... Worf did the dirty work and then handed the blade to him - whether he wanted it or not. Who's to say something similar won't happen again?
I’d like them to figure out a way to bring day cycles back to Bajor and maybe add them to other places like Starfleet HQ in San Francisco and new Romulus among others. It would be great to experience night in a place like Nimbus 3 for example.
2. An official little Crashdragon squishy stress ball made from real faux dragon skin (my reasons are somewhat less creepy, and yet... completely illogical and invalid).
3. Playable Cardassians.
4. Unified color palette for all costume pieces, across all Factions.
5. Loosening some restrictions on costume pieces in the Tailor, particularly eliminating Uniform and Off-Duty categories.
6. Adding more options to AlienGen to allow for greater customization and ability to create more canon Star Trek alien races.
7. Winter Pants (to match those impossible to color-match Winter Jackets).
8. Breen Ground Armor/Set with costume unlock.
9. Peace on the forums.
10. Australians to learn how to spell.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
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T-6 Vorch. Remove the corpse of PVP from the game like it or not PVP is DEAD. If TRIBBLE stuff is brought in make sure it is a really rare lockbox limited time thing just like the TOS T-6 Connie/D-7/Rom BOP were. No need for Spore Drive you already have jumpslike that with Sing's and some Warp Cores. Defiently no more KT unless the items are treated just like the TOS items were.
1. Implement a new end-game only galaxy map. Instead of dividing up the map by alpha quadrant, beta quadrant and delta quadrant, divide it up by political boundaries. For instance, the Federation is it's own single large sector space map. The same goes for KDF, the Romulan Republic and the Cardassians. Also have additional "neutral zone sector maps" that you must cross to get from one empire to another. Open the new sector space neutral zones to weekly PVP battles that grant bonuses for players that get kills. Leave the delta quadrant as is.
Why would you want to make there be MORE loading screens, when the whole point of the map revamp was to get rid of the loading screens everyone complained about?
It's simple really. It makes for a more immersive map. Actually, I would like to have the neutral zones that I proposed be open PVP and allow for straight up ganking. However, this would not be supported by the players and ganking should be limited to timed events only.
Not to mention, the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Republic, and Cardassian Union, are all part of one Alliance at endgame, so there is no warfare going on between them, and thus, no thus, pvp to be had.
Except that this is a game and, shockingly, it still has PVP. This would give PVPers something to do.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
4. Unified color palette for all costume pieces, across all Factions.
5. Loosening some restrictions on costume pieces in the Tailor, particularly eliminating Uniform and Off-Duty categories.
Yes to this! It's quite irritating trying to get all your Boff uniforms to match exactly - especially once you get to your second row of officers... Plus, not all colors seem to always be available.
And I think some of the gender specific items are just weird. Example, my Rom is using the Tal Shiar uniform but my female Boffs can't use the chest piece and are instead only allowed to use a belt instead - and vice versa. I would definitely want to be able to better match officer/captain uniforms.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
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4. Episode With the Kelvin Timeline to Tie in with Star Trek Beyond
5. Episode to Tie in With Star Trek Discovery Spore Drive (and Get the Spore Drive as an prize)
6. Fate of the Enterprise-E and More TNG Cast on STO
10. a Series that Deals final Blow to the Borg
4. We already got an episode that ties into the Kelvin-Timeline, and its unlikely that we would ever see an episode focused on Beyond because there would be nothing to really do.
5. Such an episode wouldn't be possible until Discovery is completely over because we have no idea on why the Spore Drive was discontinued. Wouldn't mean anything to get a spore drive if the spore network was destroyed now would it?
6. We already learned the fate of the Enterpise-E. Cryptic revealed it back in 2011/2012. The Enterprise-E was destroyed by the Undine after they went to investigate a disturbance at a starbase. Captain Data, and most of the crew, was able to make it to the escape pods.
10. It is highly unlikely we would ever deal a "final" blow to the Borg. The Borg are too numerous, and too spread out, to ever effectively kill them off for good.
I would rather see a Borg Arc where they get nearly wiped/freed by Alliance...disappear for an amount of time, and suddenly return even stronger because they assimilated either an unknown super-race in their absence or even assimilated the now "isolated" Iconians (which the Alliance never defeated...only dodged the inevitable killing blow from them). I mean in Canon the Borg escaped by going back in time to try and change things.... In this arc perhaps a few are able to make it to the Gamma quadrant (it only takes a few) and found themselves something truly worth it there... I big nasty arc with Alliances, Dominion, a new race to play, etc. Maybe throw in new gear with the new re-engineer concept in mind that can be "rolled".
Maybe introduce Cardassians into all this as a new playable race/arc lol?
Would also like to see a new something that DPS alone can't take down.... the need for all classes (like the need for threat generation and a must have debuffer and support)...
#1: Give your BoFFs the chance to mutiny, take over your ships, start a new war with someone, make more tribbles, and then be re-commissioned into your fleet and given the chance to redeem themselves and become purple quality super BoFF awesomeness x3.
Because mutineers are heroes too.
#2: KDF players are now equal and allowed to play with Fed players together when doing things like....content.
#3: Rename ESD to "Jita" and allow open pvp duels.
1. T6 Oberth
2. Custom aliengen species names.
3. Clear all button for the ship hotkey tray.
4. Claim all button for completed admiralty missions.
5. Give Cardassions a proper species with trait and maybe also a Cardassian faction.
6. Give paid species such as Caitian's and Ferasan's more customization options.
7. More hairstyles, and more long hair styles for male toons.
T6 titan All t4 skins for galaxy remodeled and made options for t5/t6 More st licances added (games/books) Vo work by any of the captains A more in depth ship customiser More tmp/ent/tos era ships Fleets commands in pve (like legacy / sfc) More indepth admrility system Ships from your shipyard being able to assist via 'fleet support' Promoting bridge officers to captain
1) Episodes more frequently. Expensive voice-overs, new mechanics, new bad guys and other gimmicks are nice, but if I had to choose, good writting beats all of that. And please stop trying to disguise the reputation grinds as episodes that are mandatory to advance the story arc.
2) Better ground AI. As it is, BOFFs and bad guys seem to run around in circles quite randomly while shooting at each other. This doesn't happen in real combat and it didn't happen in any of the shows. Sometimes it is hard to engage in melee combat, or even click on a bad guy. Being unable to select a target does not make the game more exciting.
3) Give Romulans some cruisers with warp cores. If you have to, make them Reman ships. For example, a Reman variant of the D'deridex with a warp core would be interesting.
4) If we have reached the point in the story where the Feds and KDF are allies, then let them team up. I think KDF would be a more popular faction if such players could team up with their Fed playing friends.
5) Better crew promotion system. Turn DOFFS into BOFFS, and turn BOFFS into captains. Such captains could be used for the following idea.
6) Give Fleet Admirals command of an actual squadron. A promoted BOFF is given command of one of your ships in dry dock. That ship can now join you for episodes and space battles. You could select up to four such ships, in place of teaming up with other players.
7) Sell the playable Borg at the same price as the other playable species. Currently, it is part of a bundle that I don't want, and it's simply overpriced.
8) Daggers as usable melee weapons. They were used in the shows in combat more than lirpas, swords and bat'leths combined.
9) A cross faction battle cruiser bundle featuring the Vorcha for KDF, Ambassador class for Feds, and D7 (with a warp core) for Romulans. Or at least let us buy a cruiser bundle with those skins.
10) Take ship interiors more seriously. Give us reasons to visit the inside of our ship, just like the accademy has the lore/mid-term exam for dil, personel officers for DOFFS and of course, the exchange/bank/mailbox. Maybe we could get marks for doing maintenance in our engine room...or someone else's. Maybe a taylor in your crew quarters. On that note, give the cross faction ships engine rooms and quarters. How about more customization, here? Oh, and give the KDF light bulbs. It's too dark inside their ships.
Honorable mention) Playable Hirogen. Romulan and/or Reman ground set for New Romulus reputation. Account wide ship interior with bank/mailbox/exchange.
This is unlikely to happen for some pretty big reasons. Mainly, ships piloted by Boffs would be worthless since they wouldn't have
1. Your captain's profession(Tac/Engi/Sci) powers
2. Your captain's traits
3. Your captain's reputation traits/powers
4. Your captain's specialization powers
5. The powers of the other boffs on your ship
6. Access to most, if not all, clickable powers from item sets, since Boffs have never been able to use those on ground
The only thing they would have access too is the ships weapons, and the 4 space powers they have themselves(less powers then most NPC ships)... and its unlikely Cryptic would give them the behind the scenes bonuses to NPC ships that NPC ships get to make them not suck.
1. Instead they'd have the boff captain's powers
2. And his traits
3. Like that matters
4. Boffs have specializations too, for all it matters
5. Why do you suppose the ship wouldn't have a full crew?
6. That's stupid, an ability is an ability is an ability
Then there is problem that since none of the game's content so far was built around the player being able to do so, and since these Boff piloted ships would be far worse then ships piloted by other players teamed with you, Cryptic would either have to go back through the entire game, and create an entirely new scaling for all the currently existing content in the game, or, in the more likely scenario, limit this to only a handful of missions/queues built around it.
They would be no worse than ground boffs, or indeed the various kinds of summon pets we can already use. Why would there need to be any kind of "scaling" involved? Scaling of what?
I can spell B-A-D and R-I-S-I-N-G properly, two words I have chosen at random for no reason - just gift my reward to a charity of your choice.
Touché. That, though, was a reference to something @crashdragon posted in an earlier post. No ill intentions meant by it.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
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4. Unified color palette for all costume pieces, across all Factions.
Or, for a start, even within a faction. Especially with Romulan designs you often cannot load another uniform properly and have to approximate if you want your crew to look, well, uniform.
It's simple really. It makes for a more immersive map. Actually, I would like to have the neutral zones that I proposed be open PVP and allow for straight up ganking. However, this would not be supported by the players and ganking should be limited to timed events only.
I don't know, I never found the sectors "immersive" at all. What could be done would be to make it more clear where you are within the world, maybe by adding more NPC ships of the respective factions.
As for open PVP and ganking: how quickly would that kill the game, what do you think? A month? Two? Only two weeks? Why not add taking inventory or permadeath for boffs or permadestruction for ships? These things may have their place in their games, but STO is not for various reasons: playerbase, as you say, doesn't fit the IP, and an absolute lack of balance (any open PVP here would be ganking almost by definition). STO is mostly a casual single player game with some interaction possibilities, and players here expect that.
Also, "Neutral zones" are neutral between two factions, not necessarily anarchic.
2) Better ground AI. As it is, BOFFs and bad guys seem to run around in circles quite randomly while shooting at each other. This doesn't happen in real combat and it didn't happen in any of the shows. Sometimes it is hard to engage in melee combat, or even click on a bad guy. Being unable to select a target does not make the game more exciting.
Melee combat doesn't make much sense in many situations anyway, its popularity in games is purely mechanic, so trying to get realism as a reason here is IMO bound to fail.
As for "in the shows": No, they usually didn't randomly run around in circles firing at each other. Usually they stood in plain view without any cover and fired. In special situations, after 2 minutes they jumped behind a 2 foot rock. I think many parts of the game actually cover that pretty well
6. Access to most, if not all, clickable powers from item sets, since Boffs have never been able to use those on ground
My boffs do clickables just fine. Well, not exactly fine, but give them a ground set with clickies, and they will use thim. (With some good bad bugs, like the Na'kuhl illusion immunity affecting you instead of them)
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
Don't bother caltair. It's a waste of your time.
just because he does not want it does not mean other Houses won't push it
That's true, Martok didn't even ask to become Chancellor the 1st time... Worf did the dirty work and then handed the blade to him - whether he wanted it or not. Who's to say something similar won't happen again?
2. An official little Crashdragon squishy stress ball made from real faux dragon skin (my reasons are somewhat less creepy, and yet... completely illogical and invalid).
3. Playable Cardassians.
4. Unified color palette for all costume pieces, across all Factions.
5. Loosening some restrictions on costume pieces in the Tailor, particularly eliminating Uniform and Off-Duty categories.
6. Adding more options to AlienGen to allow for greater customization and ability to create more canon Star Trek alien races.
7. Winter Pants (to match those impossible to color-match Winter Jackets).
8. Breen Ground Armor/Set with costume unlock.
9. Peace on the forums.
10. Australians to learn how to spell.
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2. credit-cap increase.
3. fix interfleet holdings transport for people invited to your base.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Except that this is a game and, shockingly, it still has PVP. This would give PVPers something to do.
Yes to this! It's quite irritating trying to get all your Boff uniforms to match exactly - especially once you get to your second row of officers... Plus, not all colors seem to always be available.
And I think some of the gender specific items are just weird. Example, my Rom is using the Tal Shiar uniform but my female Boffs can't use the chest piece and are instead only allowed to use a belt instead - and vice versa. I would definitely want to be able to better match officer/captain uniforms.
Good luck with those!
I was really just messing with @crashdragon
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I would rather see a Borg Arc where they get nearly wiped/freed by Alliance...disappear for an amount of time, and suddenly return even stronger because they assimilated either an unknown super-race in their absence or even assimilated the now "isolated" Iconians (which the Alliance never defeated...only dodged the inevitable killing blow from them). I mean in Canon the Borg escaped by going back in time to try and change things.... In this arc perhaps a few are able to make it to the Gamma quadrant (it only takes a few) and found themselves something truly worth it there... I big nasty arc with Alliances, Dominion, a new race to play, etc. Maybe throw in new gear with the new re-engineer concept in mind that can be "rolled".
Maybe introduce Cardassians into all this as a new playable race/arc lol?
Would also like to see a new something that DPS alone can't take down.... the need for all classes (like the need for threat generation and a must have debuffer and support)...
Because mutineers are heroes too.
#2: KDF players are now equal and allowed to play with Fed players together when doing things like....content.
#3: Rename ESD to "Jita" and allow open pvp duels.
2. Custom aliengen species names.
3. Clear all button for the ship hotkey tray.
4. Claim all button for completed admiralty missions.
5. Give Cardassions a proper species with trait and maybe also a Cardassian faction.
6. Give paid species such as Caitian's and Ferasan's more customization options.
7. More hairstyles, and more long hair styles for male toons.
I really can't think of anything else.
All t4 skins for galaxy remodeled and made options for t5/t6
More st licances added (games/books)
Vo work by any of the captains
A more in depth ship customiser
More tmp/ent/tos era ships
Fleets commands in pve (like legacy / sfc)
More indepth admrility system
Ships from your shipyard being able to assist via 'fleet support'
Promoting bridge officers to captain
2) Better ground AI. As it is, BOFFs and bad guys seem to run around in circles quite randomly while shooting at each other. This doesn't happen in real combat and it didn't happen in any of the shows. Sometimes it is hard to engage in melee combat, or even click on a bad guy. Being unable to select a target does not make the game more exciting.
3) Give Romulans some cruisers with warp cores. If you have to, make them Reman ships. For example, a Reman variant of the D'deridex with a warp core would be interesting.
4) If we have reached the point in the story where the Feds and KDF are allies, then let them team up. I think KDF would be a more popular faction if such players could team up with their Fed playing friends.
5) Better crew promotion system. Turn DOFFS into BOFFS, and turn BOFFS into captains. Such captains could be used for the following idea.
6) Give Fleet Admirals command of an actual squadron. A promoted BOFF is given command of one of your ships in dry dock. That ship can now join you for episodes and space battles. You could select up to four such ships, in place of teaming up with other players.
7) Sell the playable Borg at the same price as the other playable species. Currently, it is part of a bundle that I don't want, and it's simply overpriced.
8) Daggers as usable melee weapons. They were used in the shows in combat more than lirpas, swords and bat'leths combined.
9) A cross faction battle cruiser bundle featuring the Vorcha for KDF, Ambassador class for Feds, and D7 (with a warp core) for Romulans. Or at least let us buy a cruiser bundle with those skins.
10) Take ship interiors more seriously. Give us reasons to visit the inside of our ship, just like the accademy has the lore/mid-term exam for dil, personel officers for DOFFS and of course, the exchange/bank/mailbox. Maybe we could get marks for doing maintenance in our engine room...or someone else's. Maybe a taylor in your crew quarters. On that note, give the cross faction ships engine rooms and quarters. How about more customization, here? Oh, and give the KDF light bulbs. It's too dark inside their ships.
Honorable mention) Playable Hirogen. Romulan and/or Reman ground set for New Romulus reputation. Account wide ship interior with bank/mailbox/exchange.
2. And his traits
3. Like that matters
4. Boffs have specializations too, for all it matters
5. Why do you suppose the ship wouldn't have a full crew?
6. That's stupid, an ability is an ability is an ability
They would be no worse than ground boffs, or indeed the various kinds of summon pets we can already use. Why would there need to be any kind of "scaling" involved? Scaling of what?
I can spell B-A-D and R-I-S-I-N-G properly, two words I have chosen at random for no reason - just gift my reward to a charity of your choice.
Of course you can.
Touché. That, though, was a reference to something @crashdragon posted in an earlier post. No ill intentions meant by it.
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In a similar vein: more boffs/higher boff cap, plus boffable Benzites.
Or, for a start, even within a faction. Especially with Romulan designs you often cannot load another uniform properly and have to approximate if you want your crew to look, well, uniform.
I don't know, I never found the sectors "immersive" at all. What could be done would be to make it more clear where you are within the world, maybe by adding more NPC ships of the respective factions.
As for open PVP and ganking: how quickly would that kill the game, what do you think? A month? Two? Only two weeks? Why not add taking inventory or permadeath for boffs or permadestruction for ships? These things may have their place in their games, but STO is not for various reasons: playerbase, as you say, doesn't fit the IP, and an absolute lack of balance (any open PVP here would be ganking almost by definition). STO is mostly a casual single player game with some interaction possibilities, and players here expect that.
Also, "Neutral zones" are neutral between two factions, not necessarily anarchic.
Melee combat doesn't make much sense in many situations anyway, its popularity in games is purely mechanic, so trying to get realism as a reason here is IMO bound to fail.
As for "in the shows": No, they usually didn't randomly run around in circles firing at each other. Usually they stood in plain view without any cover and fired. In special situations, after 2 minutes they jumped behind a 2 foot rock. I think many parts of the game actually cover that pretty well
My boffs do clickables just fine. Well, not exactly fine, but give them a ground set with clickies, and they will use thim. (With some good bad bugs, like the Na'kuhl illusion immunity affecting you instead of them)