2017 Was an amazing Year for Trekkers and I thought I do a Top Ten Wish-list for 2018 that I hope to see in Star Trek Online
1. Pilot Episode Uniforms
2. Star Trek Discovery Vessels (Crossfield-class with Spore Drive) USS Shenzhou Walker Class and of course for the Klingons "Ship of the Dead"
3. Constitution Refit Bridge (WOK and UC)
4. Episode With the Kelvin Timeline to Tie in with Star Trek Beyond
5. Episode to Tie in With Star Trek Discovery Spore Drive (and Get the Spore Drive as an prize)
6. Fate of the Enterprise-E and More TNG Cast on STO
7. 2250s era Lock Box (Pilot Uniforms Crossfield Class and Walker Class as a Possible Prize)
8. T6 Heavy Cruiser Class (Constellation)
9. Wolf 358 vessels
10. a Series that Deals final Blow to the Borg
May the Shwartz Be With You![CWpA7_1VAAA7vBh.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWpA7_1VAAA7vBh.jpg)
6. Fate of the Enterprise-E and More TNG Cast on STO
10. a Series that Deals final Blow to the Borg
Though I would edit "deals final blow" to "returns the Borg to the primary threat". I would love to see the Alliance not be able to utterly defeat the Borg and experience the desperation that comes with that realization. We always get a desperate situation that miraculously works out for the Alliance members. But I really like keeping the Borg around and would love to see them be the enemy the Alliance can never truly conquer.
Everything else on this list, literally means nothing to me.
More Trek actors returning for STO would be nice.
My top 2 are:
1. Keep giving us new story content
2. Visual slots for weapons (1 each beam/cannon and torp) so I can use crafted + lock box / episode gear together without tasting the rainbow
2. T6 Science D7 Romulan
3. 2-3 FE arc KDF oriented maybe a power struggle within the high council (we still don't know how bad J'mpok is after being poisoned, and with martok's return there is sure to be an upheaval. maybe the PC can be named arbiter...
4. T6 Nova, even if it does cut the new threads on here by 2/3
5. Vic's Place on DS9 (moved out of the holodeck and into his own venue)
6. an FE where the PC does a stint as a guest lecturer at thier respective academy (rewards are diplomacy based)
Starfleet aligned characters don't get to know that. All you get there is the scene where J'mpock collapses, S'taass yells about Romulan treachery and then you move on - to never hear about it again. That's poor story telling and it does need to be rectified on the Starfleet side of things.
And you're just as useless and self righteous as ever. Didn't need any story to predict your response.
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2. Ship interior revamp. Add mini games to ship interiors. Make the mini-games VERY DIFFICULT and allow the player to complete them up to once a day for a 60 minute boost of some kind. Rotate mini-games on a random rotation so it's always something random and different.
3. Make the old mine trap queue an EVENT similar to either the weekend sompak event or crystalline/mirror invasion style 14 day event.
4. Playable Hideki Cardassian ship
5. Playable K'Vort T6 preferably with Intel or Command seating
6. Playable T6 Vor'Cha
7. Promotion pack or Wizkids version of an Excelsior that doesn't have a trash bridge officer layout
8. Playable Original Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser from DS9
9. Any new Ferengi ship (Non-D'Kora)
10. Lots and LOTS of hats for costumes
Even though the devs would pretty much have to rebuild the maps from scratch (again) to do this... I really do like this set up.
2. Ability to turn off ability visual effects.
3. Give Borg ability to adapt in space and make them a true threat.
4. New damage modelling in space based off where the ship is hit rather than HP.
5. Live damage and repair system to replace random death system damage (a la Starfleet Command).
6. Return of hourly events.
7. Return of the Exploration System.
8. Return SB24 STF to soloable.
9. Return of Borg RA's to their Quadrant varities.
10. Complete overhaul of the Doffing system.
Are you suggesting the Borg assimilated Trump?
Can you imagine the power of such an entity?
1. Count me in the T6 Vorcha clan
2. A mission where I finally get to solve the Daniels problem
3. Fed ships that can't be used as kitchen utensils
4. Less dil sinks
5. Adjustment to the spawn rate on Space Zombie Prime, that last mission is nearly impossible as a solo player
6. Ability to give ground Boffs a little more direction in battles
7. A trip to the gamma quadrant, a proper one (which may be on the cards already but still)
8. Borg that don't embarrass themselves compared to everything post Dyson sphere storyline
9. Ability to see what different paint jobs look like in various lighting in the customisation thingy
10. MOAR Kurland, though I'll be seeing a lot of him over the next few days
Edit: I think inserting STF queue controls inline with Story Arc Episodes would be a really idea. We can be browsing through the Episodes, then join the launch queue as if the queue itself was the next Story Arc Episode. This could also make some of the more forgettable PVE queues more relevant too.
Har har.
The fact is that the borg have been squishy punching bags in Red Alerts and DPS-races for too long. It's time they hit back.
2. More PVE content - episodes and reputations *maybe adding some extra projects to the already-completed reputations*.
3. Kelvin Timeline story content = nice to have
4. Another Borg Arc and more Borg Queues to alternate with the already existing ones.
5. More account-unlocks and more seasonal events.
6. A worthy Dominion-related Season 15.
7. Merging Strategist with Commando as a single specialization/fixing something that would mitigate the issue of constant switching between them for ground and space missions.
8. Elite Starbase Fleet Combat Armor with the all of the potential combinations of 2 of the following mods:
- 5%crth, 50%crtd, 20% melee damage, 10% energy damage, 35 kperf, 35 kit readiness.
9. Arc completion rewards (As an example, finishing the Cardassian/Dominion Story arc rewarding something that is related to the Cardassians/Dominion and could be used further - cosmetic or functional ground item)
10. Increasing the base allowing of the Bridge officers to 10 by base (allowing your ground 4 boff team to be separate from your 5-6 space team boffs) and other quality of life improvements.
I know it's alot, but I trust that we'd be having some serious fun in STO 2018.
2) More bank/inventory space
3) More bank/inventory space
4) More bank/inventory space
5) More bank/inventory space
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
My point still stands. Where do you find this information inside the story content inside the game? If you have to hunt through old release notes or forum posts to find answers, it isn't presented efficiently. Even if the information is accessible through an off to the side NPC inside the game, that still is inefficient (especially if the NPC or the instructions to visit that NPC are deleted). The fact that information exists does not in any way mean that that information is well executed or presented.
You've missed my point Somtaawkhar.