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Problem With the design of the Science Command Battle Cruiser

Now In the Picture below is the "Operations" ~ The Engineer Model
Notice it has 5 consol slots


Now this next picture is the "Science" Edition
Notice it has only 4 slots and 1 slot is being occupied by the Universal Platform ~ Tachyon Pulse Consol


Now as a Science Specialist I this see this as a flaw that limits my Science just out of design. Even if there was a extra slot matters not where it is
The problem is the Console is stuck there In a science slot, If it was one slot bigger no problems. Or if the slot was located in Engineering like the Operations Model.
The other "Science" problem I have is seen in the picture below.


There is only 3 ability slots for the "Chief Science Officer" The Engineer has 4 slots ~ It's by "Design" a better Engineer ship than a Science Command Ship?

And in order to complete the "Set" for the Universal Platforms, I can only get them by getting the ships and one ship from an off set.


But you can only use one Universal Platform at a time Now if they had 4 extra slots, ~ The reason why is suppose to be Command Battle Cruisers.
They would be Mobile Support For an "Area" like a temporary Safe Zone. It not requiring an escort, has its own escort, or can do "staging".

This "Science Command Battle Cruiser" is now a thorn in my "Science Build"! Can we get a Redesign or a simple fix? I would not mine getting the "Set" of ships but if there poorly designed like this I'll pass!


  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    You can use as many universal consoles as you like. They can also go into any slot you like. So you can move the console (by dragging and dropping) wherever you like.

    And the Command Battlecruisers are mainly Engineering ships, with a slant towards the other profession. So for example your science battlecruiser is mainly an Engineering ship with a slant to Science. So yep it's by design primarily an Engineering ship.
  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    No I want a "Science Command Battle Cruiser" They have 3 ships, each designates a "key" Role as a "Battle Cruiser" ~ define what is a battle cruiser ~ Fleet Support. Science is a supporting role for a fleet? I never said it was a destroyer, dread naught, or battle ship. ~ Being a "Command" defined as being a lead "vessel" ~ So this ship is the "fleet" Science Leading Supportive Vessel.
    Tier 6 ship ~ Admiral ~ Rank has privileges!

    What does have equipts in arrangement even have to do with the ship??? The equips can be experimented on as well as your skills and implemented into the "ship" ~ there are many combo's out there for a build, I have only been playing for less than a week! and yes I know this is a very complex game in design craft theory. Never knock someone for willing to try! please that is rude.

    And No! this linage ships of "Command" as there Modules don't fit into "other linage of ships", nor can you relocate the Module it is a "science" module. Unique as a Group.

    Your "Ignorance" is your own, like mine is! I never said it was a "Solo-ist" ship. It's a Niche of "support or supporting"
    Your use to being a "Solo-ist" player, not reliant on others for your game play! You can hear that in your reply post.

    The objective of the consoles is that it's deployable skill in a platform that sits in space, can hit multi targets, when the ship reaches maturity in skill points, which it allows the Tachyon Pulse to heal "Allies", Under the "Mastery" Menu. Normally the Tachyon only targets one ship, if you had a ship with hanger and smaller ships as an allied you could fly over and the "deployable" and it would heal everything you had out, up to 20 ships 10km out.

    Now the "advantage" of this this I don't need that skill in my console abilities, I can pick another skill to focus upon!
    It's about "options" The Battle Cruiser in battle theory "Supports" ~ Instance in a group objective maintains the well being of the other ships present which is a group fleet.

    The very attractive part of the vessel is it has a hanger and the ability to protect the deployable with a small squad of fighters or the area which "Supportive Operates" ~ Mobility Deploy Ability

    The ship is sold as a "Science ~ Ship" ~ It does not say "Hybrid" Engineer/Science Ship people! learn to read please :)
    Each of the 3 "Command" ships should have "focus" on there main's Career Path.

    If I took off one of your main abilities it would "TRIBBLE" your ship focus right up! Trust me that's why I'm here!
    especially the number 4 slot!!! You would have millions of players in here where the hell did my slot go!!!

    My career focus is science not engineering which is about "shielding" Engineering is about 'Hauls" The Intent of the "design" is a little screwy for making it about Shielding ~Science

    The Engineer "Command" ship is the cats meow!!! for hauls. Now to the Science "Command" is like WTF happened? It's about equals in balance of linage of ship design to the main's career. I had more support and shielding from my last free tier 4 ship that I do out from this purchased designated Tier 6 Command ship for Shielding.
    and unfortunately the only way to fix it now is by addition of adding an extra slot for the Universal deployable platform and changing the only 4 slot bridge officer post to universal and keep the other universal slot the same, this way present builds are not affected by the change with the exception of an extra science console position now available on the "Science" version of the Command ships.

    In actuality of being Tier 6 and Command the console slots should all be 4 engineering 4 sciences and 4 tactile slots as you also have 4 weapons slots forward and aft and add the extra slot in the middle as the other universal platform abilities can fit in there but the mastery of the ship may not follow the deployable platform.

    Its about finding solutions for problems typical of federation mind sets, that fair to all the career classes who have invested in this command ship, I have not even looked at the tactile version yet!

    I still plan on getting the set of ships in this Linage of "Command" Battle Cruisers as that more my gameplay style,
    Post edited by ciggofwar#2812 on
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    Think of it this way: Primarily it's an engineering based ship but it has science as its secondary focus, it is not supposed to be a science ship first and foremost.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    The design of the ship coming from your Career, and the previous ship path is a slap in the face, like I said hitting a brick wall, it's about game play flow, What I have figured is you need lunchables and many of them, The ship has an Engineer Base to it and that has to be sorted, it gives perks in the Mastery Ship tree, hull points are important on this ship.

    Normally on the science your adding to you shielding focus and compensating attributes on engineering. This ship is hull focused and shielding is being compensated. Of course my career path has been yanked off track as well as my ship components, but never the less of coarse I will make work, it's the only ship I have at the moment. It has a very different play style, your focus is in deployables you need the distractions and fire fighting to draw the heat off from being focused upon.

    What I am finding to work well is the Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedoes I have 3 forward and the fourth is a Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedo Launcher which 8.5 second on auto fire they have a nice shield penetration at 40%, The forward assault is to rip the shields off or cause enough early shield damage basically, as all 4 are working in this endeavor, it's a nice pre strike against shields as they close distance, at basically the same time you want to shield the incoming volley "brace for impact", the hanger fighters are preset to engage torpedos. I have maximum shielding too 100%. The Breen also needs 1.5 km launching distance before the mines can deploy. Now the Breen launchers are nice in that they are not affected with timer off sets they can fire at anytime, but there not boosted in any manner ~ there just straight up shield peelers at the start, more than one ship I will definitely launch the holographic fleet just prior like a good distance but not too far away keep them with the battle zone. .

    Again you want to take away some the heat off, at this time I hit tractor beam and energy siphon and all the other dots as needed to allow weakness/resistances of the hull and shields and subsystems and I want to pull the ship towards me, I than deploy tyacon shield drain deployable and the turret deployable 2-3 km range, keeping them centralized.
    Than fly past the ship overhead usually less than a 1 km and start at an upward angle just before releasing the Tractor Beam Mine Launcher as I drive upwards and away I wait for the for the other two torpedo aft icon to lite up, "good to launch" those two being Trilithium Tricobalt Torpedo Launcher and The Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedo and you have to be "quick" at hitting both those to launch before the offset timer can affect the other, by now the mines are tractoring and I'm making a sharp downward banking turn and keeping a watch on my shields and hull and re-applications of buffs come out the turn to the side of the ship usually a good of 4-5 km away and hit gravity well to pulling in the other ships and usually the forward torpedo bank is good to go and fire them all off and that's usually the end of that ship.

    Than I usually just repeat that process of snaring which best for the mines as they don't need far to travel and chase and if the enemy shields are down with the debuffs of penetration and less resistance are applied to the hull when the mines go off they take out huge chunks of hull.

    I have the Trilithium Tricobalt set~ Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array which is on aft slot and on continuous fire The console for this set works well for this ship since its engineer based
    +53.3% Power Transfer Rate
    +20 Starship Hull Restoration
    (Improves Hull Healing)
    +20 Starship Hull Capacity
    (Increases Starship Maximum Hit Points)

    So now i'm walking away with just a scratch, I going to keep playing with it and upgrade a few consoles and invest in some some skills to play around with for a build for now.

    But still not the same as a dedicated Science ship!
  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Your so angry dude relax, I 'm not worried :) The slant is not close to science I'm afraid ~ it only has a science deployable, that does not make a Science Vessel does it? which can easy be shot out of space in a sec lol Just has an ability slot that's filled with relatable deployable platform to science which is swappable with 3 other units.

    I did not name the ships and advertise them did I? It's an Engineer ship that is advertised as a "Science Vessel" The deployable does not make it a science ship! Again not my ignorance in naming the ships and advertising!!!

    Like adding the deployable of a turret, does not make it a tactician career ship? It's career focus is not Science, Its Engineering but advertised as a Science Vessel, I don't why you keep blaming me for the naming the ship as a Science Vessel.

    It comes down to false advertising, It's incorrectly advertised! Whether you like that or not! It's falsely advertised where money was exchange, It's was not a free ship or a gift, money exchange for the good or service.

    It's a difference of principal, we want people to play the game and enjoy themselves, for everyone to participate.
    Your ranting your name calling is not helping as much as you feel it is, nor is it necessary this day and age.

    Had the Vessel actually had some Science career Focus into the ship than yes it would merit a slanting in Science as Career, like a hybrid model, all ships have a slanting when it comes to consoles, It does not merit the name as Science as in a career path ship.

  • robby0321robby0321 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    There is no problem with the ship or the way it is displayed in the the zen store. All cruisers are eng ships 1st meaning they have a cmd eng station now the sci and the tac versions of the command ships are eng ships 1st with either a lt cod tac or sci station sec. this is what makes them sci or tax versions of the ship. If you want a sci ship fly a sci ship or carrier ships who have a cmd sci station primarily. Learn ships and there roles before you post nonsense on the forums saying a shop is broken.
  • soullessraptorsoullessraptor Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    Never once does it claim to be a science vessel. It's a science command battlecruiser. Which puts it as a battlecruiser first, with a slight skew towards a science emphasis with console and BOffs. That's all
  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    No It claims to be a Science Vessel says that also at the star port dock also, Yes your career and ship do match as you don't get science skills with the engineer ship I'm afraid, and you lose out on the shielding which is a science career.

    I take it problity you don't have any science toons? Or there would be some things that you would know, shall I provide you with pictures of science in a vessel, ignorance is never bliss and be happy to show you the ropes that your missing :)

    Below is the two in there mastery level

    Science Vessel <
    This what is listed for a Science Vessel
    Starship Mastery
    Enhanced Particle GeneratorsEnhanced Particle GeneratorsEnhanced Particle GeneratorsAdvanced Shield SystemsAdvanced Shield SystemsAdvanced Shield SystemsEnhanced Restorative CircuitryEnhanced Restorative CircuitryEnhanced Restorative CircuitryReactive Shield TechnologyReactive Shield TechnologyReactive Shield Technology
    Level Name Description
    I Enhanced Particle Generators +15% Damage to Exotic Damage abilities.
    II Advanced Shield Systems +10% Shield Hitpoints.
    III Enhanced Restorative Circuitry Improves Hull healing abilities by 10%.
    Improves Shield healing abilities by 10%.
    IV Reactive Shield Technology 5% Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds.
    Reduces Damage to Shields by 5%.

    Battle Cruiser <
    I bought a "Science Command Battle Cruiser"
    Starship Mastery
    Absorptive Hull PlatingAbsorptive Hull PlatingAbsorptive Hull PlatingEnhanced Weapon BanksEnhanced Weapon BanksEnhanced Weapon BanksEnhanced Hull PlatingEnhanced Hull PlatingEnhanced Hull PlatingArmored HullArmored HullArmored Hull
    Level Name Description
    I Absorptive Hull Plating +25 Physical Damage Resistance Rating.
    +25 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating.
    II Enhanced Weapon Banks +15% Critical Severity.
    III Enhanced Hull Plating +25 All Energy Damage Resistance Rating.
    +25 Radiation Damage Resistance Rating.
    IV Armored Hull +10% Hull Hit points.

    Notice the two are entirely different and this ~ is only listing a "Battle Cruiser" not a "Command Battlecruiser" which problity bigger!!!!

    Now the "Science Command Battle Cruiser" would be bigger, which should have

    Level Name Description
    I Enhanced Particle Generators +15% Damage to Exotic Damage abilities.
    Absorptive Hull Plating +25 Physical Damage Resistance Rating.+25 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating.
    II Advanced Shield Systems +10% Shield Hitpoints. Enhanced Weapon Banks +15% Critical Severity.
    III Enhanced Restorative Circuitry Improves Hull healing abilities by 10%.
    Enhanced Hull Plating +25 All Energy Damage Resistance Rating.
    IV Reactive Shield Technology 5% Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds.
    Reduces Damage to Shields by 5%. Armored Hull +10% Hull Hit points.

    It's a passive defensive/support ship ~ that would be "Command" ~type ship having these qualities.

    Now the Console slots would each be 5, but would loose one console slot in each of the 3 categories to fit the deployables
    Console – Universal - Fleet Support Platform - energy buff for systems
    Console – Universal – Tachyon Pulse Platform - shield healing
    Console – Universal – Regenerative Integrity Field - haul healing

    Of coarse once they reach the mastery level for the ship.

    And the Bridge officer with 4 skill abilities should be universal
    Than you could have 3 officers with 3 skills each in perspective skill fields of careers.

    The Bridge and consoles slots would the same for the 3 models ~ Just the arrangement of deployables for the other models, could be differently arranged suitable for there deployment

    This would be a Suitable fix for my "Science Command Battle Cruiser" This would make it more enjoyable game play.
  • kaithan1975kaithan1975 Member Posts: 947 Arc User
    Seems to me the OP read 'science' and didn't bother to look at the layout before buying and now wants the ship modified to be a true science ship. The fact that all 3 versions of this ship retain heavy engineering leanings should have been a clue. All they did was move 1 console and the LTcmdr seating to whatever version. Almost all T6 science ships have 5 science consoles and the ability to have 3 science seats (there's a couple oddballs like the Nautilus and Dauntless) and are 3/3 weapon layout, which should have tipped off the OP this was not a science ship.

    On a side note, taesong didn't get banned for being too damned stupid, he got banned for not knowing when to stop being too damned stupid ^^.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    OP thinks that a name of a ship somehow refers to a arbitrary "function" instead of simply gameplay mechanics. The ship designations in STO don't mean amything, a "command" ship is not really in comnand of anything, it just can use "command" bridge officer abilities. Those are mostly geared towards group support, that's true, the ship itself however is a default cruiser.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    Now this next picture is the "Science" Edition
    Notice it has only 4 slots and 1 slot is being occupied by the Universal Platform ~ Tachyon Pulse Consol


    Now as a Science Specialist I this see this as a flaw that limits my Science just out of design. Even if there was a extra slot matters not where it is
    The problem is the Console is stuck there In a science slot, If it was one slot bigger no problems. Or if the slot was located in Engineering like the Operations Model.
    The other "Science" problem I have is seen in the picture below.


    There is only 3 ability slots for the "Chief Science Officer" The Engineer has 4 slots ~ It's by "Design" a better Engineer ship than a Science Command Ship?

    And in order to complete the "Set" for the Universal Platforms, I can only get them by getting the ships and one ship from an off set.


    But you can only use one Universal Platform at a time Now if they had 4 extra slots, ~ The reason why is suppose to be Command Battle Cruisers.
    They would be Mobile Support For an "Area" like a temporary Safe Zone. It not requiring an escort, has its own escort, or can do "staging".

    This "Science Command Battle Cruiser" is now a thorn in my "Science Build"! Can we get a Redesign or a simple fix? I would not mine getting the "Set" of ships but if there poorly designed like this I'll pass!

    Cruisers and Battlecruisers are Engineering oriented starships. They have been designed by Cryptic to be that way, therefore most of the console slots will be geared towards engineering and the Commander Boff station will be for engineers. The science version of the battlecruiser replace one of the engineering console slot with a science console slot. That is pretty much standard practice. You will never see a cruiser / battlecruiser with 5 science console slots.

    The "Command" nomenclature refers to the fact that it has a "Command Boff Station".

    All ships in the C-Store have descriptions which includes the Boff seating and the types of console slots it has. If you purchased your ship based on assumptions rather than reviewing the description of the ship, then the fault is your own.

    If you want T6 ships that have 5 science consoles and a Commander Science Boff station, then stick with science / research vessels. Otherwise, let this be a lesson to you to read the description of the ship prior to making a purchase because purchases are final.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    OP, refer to these pages:



    It explains the types of ship you can play, however don't fall too much for the fluff texts, look at the mechanic first. It doesn't matter if it says anything about "this ship was designed to be an explorer" or similar, all ships in STO do the exact same thing - shooting stuff. Some via magic, some via weapons.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I'm fine with the ship as I can still utilize it, as some science does overlaps into Engineering, again you can compensate, but compensating again will only take you so far. It's not a Science Career ship! as the name "Science" indicates.
    You just can't handle the "truth"

    Battle Cruisers are still supportive passive role in the navy, there apart of HQ as part of the main back bone, most times they hold all the supplies, there the Quartermaster Stores again dependant on what function for purpose they fall into.

    What the science version should have been, is the ability to research and add characters into improving the daily things you do have! Again Fleet Support!
    Boosting engineering ships and tactile ships, There not a front ship like a Battleship, or DreadNought, there there to bolster the front lines, mostly with shield technology or other researched abilities to help bolster what is present.

    I should not have to do anything of the sort investing a so-called Science Vessel, ~ they the powers at bay decided to go with old fluffy ~ which does nothing for the "Newer Player" naming an total Engineering Vessel as As a Science Vessel?

    Now what happens When you hand Mr Scott an "Engineer" ship that's total a Science Vessel? What you think Mr Scott going to be quite, No he's going to tell you ~ your off flipping rocker! ~ and Cuss you out for a lifetime. You will go out of your way to avoid Mr Scott!!! Jim would just punched you out! Right there and than!

    The "only thing" I'm hearing are lame excuses!! Everybody does not know, especially when someone just started playing? Mr Spock wants to know where you pulled that logic from. I'm just not going to "Accept" like others do, You want to accept the BS, thats is your ignorances, the perceptions which you give values too.

    I would not mine an Engineer/Science ship, or a Science/Engineer ship dependant on your class of having relative features or functions that gives that type of gameplay between hull and shielding, but unfortunate they did implement enough shielding tech into the game as in types of shielding similar to hull resistance plating as you can have 100% shields into the thousands and have your hull stolen right out from underneath you, there is not enough there to articulate shielding as in types of shielding or adaptive shielding.

    So we're going back to this particular ship by name, which I didn't make the name up to fit the ship, someone else did!
    "Science Command Battle Cruiser" which is not a "Battle Cruiser" ~ it it's whole as two words were added Science and Command.

    Which adds to the Vessel differentiating from a "Battle Cruiser", as an example there is the Son’a Command Science Vessel [T6], ship in Star Trek Online. Which is an actual "Science Vessel" The Command part of the Vessel relates to Ship Mastery of being Admiral level it has abilities {and what are they!!} Yes there Science related Career Abilities!!!

    Why do we need to assume there Engineering or Tactician abilities in a "Science Vessel" ???? You can't counterclaim as you be providing the proof from the Star Trek Online Website, All I'm hearing is lip service and nothing factual or current.

    I get all my references from there Website, it's not my web site, It there Website.

    Lip service is like part of the World Wrestling Foundation, the WWF. Smack Talk!

    The Science Command Battle Cruiser should be just like I described in my previous post, allowing one to collect all 3-4 of these ships and put in the Universal deployment consoles ~ I should have added that there unique slots and only able to add one of each into the slot ~ only the deployables are allowed! I 'm not sure if these models accepts the other deployables as referenced in there original design selling, they mentioned there were not compatible with other ships. ~ but rules can be updated and change however for game play.

    If they want to make me another version of a Science Command Battle Crusier that has Engineering and Science related attributes Thats focus is fleet supportive I be very happy to accept that model and test it~!

    Thank you for Listening :)

  • ciggofwar#2812 ciggofwar Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    You really have some emotional issues ~Coldnapalm ~ death wishes really? yelling and ranting? You really need to take a step back in life, and self realise. The issue I'm having has absolutely nothing to do with you, you have no authority on Star Track Online and have no real power over others. Please for all here and yourself let go this unhealthy behavior.

    You rant like troll! When people are just looking at help or trying to inform others. You need to take a break from these forms :)
  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    The Science Command Battlecruiser has been the way is has for quite a while (~3 years). You want a pure science ship, get something with SCIENCE VESSEL in the name.

    Science Command Battlecruiser just means a decently-maneuverable cruiser (meaning engineering-focused), with science leanings (LTC sci), and full-spec Command seating.

    As I (and other posters) have said, having Science in the name doesn't mean a ship will be necessarily good for a full-on sci build.

    If you want to be pendantic, be my guest, but don't expect a change anytime soon, or ever for that matter.
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