And you expect me to believe you actually have the time to play 16 characters frequently?
I have 48 characters, ranging from level 3 - 60 (10 at cap). Nobody claimed to play them all "frequently," and there is no reason why they should have to do so. I have some characters that run with my wife and daughter, some just with my wife, some just with my daughter, and some are solo and/or PUG characters.
I'm an author. I like creating characters and backstories. It doesn't take any more time to play 48 characters than it takes to play one. It's just a matter of variety and which one catches my fancy on any given day. I have different combinations of ship types and character types, different bridge crew mixtures (separate space and ground teams, with multiple combos on each character).
I'm not a min-maxer, don't have to max out rep or anything else. I also do not live in game--or in LOTRO, which is actually my main game (with more characters ). I play for fun. Creating characters and crews with their own stories is part of the fun for me.
Note: I did not make all of these characters over a short period; I was a beta player in STO and an alpha/beta player in LOTRO. I've been in both games since the beginning.
If you dont make as many new alts as you can and get them to the doffing rank during the xp event you will bitterly regret it later.
What about those of us don't have alts--just lots and lots of mains?
I've actually quit doffing on lower level characters (my 10 60s can handle the doffing). I like to play the missions on level as much as possible on new characters and enjoy their various tiers of ships while I can. I have a couple of lowbies that only do Foundry missions. They level like turtles (no farms). That's okay: I like my Connie and Oberth ships on them.
I have 52 characters myself with 2 open character slots in anticipation of the next expansion. I keep hoping that Cryptic will raise the character limit cap, though.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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I have seen way worse in first city. Last time was a year ago. There must have been 15 or more of them standing in the Doorway out of the Challenge ring. And that TRIBBLE went on for 3 days at least.
I have 4 toons (newish silver player) out of 5 possible. One broken Romulan with 2 choices of transwarp location at level 60, one slightly broken KDF toon who can't transwarp to bajor anymore, a Fed toon with the flimsiest Yamato in existence (work in progress) and a Gorn tac officer.
If I make anymore alts I'll go insane.
As for bots, there do seem to be quite a few around, I mean I AFK a lot, it's effectively a free to wait game after all, but there seem to be "people" hanging around where people don't normally hang around.
During the event I made 2 new ones, one was a Borg KDF and the other was a Reman-Romulan KDF. That bring me up to 8. I got the first one to 60 in the time before the event ended, the 2nd one which is the Reman is at 47. I will do the story until Im up to 52 and stop until the next event. I have really enjoyed the 2 story lines. Its been some time since I ran through them. I feel they have changed for the best so far. Thank you STO for the event.
Swapping between alts is often an easier way of bouncing between one build and another once you have a good stash of account bound gear or crafters.
I finally got around to getting my rommie delta recruit to 60 and they did so well before the end of the romulan story arc. And with the xp weekend also did the delta klink who was even faster thanks to the boost often giving 2 levels from a single mission.
Definite upside is that I have more missions to playthrough before going near the delta quadrant.
I have 48 characters, ranging from level 3 - 60 (10 at cap). Nobody claimed to play them all "frequently," and there is no reason why they should have to do so. I have some characters that run with my wife and daughter, some just with my wife, some just with my daughter, and some are solo and/or PUG characters.
I'm an author. I like creating characters and backstories. It doesn't take any more time to play 48 characters than it takes to play one. It's just a matter of variety and which one catches my fancy on any given day. I have different combinations of ship types and character types, different bridge crew mixtures (separate space and ground teams, with multiple combos on each character).
I'm not a min-maxer, don't have to max out rep or anything else. I also do not live in game--or in LOTRO, which is actually my main game (with more characters
Note: I did not make all of these characters over a short period; I was a beta player in STO and an alpha/beta player in LOTRO. I've been in both games since the beginning.
What about those of us don't have alts--just lots and lots of mains?
I've actually quit doffing on lower level characters (my 10 60s can handle the doffing). I like to play the missions on level as much as possible on new characters and enjoy their various tiers of ships while I can. I have a couple of lowbies that only do Foundry missions. They level like turtles (no farms). That's okay: I like my Connie and Oberth ships on them.
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If I make anymore alts I'll go insane.
As for bots, there do seem to be quite a few around, I mean I AFK a lot, it's effectively a free to wait game after all, but there seem to be "people" hanging around where people don't normally hang around.
During the event I made 2 new ones, one was a Borg KDF and the other was a Reman-Romulan KDF. That bring me up to 8. I got the first one to 60 in the time before the event ended, the 2nd one which is the Reman is at 47. I will do the story until Im up to 52 and stop until the next event. I have really enjoyed the 2 story lines. Its been some time since I ran through them. I feel they have changed for the best so far. Thank you STO for the event.
I finally got around to getting my rommie delta recruit to 60 and they did so well before the end of the romulan story arc. And with the xp weekend also did the delta klink who was even faster thanks to the boost often giving 2 levels from a single mission.
Definite upside is that I have more missions to playthrough before going near the delta quadrant.