The ability boosts the categories of weapons that did not fire first, problem I have is that my beams fire before torp and I'd like the torp to be triggering a boost to beams.
The order that you right click weapons for autofire determines the order in which they fire, if you clear all your weapons of autofire and then click the torpedo first, it should fire first (unless something has changed last I played with this). If you're not using autofire, I believe the order is left -> right, Fore set first, then Aft left -> right, so putting the torp in the left-most fore postition should get it to fire first. Though, both require your torp to be in-arc when you hit fire all, and might require that your button be set to firing both torps and energy weapons (default was energy only for spacebar, AFAIK).
The ability boosts the categories of weapons that did not fire first, problem I have is that my beams fire before torp and I'd like the torp to be triggering a boost to beams.
Mixed Armaments Synergy does not give a bonus based on the first weapon type fired; it gives a bonus based on each weapon type fired. The order in which you fire the beams and torpedoes does not change what buffs you get.
Mixed Armaments Synergy does not give a bonus based on the first weapon type fired; it gives a bonus based on each weapon type fired. The order in which you fire the beams and torpedoes does not change what buffs you get.
Huh? Obviously that's not how most of us read that tooltip.
"Activating a Beam, Cannon, Mine or Torpedo will cause you to gain +X% Bonus All Damage for the other 3 types of weapons."
So beam fires first, my torp gets +X%, and since a torp fired my beams now get +X%? Just kinda chains away for the next 10 seconds?
So 'optimally' I should fire ONE beam, then the torp gets bonus, fire that and now all my other beams get bonus? And the torp still has bonus when the beams get bonus? (aka one isn't overwritten by the other one) Say if I had a photon with short CD and it makes another firing in that 10 seconds, it still has bonus?
Sounds like you guys just wanted to kill off the spacebar firing spam for this ability. Guess I'd need a macro to make full use of this power!
Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
Mixed Armaments Synergy does not give a bonus based on the first weapon type fired; it gives a bonus based on each weapon type fired. The order in which you fire the beams and torpedoes does not change what buffs you get.
Huh? Obviously that's not how most of us read that tooltip.
"Activating a Beam, Cannon, Mine or Torpedo will cause you to gain +X% Bonus All Damage for the other 3 types of weapons."
So beam fires first, my torp gets +X%, and since a torp fired my beams now get +X%? Just kinda chains away for the next 10 seconds?
So 'optimally' I should fire ONE beam, then the torp gets bonus, fire that and now all my other beams get bonus? And the torp still has bonus when the beams get bonus? (aka one isn't overwritten by the other one) Say if I had a photon with short CD and it makes another firing in that 10 seconds, it still has bonus?
Sounds like you guys just wanted to kill off the spacebar firing spam for this ability. Guess I'd need a macro to make full use of this power!