Just a thought I had and I'm curious what everyone thinks.
Sometimes the Tier 6 bridge officer stations on a ship are a little disappointing, and would actually mess up the build I've got going that I have fun with.
For me, this was the case with the Tier 6 Multi-mission Explorers. I had the tactical version, and used the Lt Commander uni station for Tac-TT1, APB1, and CRF2. My science captain rarely left this ship, waiting until the Tier 6 version finally came along. But the change of the Lt Commander to Uni/Temporal would make me choose between my core Tac powers and a Temporal power.
I know we're not required to use specialization powers, but in this case, if I don't I might as well stay in the T5-U version. Which is why I haven't pulled the trigger on the Tier 6 yet.
What Tier 6 ship versions are you disappointed with (whether you bought it or not) or would mess up your own build?
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The T6 Tac Vesta, the Palatine, has an extra Tac ability over the T5 version with having a Lt. Comm Tac plus the Lt. Comm Uni, so you can still run what you had in the Uni slot either way. If you slotted in only one Temporal power (it's fairly safe to ignore the Builder/Consumer 'mechanic') you'd be able to have everything you had in your previous build, plus that extra power.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I do wish the science station on the Eclipse was a universal though. For a battlecruiser it doesn't feel like it has enough tactical powers.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
And for that matter, I rarely think much about builds these days at all, since the game is too autowin.
Talk about a letdown. They put the spec seat (bear in mind I LOVE command) on the only high-level tac seating on the whole ship. So if you want to run command powers, odds are you are gonna have to compensate with that universal Lieutenant. Should have been on the Lt. Com. science IMO.
I passed on this ship in favor of the Kara, which I consider better in terms of layout.
"Let them eat static!"
Dumm craptic devs!
Nope, still alive.
For clarification, one of my issues is that once a rarer T5 ship got a T6, it became irrelevant in everyway. For example, you still have T5 versions of ships in the C-Store, but even with their T6 version, they do offer something, for instance their console which the T6 version doesn't have. T6 lobi and event ships, instead, have the same console than the T5 version with enhanced abilities (mostly one or two passives). Heck, the T6 bugships even got a console, unlike the T5.
Out side of that I would say even if you don't do that you would get a lt cmdr eng boff slot.
As far as specialization boff slots It has removed the issue of the usless ensign/Wesley Crusher slot that plagued t5 ships for the longest time. Now if you have a commander/Special Slot now you can use the ensign/lt ability for specials and shift the normal ability to the child's seat.
I would never say more options ruin builds. ruined implies that an option was removed. you can still do it.