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A few recommendations

Once a 23rd century character makes it into the 25th century, the transporter and communicators should switch to the 25th century versions (or at least give the player the option to switch to them). Also, the game should allow you to change all your 23rd century crew members into 24th century uniforms, especially since they make kind of a big deal about you fitting in and serving as a Temporal Agent. Storywise it doesn't make sense to not have this happen, and there seems to be no option to do the above tasks.

Also, the Temporal Probes need to be easier to find on ground missions. I played one today ("The Kuva'magh") and could not find it at all. So either it wasn't there, I am losing my eyesight or it blended into the environment way too much.

On the XBox version of the game, interacting with McCoy intermittently doesn't work in "Down to the Bones". Someone might want to look into that.

That is all for now, but if I come across more, I'll recommend them.


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