What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
What you do not eat tonight, will eat you tomorrow
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
Actually the Portal Guardian was a holographic user interface created by an incredibly old sentient computer. also... it had the ability to read minds.
what if it wasn't the last one? What if there's another one out there that's been trying to recreate the T'Kon race?
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
The Iconians have been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't stop STO from using them.
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
The Iconians have been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't stop STO from using them.
They Iconians weren't extinct for STO. More.. they were off playing Command and Conquer for 200,000 years.
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
The Iconians have been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't stop STO from using them.
The Iconians were never made extinct, it was presumed they were when their homeworld was destroyed. but the T'Kon from the records starfleet had at the time says they were destroyed as well, leaving the possibility they could come back. What i am asking is how do they make their return to the galaxy and where have they been in all this time after half a billion years away?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
Or first federation? Maybe we'll get a visit from them? Their area of space is clear seen on the map, so...............
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
The Iconians have been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't stop STO from using them.
The Iconians were never made extinct, it was presumed they were when their homeworld was destroyed. but the T'Kon from the records starfleet had at the time says they were destroyed as well, leaving the possibility they could come back. What i am asking is how do they make their return to the galaxy and where have they been in all this time after half a billion years away?
Well, there is no "right" answer to that question. There are many possibilities that could be written, but until then they remain possibilities only.
What if these bugs had nothing to with any race we already know and were pets of the Tkon? After millions of years without owners they have gone insane... This will never happen as the devs will already have it all mapped out but the Tkon is a race I would like to see mentioned if they can.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
The Iconians have been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't stop STO from using them.
They Iconians weren't extinct for STO. More.. they were off playing Command and Conquer for 200,000 years.
One of the more extreme responses to how EA treated the series at the end then
I like it but am once again let down with the bad guys all of a sudden becoming good guys that is so weak.
Also wish that you had down at least 3 episodes to this "Season" instead of just one or had tied this in with Beyond Nexus.
I'm somewhat confused. The crystal-thing which is actually an 'egg' of Drantzuli is named 'Germanium'. (According to STOWiki)
But we know that germanium is element 32, used in various areas like industry.
Then ... there are 2 types of 'Germanium' ?
One is correctly classifed as mineral ; element 32, and the other one is this crystal-shaped egg of Drantzuli?
What is true? And How can we distinguish these two kinds of 'germanium' ?
Overall I thought it was really great. One line in the first space section when you're scanning the area is weird, Kuumaarke says she wants to get a scan of a specific area, but then ignores that and just tells you to launch a probe at the moon.
Other than that small little nitpick, my problem is the same everyone else seems to have: the new bugs seem a little underwhelming for how serious the Tzenkethi make them out to be. I'm sure you guys have some hidden fact about them that makes them super evil, but I do find it odd how neither our characters, Kuumaarke, or La Forge ask what makes them such a serious threat. If it's just that they spread as fast as tribbles but arent cute, that's going to be extremely disappointing.
Yeah the Tzenketthi were a lot more trouble then the bugs themselves were that's for sure... would have much preferred that the Tzenkethi were in league with the bugs and wanted to attack the colony because they had taken some of the crystals/eggs.... like maybe those bugs are them in a different form that eventually turn into the Tzenkethi.
I'm somewhat confused. The crystal-thing which is actually an 'egg' of Drantzuli is named 'Germanium'. (According to STOWiki)
But we know that germanium is element 32, used in various areas like industry.
Then ... there are 2 types of 'Germanium' ?
One is correctly classifed as mineral ; element 32, and the other one is this crystal-shaped egg of Drantzuli?
What is true? And How can we distinguish these two kinds of 'germanium' ?
No telling... it seems dumb, but there's not a whole lot of explanation.
This has to be the most aggravating arc in the game. Not so much gameplay wise, but the story it just so mind numbingly silly and full of things that don't make sense logically. Even by Star Trek standards. Or TV sci-fi standards.
Firstly, the ecological stuff. In a MMORPG that does nothing productive but wastes energy in the real world being preachy is rather tone deaf. But in space fantasy world, despite having the cleanest, most efficient energy source there is in the universe (fusion) they instead choose to use hydropower? But in order to get any serious electricity out of that, you need a great big dam and those are bad ecologically, because they TRIBBLE up the local ecosystem (and why they generally aren't built anymore, at least in non-developing countries). (And also, could that Kentari really not get his lungs repaired? They can instantly restore a whole planetary ecosystem but not fix a guy's lungs?)
Secondly, we've known for a long time that the Tzenkathi are after something on the planets. Rather than try to contact them about it to get more info, or debrief that defector (there was a blog entry about him like in January, I think) or analyze planets in the region to spot any sort of anomaly, like those strange crystals, the Alliance has just been twiddling its thumbs. I realize that this game is all about shooting stuff, but it would be nice to see Starfleet actually think a little sometimes. Be proactive, instead of just always reacting.
Thirdly, space spiders? I sincerely hope there is more to them than what we've seen. If the whole thing is because they have archanophobia...ugh.
Secondly, we've known for a long time that the Tzenkathi are after something on the planets. Rather than try to contact them about it to get more info, or debrief that defector (there was a blog entry about him like in January, I think) or analyze planets in the region to spot any sort of anomaly, like those strange crystals, the Alliance has just been twiddling its thumbs. I realize that this game is all about shooting stuff, but it would be nice to see Starfleet actually think a little sometimes. Be proactive, instead of just always reacting.
The Klingons and Romulans are free to be proactive, Starfleet can't do that due to their precious prime directive.
Since these stories all go down one path regardless of faction, it's got to fall somewhere in one side or the other and it needs to make sense.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I like it but am once again let down with the bad guys all of a sudden becoming good guys that is so weak.
It also is so trek. Not necessarily "all of a sudden", not necessarily all of them, not necessarily all-good, but yeah "if you understand other people better, they're not that evil by birth" is pretty much a trek staple. The no-redeeming-factor chaotic evil would be quite antithetical to the franchise.
(And also, could that Kentari really not get his lungs repaired? They can instantly restore a whole planetary ecosystem but not fix a guy's lungs?)
IIRC, he said it was more out of fear, a psychological factor, than out of necessity. But I do not remember the exact wording, but that's what I got from him.
Secondly, we've known for a long time that the Tzenkathi are after something on the planets. Rather than try to contact them about it to get more info, or debrief that defector (there was a blog entry about him like in January, I think) or analyze planets in the region to spot any sort of anomaly, like those strange crystals, the Alliance has just been twiddling its thumbs. I realize that this game is all about shooting stuff, but it would be nice to see Starfleet actually think a little sometimes. Be proactive, instead of just always reacting.
Well, we have no real indication about the in-game time that passed. Maybe the Alliance is researching but hasn't found a solution yet? As for the "contact": agreed, there would have been possibilities. Yet, as shown in Star Trek and the real world, warnings by supposed enemies are not always taken seriously enough. Say "Undine hiding in disguise in the higher echelons of beta quadrant species". I think the KDF quite clearly stated that. For the Feddies to come to terms with it it took Shon interrupting our all beloved ambassador Sugihara who was still fidgeting during the Solanae arc.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
What is aggravating though, and getting on my nerves more and more, is either the strange path meshing or the idiotic AI of companions and Drantzuli. The amount of dropping through floors, jumping out of buildings and needing a minute to come back to you, Drantzuli walking towards the Kentari waterfall guy position, then suddenly appearing on the second floor just to drop down on the beach, and my boffs following them until they're stuck in the waterfall, while Kuumaarke, Geordie, the thre Stoo... Tzenkethi and me aimlessly running around trying to get hold of them - it can be annoying.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
These Drantzuli sort of reminded me of the classic Doctor Who serial 'The Mutants' where the humanoid Solonians mutate into ant-like creatures every 500 years to protect themselves from their sun's radiation during that season (year was 2,000 years). They would then eventually revert back to their humanoid form when the radiation abated.
There is more than there just being bugs here that are going to 'Emerge' in this season.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
These Drantzuli sort of reminded me of the classic Doctor Who serial 'The Mutants' where the humanoid Solonians mutate into ant-like creatures every 500 years to protect themselves from their sun's radiation during that season (year was 2,000 years). They would then eventually revert back to their humanoid form when the radiation abated.
There is more than there just being bugs here that are going to 'Emerge' in this season.
So true. These things have got to have some sort of ability to attack the Tzenkethi, we just haven't seen it yet.
These Drantzuli sort of reminded me of the classic Doctor Who serial 'The Mutants' where the humanoid Solonians mutate into ant-like creatures every 500 years to protect themselves from their sun's radiation during that season (year was 2,000 years). They would then eventually revert back to their humanoid form when the radiation abated.
There is more than there just being bugs here that are going to 'Emerge' in this season.
Give S14 is the lead in to the next expansion, "Vicotry is Life." Which is Gamma Quadrant, per the wormhole. Which one can see here starting at 0:59.
So is the major motivation for the tzenkethi war and development of planet-killer weapons...arachnophobia?
Seriously, those bugs were no more a threat than the scorpions on Nimbus.
I seriously thought the same thing. So, the Tzenkethi lizard/dinosaur race that can single-handedly crush a Jem'Hadar's skull is afraid of space spiders. Seems pretty logical to me.
So is the major motivation for the tzenkethi war and development of planet-killer weapons...arachnophobia?
Seriously, those bugs were no more a threat than the scorpions on Nimbus.
I seriously thought the same thing. So, the Tzenkethi lizard/dinosaur race that can single-handedly crush a Jem'Hadar's skull is afraid of space spiders. Seems pretty logical to me.
Well they might not be afraid of the insects to start with, but ask people in the middle-east how they feel about Locus swarms. That is what I see these as a intersolar system version of Locus, that somehow are able to transverse between solar systems devouring the bio-mass of the planets they land on kinda like the Nids in warhammer. I could see many highly advanced races being very scared of such a group of creature if in their past they experienced it first hand.
Also these could have been used by some other race to control, or influence areas, and so would explain how what seems to be a insect-race without much ability to travel off world could have eggs hidden on so many other worlds in other solar systems. Even if we use the Hur'q as an example that based on what area of the quad they were in had created different things to help control that area. Example of that would be how they might have used the Fek'Ihri to keep the Klingons under control, and so if they were more of a nomadic race that traveled about the galaxy could have various engineered races they used to control those various areas they traveled thru.
It would be in keeping with having to fight a swarm.
So now I'm wondering if terra nova will make a sudden reappearance.
The T'Kon are long gone, the empire they had is long gone and all that was left is an ailing "portal" creature on an inhospitable planet. How do you suggest the T'Kon make a return?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
what if it wasn't the last one? What if there's another one out there that's been trying to recreate the T'Kon race?
My character Tsin'xing
They Iconians weren't extinct for STO. More.. they were off playing Command and Conquer for 200,000 years.
The Iconians were never made extinct, it was presumed they were when their homeworld was destroyed. but the T'Kon from the records starfleet had at the time says they were destroyed as well, leaving the possibility they could come back. What i am asking is how do they make their return to the galaxy and where have they been in all this time after half a billion years away?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Or first federation? Maybe we'll get a visit from them? Their area of space is clear seen on the map, so...............
My character Tsin'xing
One of the more extreme responses to how EA treated the series at the end then
Also wish that you had down at least 3 episodes to this "Season" instead of just one or had tied this in with Beyond Nexus.
My character Tsin'xing
But we know that germanium is element 32, used in various areas like industry.
Then ... there are 2 types of 'Germanium' ?
One is correctly classifed as mineral ; element 32, and the other one is this crystal-shaped egg of Drantzuli?
What is true? And How can we distinguish these two kinds of 'germanium' ?
Yeah the Tzenketthi were a lot more trouble then the bugs themselves were that's for sure... would have much preferred that the Tzenkethi were in league with the bugs and wanted to attack the colony because they had taken some of the crystals/eggs.... like maybe those bugs are them in a different form that eventually turn into the Tzenkethi.
My character Tsin'xing
Firstly, the ecological stuff. In a MMORPG that does nothing productive but wastes energy in the real world being preachy is rather tone deaf. But in space fantasy world, despite having the cleanest, most efficient energy source there is in the universe (fusion) they instead choose to use hydropower? But in order to get any serious electricity out of that, you need a great big dam and those are bad ecologically, because they TRIBBLE up the local ecosystem (and why they generally aren't built anymore, at least in non-developing countries). (And also, could that Kentari really not get his lungs repaired? They can instantly restore a whole planetary ecosystem but not fix a guy's lungs?)
Secondly, we've known for a long time that the Tzenkathi are after something on the planets. Rather than try to contact them about it to get more info, or debrief that defector (there was a blog entry about him like in January, I think) or analyze planets in the region to spot any sort of anomaly, like those strange crystals, the Alliance has just been twiddling its thumbs. I realize that this game is all about shooting stuff, but it would be nice to see Starfleet actually think a little sometimes. Be proactive, instead of just always reacting.
Thirdly, space spiders? I sincerely hope there is more to them than what we've seen. If the whole thing is because they have archanophobia...ugh.
The Klingons and Romulans are free to be proactive, Starfleet can't do that due to their precious prime directive.
Since these stories all go down one path regardless of faction, it's got to fall somewhere in one side or the other and it needs to make sense.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
It also is so trek. Not necessarily "all of a sudden", not necessarily all of them, not necessarily all-good, but yeah "if you understand other people better, they're not that evil by birth" is pretty much a trek staple. The no-redeeming-factor chaotic evil would be quite antithetical to the franchise.
IIRC, he said it was more out of fear, a psychological factor, than out of necessity. But I do not remember the exact wording, but that's what I got from him.
Well, we have no real indication about the in-game time that passed. Maybe the Alliance is researching but hasn't found a solution yet? As for the "contact": agreed, there would have been possibilities. Yet, as shown in Star Trek and the real world, warnings by supposed enemies are not always taken seriously enough. Say "Undine hiding in disguise in the higher echelons of beta quadrant species". I think the KDF quite clearly stated that. For the Feddies to come to terms with it it took Shon interrupting our all beloved ambassador Sugihara who was still fidgeting during the Solanae arc.
There is more than there just being bugs here that are going to 'Emerge' in this season.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
My character Tsin'xing
Give S14 is the lead in to the next expansion, "Vicotry is Life." Which is Gamma Quadrant, per the wormhole. Which one can see here starting at 0:59.
Yup. Next summer we get it. SO everything we're getting now it to finish up the Tzenkethi front and to prepare us for that.
I seriously thought the same thing. So, the Tzenkethi lizard/dinosaur race that can single-handedly crush a Jem'Hadar's skull is afraid of space spiders. Seems pretty logical to me.
Fear is illogical, an yet...
Also these could have been used by some other race to control, or influence areas, and so would explain how what seems to be a insect-race without much ability to travel off world could have eggs hidden on so many other worlds in other solar systems. Even if we use the Hur'q as an example that based on what area of the quad they were in had created different things to help control that area. Example of that would be how they might have used the Fek'Ihri to keep the Klingons under control, and so if they were more of a nomadic race that traveled about the galaxy could have various engineered races they used to control those various areas they traveled thru.