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Torpedo and survivability

I am looking to make a torpedo boat with the best DPS, with good survivability. What do you suggest?
I'm avoiding energy weapons because I don't want a flying disco ball in space.


  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Half Adapted Maco/Half Iconian Sets would work well.

    I have had a good experience using the NX-Refit as my Torpedo Boat. In addition to its maneuverability, it's Special Console gives +25% Projectile Damage.

    The Presidio's console gives that bonus, too, but it is a big and slow ship. It does have access to the Command Specialization, which is not for Torpedo Boats. If you go this route, I suggest picking up the Anchored Trait from the Exchange. It will increase your damage while immobile, and the Presidio is a Park-And-Shoot type ship.

    Weapon-wise, I have found that Torpedo Boats do well not specializing in a particular damage type, unless Energy Weapons. Some of my favorites are:

    Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo: A Crafted Weapon. A Plasma that leaves behind a cloud of movement-impairing DoT.

    Temporal Disruption Device: A Lobi Weapon. It is a Chroniton with a 100% Proc Rate, and the damage value of a Tricobalt. When using the High Yield, it applies the Chroniton Proc to every enemy it passes on the way to the target.

    Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo: From any C-Store Sovereign. It is just a Quantum but with a 180 Firing Arc, which means that it can still work while you are lining up a shot.

    Gravimetric Photon Torpedo: A Dyson Rep Weapon. It is a Photon that can create Gravity Wells.

    Quantum Phase Torpedo: From the mission "Sunrise". It is a Quantum Torpedo with an AoE Shield Drain.

    Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo: Terran Rep Weapon. It is a Photon that has a chance to apply Radiation Damage. Moreover, it doubles its base damage when the enemy is under 25% Hull. Set it as your last-firing weapon to get the most out of it.

    Tricobalt Torpedo: Heavy AoE Damage with with Rift Generation and Disable.

    For Skills, in addition to the obvious:

    Gravity Well or something similar: With a Torpedo Boat, stacking AoE damage is quite easy.

    Distributed Targeting: Lockbox Skill. Gives your weapons an additional AoE with 50% Shield Penetration.

    Kemocite-Laced Weaponry: Lockbox Skill. Adds a Radiation AoE.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Typos. I hate that you can't edit posts without risking the Edit Bug.

    "Command Specialization, which is not for Torpedo Boats." Supposed to be "Great For".

    "unless Energy Weapons" to "Unlike Energy Weapons"
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    edited September 2017
    Command Spec is good for torp boats under certain conditions:
    1. If you have enough energy weapons to proc the Expose/Exploit mechanic to boost torp damage.
    2. If someone else is also running Command Spec, and are firing a lot of energy weapons to proc Expose/Exploit attacks for you. (Anyone w/ Command Spec as a Primary/Secondary will cause/benefit from Expose/Exploit attacks).

    @jslyn has a few good ideas, but I will respectfully disagree with this line: My apologies. After I re-read what you wrote, I think I misunderstood what you were talking about. Types as in 'photons', 'quantums', 'plasma', etc.
    "Weapon-wise, I have found that Torpedo Boats do well not specializing in a particular damage type, unless Energy Weapons."
    There are torps that would benefit from EPG (PEP & Grav), DrainX (Quantum Phase, Neutronic, Pizeo), ControlX (Grav), or cause stacking debuffs (Delphic, Resonant Transphasic, Corrosive Plasma, Naussican, Disrupting Photon, etc). It would be good to know what torps do what, and when best to use them.

    Aponte has some pure kinetic builds with cruisers/dreadnoughts, and I tend to focus on smaller ships (escort/destroyer range). @e30ernest does Sci-Torp very well. @jayiin covers the mathematics on our behalf. Between all of us, we can answer whatever questions you may have.

    In my signature file, you will find my torpedo tutorials and various builds on different ships.

    We in the Kinetic Kommunity (a torpedo channel in STO), eagerly await for when the second Balance Pass comes and fixes issues that affect torps... whenever that comes.
    Post edited by darkknightucf on
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Kelvin TL Torpedoes yet, or the Harpeng.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • roborobin96roborobin96 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    I would suggest the Neutronic Torpedoes from the Delta rep. They hurt like hell, even if the aren't upgraded to Mk XIV Epic. And they apply Radiation Damage.

    Who's the prettiest of them all?
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    I think Omega rep traits can give torpedoes a DoT effect.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Projectile Weapons Officer DOff with the Recharge Effect. Each Purple is a 20% to lower the cooldown of all torpedoes by 5 seconds every time a torpedo is fired. With 3 DOffs, it is possible to proc all of them at once giving you -15 seconds off the clock.

    Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly: Terran Reputation Console. 0.5 seconds off the the Global Cooldown for Torpedoes. This does not sound like much, but it actually is. This is about around 25% more DPS.

    @jslyn has a few good ideas, but I will respectfully disagree with this line: My apologies. After I re-read what you wrote, I think I misunderstood what you were talking about. Types as in 'photons', 'quantums', 'plasma', etc.

    Indeed, @darkknightucf. I was speaking of those types (Photon, Plasma, etc).

    Using all Plasma or all Transphasic is fine for a starter build; they work. In my experience, however (and I have been maining Torp Boats since the game started so I do have a bit of knowledge in this department) Torpedoes are best mixed and matched in a way that will maximize the overall effect. +Torpedo Consoles and a variety are better than +Photon and only Photons.

    Using some of my above suggests, for example:

    Gravity Well will pull the enemy together. A Particle Emission Torpedo Spread drops the enemies' speed and turn rates, so they are not getting out of even a low powered Well. Plus, they are taking continuous shield-ignoring burn damage, not from one cloud, but from all of the torpedoes in the Spread. The Quantum Phase comes in and takes away any shields they have left. A High-Yield Temporal Disruption Device comes along, drops their maneuverability even further, preventing them escaping even once the Gravity Well ends. The Terran Torpedo comes along and does double damage because the enemy are already low on hull. Battle over.

  • shinku#4469 shinku Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    OK, thanks for the suggestions, guys.
    But why is it better to have a mix of types of torpedoes?
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    OK, thanks for the suggestions, guys.
    But why is it better to have a mix of types of torpedoes?

    cause overall most torps aren't very good so it's better to just use the few good ones and not worry about types. most of the really high dmg comes from epg procs not the weapon dmg anyway.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    No love for the T6 Defiant? The torpedo console boosts torpedo damage and shoots some itself.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    OK, thanks for the suggestions, guys.
    But why is it better to have a mix of types of torpedoes?
    While the +Torpedo Consoles with mixed torpedo's is very good their are times I wouldn't use them. Personally I like to use Quantum mines with Quantum torpedoes, any time you use matching mines to torpedoes the +Torpedo Consoles should be avoided. Most of the high DPS torpedo boats do not use mines, but I am a fan of them.

    Excluding the Emission Plasma Torp the other time is when you build around the Plasma DoT, like mines most of the high DPS torpedo boats do not do this. If you are building around Plasma DoT you want Temporal Operative for 20% DoT Damage, -10 resistance and Plasma torp consoles. The Emissions torp falls outside this rule as it works well with grav torps with +Torpedo Consoles and stacked into PartG.

    The 3rd exception to the +Torpedo Consoles is when you use the bug to get 5 Crystalline Energy Torpedos. Normally you can only own 1 but it you happen to get 4 or 5 you can fit them all at once.

    Most high end builds mix and match unique types of torpedoes. As said earlier on the Plasma Emission Torpedo will go well with the Photon Gravity Torpedo. Personally I prefer matching unique torpedoes of the same type so 4 unique Quantum with 1 unique Quantum mine and Quantum damage consoles. Whichever way you choose normally you would want to move away from basic torpedoes and only fit the unique torpedoes.
    Post edited by pottsey5g on
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    jslyn wrote: »
    Projectile Weapons Officer DOff with the Recharge Effect. Each Purple is a 20% to lower the cooldown of all torpedoes by 5 seconds every time a torpedo is fired. With 3 DOffs, it is possible to proc all of them at once giving you -15 seconds off the clock.

    Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly: Terran Reputation Console. 0.5 seconds off the the Global Cooldown for Torpedoes. This does not sound like much, but it actually is. This is about around 25% more DPS.
    @jslyn has a few good ideas, but I will respectfully disagree with this line: My apologies. After I re-read what you wrote, I think I misunderstood what you were talking about. Types as in 'photons', 'quantums', 'plasma', etc.

    Indeed, @darkknightucf. I was speaking of those types (Photon, Plasma, etc).

    Using all Plasma or all Transphasic is fine for a starter build; they work. In my experience, however (and I have been maining Torp Boats since the game started so I do have a bit of knowledge in this department) Torpedoes are best mixed and matched in a way that will maximize the overall effect. +Torpedo Consoles and a variety are better than +Photon and only Photons.

    Using some of my above suggests, for example:

    Gravity Well will pull the enemy together. A Particle Emission Torpedo Spread drops the enemies' speed and turn rates, so they are not getting out of even a low powered Well. Plus, they are taking continuous shield-ignoring burn damage, not from one cloud, but from all of the torpedoes in the Spread. The Quantum Phase comes in and takes away any shields they have left. A High-Yield Temporal Disruption Device comes along, drops their maneuverability even further, preventing them escaping even once the Gravity Well ends. The Terran Torpedo comes along and does double damage because the enemy are already low on hull. Battle over.

    pottsey5g wrote: »
    While the +Torpedo Consoles with mixed torpedo's is very good their are times I wouldn't use them. Personally I like to use Quantum mines with Quantum torpedoes, any time you use matching mines to torpedoes the +Torpedo Consoles should be avoided. Most of the high DPS torpedo boats do not use mines, but I am a fan of them.

    Excluding the Emission Plasma Torp the other time is when you build around the Plasma DoT, like mines most of the high DPS torpedo boats do not do this. If you are building around Plasma DoT you want Temporal Operative for 20% DoT Damage, -10 resistance and Plasma torp consoles. The Emissions torp falls outside this rule as it works well with grav torps with +Torpedo Consoles and stacked into PartG.

    The 3rd exception to the +Torpedo Consoles is when you use the bug to get 5 Crystalline Energy Torpedos. Normally you can only own 1 but it you happen to get 4 or 5 you can fit them all at once.

    Most high end builds mix and match unique types of torpedoes. As said earlier on the Plasma Emission Torpedo will go well with the Photon Gravity Torpedo. Personally I prefer matching unique torpedoes of the same type so 4 unique Quantum with 1 unique Quantum mine and Quantum damage consoles. Whichever way you choose normally you would want to move away from basic torpedoes and only fit the unique torpedoes.

    I firmly agree with a fore given sage advice... I've been doing Tboats since before the start of STO.... Simply put it has been my considerable experience that counter to other platforms, mixing torps is a very effective and advanced strategy. Essentially, delivery is more important than packaging when you reach out and touch someone...

    On a side note, consider some rapid reloads to serve as your base and build from there...
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
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  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    OK, thanks for the suggestions, guys.
    But why is it better to have a mix of types of torpedoes?

    A good question. In order to answer it, let us compare for a moment Torpedoes to Beams.

    Beams are uniform. They do the same base damage regardless of type. A Tetryon has the same DPS Rating as Polaron. It is the Procs that set them apart. Using only one type makes sense: it is only the Proc that you are after. Find the one that you like and go with it.

    Torpedoes are all different. A Tricobalt always hits far harder than a Photon. A Photon is always faster than a Tricobalt. A Transphasic is always weaker than a Photon, but it ignores a larger portion of Shields. Quantums, as @pottsey5g suggests, are very middle of the road; they have average firing speed and average damage.

    So, unlike Beams, Torpedoes can be mixed and matched for combined effects. Their effects can compliment other, as the previously described Gravimetric and Plasma Emission combo. And then there is the Damage value difference. The Temporal Disruption Device is a Chroniton torpedo, but it is WAY more powerful than normal variants. The Plasma Emission is a Plasma Torpedo but it, too, is WAY more powerful than a regular one. Setting several powerful variants together will do more damage than having several weaker single-type Torpedoes, even with the benefit of the +Type Console.

    To put in completely arbitrary math:

    100 Damage x 4 Weapons with a +31.9% Console

    is less than

    150 Damage x 4 Weapons 27.9% Console
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Oh, and just to throw it out there, Cluster Torpedoes, contrary to their name, are not Torpedoes. The backend registers them as Mines. So anything (Consoles, BOff Abilities, DOffs) that work on Torpedoes will not work on them.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    EDIT: Double Post
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    jslyn wrote: »
    Oh, and just to throw it out there, Cluster Torpedoes, contrary to their name, are not Torpedoes. The backend registers them as Mines. So anything (Consoles, BOff Abilities, DOffs) that work on Torpedoes will not work on them.
    That's not been my experience for example torpedo doffs that lower recharge do work on clusters. Same for the Boff Ability Con Firepower that resets Cluster cool down.

    EDIT: Saying that Clusters are a little odd and most torpedo stuff does not work with them. The one bit I was unclear on was as the Recharge doffs work do the crit and serv doffs work?
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    That's not been my experience for example torpedo doffs that lower recharge do work on clusters. Same for the Boff Ability Con Firepower that resets Cluster cool down.

    EDIT: Saying that Clusters are a little odd and most torpedo stuff does not work with them. The one bit I was unclear on was as the Recharge doffs work do the crit and serv doffs work?

    I am admittedly not well versed in Mines. I mostly know about Torpedoes. Someone else will do better to answer your question. The last I checked, Torpedo-Only DOff effects they do not work on Clusters. There are ones that work on Projectiles in general, and ones that work on Mines that may do it.

  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    jslyn wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    That's not been my experience for example torpedo doffs that lower recharge do work on clusters. Same for the Boff Ability Con Firepower that resets Cluster cool down.

    EDIT: Saying that Clusters are a little odd and most torpedo stuff does not work with them. The one bit I was unclear on was as the Recharge doffs work do the crit and serv doffs work?

    I am admittedly not well versed in Mines. I mostly know about Torpedoes. Someone else will do better to answer your question. The last I checked, Torpedo-Only DOff effects they do not work on Clusters. There are ones that work on Projectiles in general, and ones that work on Mines that may do it.

    As far as I can see the Clusters have always been treated like torpedoes with the exception they cannot be used with High Yield or Spread. I admit I am a little unclear on how the damage powers interact but I am 100% sure the recharge torpedo powers fully work with clusters. None of the mine doff powers work with clusters, its always been the torpedo ones you had to use.

  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    Science boats make excellent torp boats because you will be speccing high Exotic anyway, which suits many Commander and Lt. Commander science powers. As a preference I'd choose a science vessel with two tac BOff stations or a Tac and a Uni so you can alternate Tactical Team. I promise you a torp boat will draw aggro, moreso than a BFaW Cruiser.

    On the other hand, Tac Torpers can be very deadly with the ability to slot multiple Torp Spreads and having the Tac console space to buff them. It's not my preferred playstyle, but a well timed HY3 into a down shield facing can mean dead whatever you were shooting. A sci boat can't do that.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Double Post
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As far as I can see the Clusters have always been treated like torpedoes with the exception they cannot be used with High Yield or Spread. I admit I am a little unclear on how the damage powers interact but I am 100% sure the recharge torpedo powers fully work with clusters. None of the mine doff powers work with clusters, its always been the torpedo ones you had to use.

    The firing works using torpedo tubes, so yes the cooldown effect will work with them. That is where it ends, though. All they do is deploy the Mines at the target instead of behind your ship. Clusters do Mine Damage. Mine Consoles work on them. The Hot Pursuit Trait works on them. High Yield, Torpedo Spread, Concentrate Firepower, and the like do not have an effect on them.

    Incidentally, Clusters share cooldown with Mine Launchers and not Torpedo Launchers, apart from the Global Cooldown.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    jslyn wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As far as I can see the Clusters have always been treated like torpedoes with the exception they cannot be used with High Yield or Spread. I admit I am a little unclear on how the damage powers interact but I am 100% sure the recharge torpedo powers fully work with clusters. None of the mine doff powers work with clusters, its always been the torpedo ones you had to use.

    The firing works using torpedo tubes, so yes the cooldown effect will work with them. That is where it ends, though. All they do is deploy the Mines at the target instead of behind your ship. Clusters do Mine Damage. Mine Consoles work on them. The Hot Pursuit Trait works on them. High Yield, Torpedo Spread, Concentrate Firepower, and the like do not have an effect on them.

    Incidentally, Clusters share cooldown with Mine Launchers and not Torpedo Launchers, apart from the Global Cooldown.
    My clusters share a cooldown with torpedoes not mines.

    EDIT: It looks like Tricobalts are broken again and the Tricobalts torpdeos/mines/clusters are cross sharing cooldowns.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Trics have been broken like that off and on for a long time. A pity, really.
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    jslyn wrote: »
    The firing works using torpedo tubes, so yes the cooldown effect will work with them. That is where it ends, though. All they do is deploy the Mines at the target instead of behind your ship. Clusters do Mine Damage. Mine Consoles work on them. The Hot Pursuit Trait works on them. High Yield, Torpedo Spread, Concentrate Firepower, and the like do not have an effect on them.
    To be fair, being able to use TS on the cluster weapons would be really nasty... on the other hand, using it with the Kentari or Ferengi launchers is the closest STO will come to a Macross Missile Massacre.

    And it's a shame that the cluster weapons are one of many types that aren't craftable (and have no excuse for remaining so).
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Speak of set bonuses now. Would one be foolish for one to center their whole build around combining every single 2-piece rep bonus that boosts projectile or photon torpedoes specifically, painting them into either a phaser or disruptor build?

    I'm... asking for a friend. Yeah.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    hanover2 wrote: »
    Speak of set bonuses now. Would one be foolish for one to center their whole build around combining every single 2-piece rep bonus that boosts projectile or photon torpedoes specifically, painting them into either a phaser or disruptor build?

    I'm... asking for a friend. Yeah.
    Some builds can get away with two torpedoes and it should work with the command specialization so the energy weapons boost the torps. When command first came out I used a 2 torp, 2 DBB beams in front and 2 mines, two 360 beams in the rear and it worked so there is no reason why you cannot remove the mines and do the same thing.The problem you will have is you might need to mix energy weapons like a proton set weapon for the 3part photon set boosts.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    jslyn wrote: »
    Oh, and just to throw it out there, Cluster Torpedoes, contrary to their name, are not Torpedoes. The backend registers them as Mines. So anything (Consoles, BOff Abilities, DOffs) that work on Torpedoes will not work on them.

    It would be nice to see a trico cluster torpedo which worked with a TS3.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    I am having a good time with that Martok one from "Brushfire" with torp spread. You got any shield pen in your set up? It may work tons better for you than me.
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Supercharged Weapons Trait yet. It's not just about the individual torps, but also about what you can proc with them.
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