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LeVar Burton, Season 14, and more details from our STLV Panel!



  • rohnarohna Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    I never liked it personally, but hot damn was it a progressive statement and it's exactly the kind of thing Star Trek was meant to say. Envelopes need to be pushed and arbitrary social and cultural restrictions like strict gender roles need to be challenged so that there are more options for personal choice available to everyone. The uncomfortable feeling many have looking at it is our minds being opened and expanded and the kruft of pointlessly restrictive and baseless social and cultural programming being chipped away. This is a good thing. The same reason its awkward is the reason we so very much need to be exposed to it and get used to it and get over our silly objections, exactly the way people in the 60s had to get used to the sight and concept of people of different races and backgrounds working together in harmony and equality.

    That said, that uniform also came in a female variant which was also rarely seen past the first handful of episodes. It was beautiful, in my opinion, can we possibly have that as well so the ladies aren't left out of the new wardrobe party? Pleeeease?​​

    I second everything that's said in that quote.
    "I went outside once. The graphics and audio were amazing but the gameplay and storyline sucked."
    (The above is a quote but I forgot to copy the name of the quoted.)
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    aten66 wrote: »
    Ocular Implants for eyes... I didn't realize I NEEDED THIS UNTIL NOW!

    Seriously, we have the Visor, we need the eyes next! Just imagine the Lore possibilities. Even if it's limited to certain species, I still think it would be cool! I imagine it would work kind of like how 0718's eyes are color changeable... I mean, we have the options to choose different eyes for Alien/TOSUnlocked characters, why not add a costume box that's just Geordi's ocular implants?

    It also stands to reason that other Starfleet/Federation members would be born blind, and if ocular implants are the current medical standard eye replacements, they would have them too!

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User

    - Gamma Quadrant Expansion in Summer 2018 ... this might mean two things: Either something similar to what we have seen with the Delta Quadrant Expansion, AND / OR (and that's what I would die for) a playable mini-faction with Dominion races such as Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Dosi, Wadi, Karemma and more ... the only downside would be that all the ships are already in luck boxes.

    Anyway, Season 14 will definitely have a lot more to offer than Season 13 and 13.5, no offense intended of course. :)

    I say if this ever actually happened they could invent new Cardassian ships for all tiers, just as they did with Legacy of Romulus B)

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
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  • ncc1701z5ncc1701z5 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Don't get me wrong I'm very hyped for all the new stuff but......season 14? already? any season after 10 has had about 2 missions before the next update is announced, 13.5 only got one! basically cryptic my advice is slow down the number of new seasons and ".5's" and instead put all the new content under one season and things will be better :smiley: and my thoughts on the ds9 thing, maybe the Dominion want the alpha quadrant changelings back don't forget we left them all on Orias III and seeing as how the 25th anniversary of DS9 is next year......
    "Saving the galaxy's our business"

    Admiral Wilkens: "I bend our rules so folks don't have to live in fear strictly obeying someone else's".

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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    I'll wait before saying anything.

    Apart from Gordi had gained normal vision via the radiation in the planets rings, he then left the planet and lost it?

    Sounds like Cryptic wrote the scripts for Voyager and JJTrek if this is true.

    actually it's not cryptic that said that he was back to implants for the eyes in Star Trek Nemesis mean he lost the healing from the Ba'ku planet in canon and it's not an idea from Cryptic (and it's quite easy to see that as implants are blue white is color while Levar Burton has brown eyes naturally).

    As for the skant uniforms I never liked those regardless of the gender (yes there was female variant Troy wore it in the pilot and possibly in season 1 as well I can't remember atm) of the user maybe it's just design of early TNG unifroms that did lend them to being easily made into dresses as TOS and Kelvin-timeline uniforms minidress style uniforms I don't mind in fact the Kelvin timeline version is sleeveless like the TNG uniform and no it's not male variant that I don't like the female one looked bad as well.

    As for equality I'd say it would be more equal to have pants and shirt (or a jumpsuit) be the default and have skirts as an option for those (mainly command department and science department) crewmember that want them and whose uniform isn't dictated by their role, tactical and engineering would always have pants or 1 piece jump suit due the demands of the role aka their need a uniform that would not easily get snagged (like a loose skirt/dress) or restricts your movement (like a tight skirt/dress), not mention that both benefit a lot from having their legs fully covered (bare skin won't look sexy at all if it's covered in burn scars or actual burns).
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  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    felderburg wrote: »
    According to the Star Trek Countdown comics, La Forge "left Starfleet to design his own ships" (http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Countdown,_Number_Three). So... I guess he came back? Will there be any recognition of his part in the destruction of the Hobus supernova?
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    Because he's a captain, and captains wear red these days? I don't know.

    That's exactly it, actually...I don't have the blog at hand, but a few years back when they moved to the Odyssey-type uniform as standard, the put out a thematic dev blog detailing the uniform code. Most of my people wear red, one wears engineering division gold, and another adheres to the guide's medical variant.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    - Gamma Quadrant Expansion in Summer 2018 ... this might mean two things: Either something similar to what we have seen with the Delta Quadrant Expansion, AND / OR (and that's what I would die for) a playable mini-faction with Dominion races such as Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Dosi, Wadi, Karemma and more ... the only downside would be that all the ships are already in luck boxes.
    the devs can always make more. :p Actually, as small as bug ships are it'd be a natural choice for a starter ship. just with the usual 2/1 layout etc... they've already done multiple variants, a few more wouldn't hurt. I would love the chance to fly a Wadi ship though. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • robyvisionrobyvision Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    When is summer 2018? Tomorow?
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  • ggsimmonds84ggsimmonds84 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    How many aliens are we going to have to kill while colonizing this world?

    Edit: Just read on StarTrek.com that as soon as we beam down to the planet we have a pitched battle for the survival of the colony. Sigh, and here I was hoping for something more appropriate to Trek.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    I'm happy when anyone for ANY of the ST shows makes it into STO.

    Still waiting on Barkley. :smiley:
    That said... ...Did somebody say: Denny Crane?
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,855 Arc User
    I'm happy when anyone for ANY of the ST shows makes it into STO.

    Still waiting on Barkley. :smiley:
    That said... ...Did somebody say: Denny Crane?

    Barclay would be an awesome addition to a canon character and voice over added to the game. Maybe he can teach us more about exploring Holo-fantasies in the Galaxy interior's Holodeck. :P
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    As for the skant uniforms I never liked those regardless of the gender of the user. For equality I'd say it would be more equal to have pants and shirt (or a jumpsuit) be the default and have skirts as an option for those that want them.

    Tactical and engineering should always have pants or 1 piece jump suit due the demands of the role aka their need a uniform that would not easily get snagged (like a loose skirt/dress) or restricts your movement (like a tight skirt/dress), not mention that both benefit a lot from having their legs fully covered (bare skin won't look sexy at all if it's covered in burn scars or actual burns).

    Aside from TOS where the minidress seemed to be standard for females, it's always been an optional uniform and would continue to be so. Now we will finally have some true equality, where men and women both can choose either pants or skirts according to their own preference.

    The practicality argument makes some sense, but it's never been a primary concern on the screen productions. Aside from a brief period in the TMP era films where we saw some armor for security and a radiation suit for Scotty, everyone has always worn flimsy cloth uniforms that won't protect from a stiff breeze. Fortunately, you have armor suit and other options you can dress your crew in if you're concerned about work hazards.
    honestly the standard cloth uniforms are good enough for most things it's not like they're made of thin silk or nylon, even the costumes worn by the actors are fairly robustly made wool and who know what material the Starfleet uniforms are made of, cloth if it's made well enough would protect against most hazards an engineering and a tactical officer would encounter (remember that real life soldiers wear only a helmet and a possibly a chest armor over a cloth uniform), you'd need armor only in cases where you're 100% that there's need for those (like for example when doing maintenance for the interior of the Warpcore or other places where there's known radiation hazards) and with tactical officers beaming in with full combat armor into a planet might spook the locals but beaming with a security team is not a bad idea especially if you're called to be a mediator in a conflict.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    This colony won’t just be the setting for “Melting Pot.” It will be a brand new Fleet Holding, which features five full tiers of progression and rewards. Season 14: Emergence will also feature a brand new Tzenkethi Red Alert, two new fleet holding defense queues, a new colony map special event, and a powerful new Primary Specialization called the “Miracle Worker.”

    Is this "new colony map special event" supposed to be a revamp of "Colony Invasion"? If yes, then what will happen to the current version of the mission?
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    and here I was hoping for something more appropriate to Trek.
    Lets see
    -Earth-Kzin Wars (Late 21st century)
    -Earth-Romulan War (2156 - 2160)
    -Federation-Sheliak Conflict (? - 2255)
    -Federation-Klingon War (2267)
    -Federation-Cardassian War (2347 - 2370)
    -Galen border conflicts (2350s)
    -Federation-Tzenkethi Wars (24th Century)
    -Federation-Klingon War (2372-2373)
    -Dominion War (2373 – 2375)
    -Temporal Cold War

    Na, war and conflict totally aren't appropriate to Trek though!

    I think he meant something like "diplomacy" or "exploring a new planet" kinda thing.

    Though, those things do not translate well into Video Games where everyone wants to shoot at things with their Epic ship weapons and Booleans.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • diewesleydie11diewesleydie11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    If the new colony turns out to be New Romulus 2.0 (fetchquest heaven) I'm just gonna "nope" the whole thing. Fetching and escort missions really need to go away. Even if done perfectly, still too much bother.
  • diewesleydie11diewesleydie11 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    How many aliens are we going to have to kill while colonizing this world?

    Edit: Just read on StarTrek.com that as soon as we beam down to the planet we have a pitched battle for the survival of the colony. Sigh, and here I was hoping for something more appropriate to Trek.

    ALL of them! God Emperor Protects!
  • ggsimmonds84ggsimmonds84 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    and here I was hoping for something more appropriate to Trek.
    Lets see
    -Earth-Kzin Wars (Late 21st century)
    -Earth-Romulan War (2156 - 2160)
    -Federation-Sheliak Conflict (? - 2255)
    -Federation-Klingon War (2267)
    -Federation-Cardassian War (2347 - 2370)
    -Galen border conflicts (2350s)
    -Federation-Tzenkethi Wars (24th Century)
    -Federation-Klingon War (2372-2373)
    -Dominion War (2373 – 2375)
    -Temporal Cold War

    Na, war and conflict totally aren't appropriate to Trek though!

    I think he meant something like "diplomacy" or "exploring a new planet" kinda thing.

    Though, those things do not translate well into Video Games where everyone wants to shoot at things with their Epic ship weapons and Booleans.

    Yes that is what I meant. And if that poster thinks listing every conflict in Trek canon, including the minor ones, justifies what, 3 major wars within this game's time frame we will have to just disagree.

    Though you are right that such things don't translate to videogames well, and even moreso when it comes to mmos.

    Still, I can't help imagining Picard narrating the opening to ST:O
    "to seek out new life and new civilizations...and boldly murder them all"
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    It is the Dominion announcement that has me most interested of all.
    I've been wanting a Dominion Faction since 1 month after the game went live.
    Because I want my playable Jem'Hadar and Vorta Bridge Officers.
    However, it could just be that all Cryptic is doing is making the Gamma Quadrant explorable and there will be no Dominion faction. I hope that isn't the case, as I'll be less enthused if this happens.

    The Dominion Dreadnaught Carrier in the C-Store is T5, so could it be possible this expansion will include a T6 version?

    Did it ever occur to anyone that the Dominion fleet might be approaching Deep Space Nine for friendly reasons?
    As in, they're sending their ships to reinforce the defensive perimeter because an enemy is coming.
    The Dominion seems to be in the stages of diplomatic negiotation and they just did get one of their Founders back, plus Sela brought a Dominion strike force to battle the Iconians, so it's very unlikely they're still completely hostile at this point.

    I'm hoping the new Fleet holding is a planetary colony with an exterior explorable area.
    It would be nice to have one that isn't all interior rooms, where you can look up and see the sky.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    The T5 Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier was in the Lobi Store. That got replaced last year with a T6 version and moved to the Infinity Lockbox. The T6 JH HEC is now in the Lobi Store replacing the T5 that was in the old Dominion Lockbox. For their T6 revamps they switched places where they were made available.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    Thank you for the info.
    I checked Exchange to see what it was going for: 400,000,000.
    You can guess how miffed I am right now (understatement of the millennium!)

    I really hope if we get a Dominion Faction, they put these ships in the C-Store as faction exclusives.
    I guess that's another reason to hope the Dominion Faction is coming, to give us a more equitable method of getting Dominion vessels.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    >Skant giveaway

    I am filled with great excitement. I only hope internet is up at my new place by then!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    However, it could just be that all Cryptic is doing is making the Gamma Quadrant explorable and there will be no Dominion faction. I hope that isn't the case, as I'll be less enthused if this happens.
    A Dominion faction is highly unlikely because its part of the storyline that The Dominion has been tucked away in the Gamma Quadrant since the end of the Dominion War, and have largely not interacted with the Alpha/Beta Quadrant races since then.

    Their appearance in the 2800 series, and at the end of the Iconian War, are big things because its very rare for them to do anything.

    Having a Dominion faction would mean the developers would have to involve them in all the early game content, when all the early game content is based around the idea that they aren't around.

    The only way I could see them doing it is, as GECKO once suggested they might do with Cardassians, in a WoW Death Knight style where you just start at level 50-60. and only start doing stuff post Iconian War.
    That or you don't join the main story until whatever level the Dominion stuff is. It wouldn't be much change to let Dominion chars in on the main story starting with the 2800 arc.

    Or you could handwave it with something or other.
    My character Tsin'xing
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  • aten66aten66 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    tilarta wrote: »
    However, it could just be that all Cryptic is doing is making the Gamma Quadrant explorable and there will be no Dominion faction. I hope that isn't the case, as I'll be less enthused if this happens.
    A Dominion faction is highly unlikely because its part of the storyline that The Dominion has been tucked away in the Gamma Quadrant since the end of the Dominion War, and have largely not interacted with the Alpha/Beta Quadrant races since then.

    Their appearance in the 2800 series, and at the end of the Iconian War, are big things because its very rare for them to do anything.

    Having a Dominion faction would mean the developers would have to involve them in all the early game content, when all the early game content is based around the idea that they aren't around.

    The only way I could see them doing it is, as GECKO once suggested they might do with Cardassians, in a WoW Death Knight style where you just start at level 50-60. and only start doing stuff post Iconian War.
    That or you don't join the main story until whatever level the Dominion stuff is. It wouldn't be much change to let Dominion chars in on the main story starting with the 2800 arc.

    Or you could handwave it with something or other.

    I mean, if it's a Cardassian/Renegade True Way/New Link sub faction, I could easily seeing them making a small tutorial that covers/leads into the Drozana/DS9 story arc. Maybe from the Cardassian side, you go renegade when you realize your higher ups are being infiltrated/having messed up dealings with the MU, that echo the whole reason Cardassia fell to the Dominion the first time. Then you become space warrior, vigilante for hire, until you become involved with the Iconian War and become a major part going forward.

    I'd almost think if this sub faction ever came up, it would be the perfect foil for AoY, by being a group that ends up siding with the KDF side.
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