I noticed this the other day but didn't have a chance to test it until just recently. The Proton Cannon that comes with the Dyson ships now only deals Phaser damage instead of Proton damage when firing
without Scatter Volley or Rapid Fire. It does do Proton damage as normal when firing in those modes, thankfully. This does not appear to be just a tooltip error as the combat log records the damage as such. I did not test this on the Federation version of the Dyson, but did briefly with the Romulan (Tyton/Strategic, if that matters) as well as checked the tooltip of the KDF (MoQ/Battle) version, both of which show as Phaser.
[Edit 10 May]
Patch Notes 11 May:
Resolved an issue that caused the Basic Fire of Dual Heavy Proton Cannons to be Phaser Damage.
Thank you!
[Edit 11 May] I just tested and the combat logs verify that these are again dealing Proton damage in basic fire mode.
as far as i'm aware the existing damage types are:
and Exotic / Radiation
[Edit] "Exclusively" does not take into account any procs added from additional sources such as Entropic Rider, obviously.
There are consoles (dyson rep tactical consoles) that increase proton + "other damage type" for people who use proton with other damage combinations