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Are we happy with the 60 sec instances and the nevermore used old instances ?

Another season and another fail attempt to reduce dps. My utmost problem the idiotic high high dps .The romulan expansion was the last enjoyable expansion. After that hit the big skilltree rework and our dps almost become three times bigger for no reason.

I find boring the 20 sec long Crystal entity and the less the 1 min long Cure ,Khitomer and Infected missions.

My second problem is that the previsious 4 missions are the only playable in the queue and the others are empty .Somebody tried to play the Storming the Spire, Undine missions and the Vaul:ensnared queues? No? I tell you :needless, you can wait 24/7 but nobody play them anymore cuz they cant clear in less then 1 min, so"too" heavy for them.
I dont know whats the problem with you people , i remember when i began the STO Online 5 years ago there was only 3 insta. The 3 old borg Cure ,Khitomer and infected and the land counterparts. This took almost 2 years and arrived the Into the Hive and Hive Onslaught: And we were very happy for these two and these two lasted almost another year and we played all and we have fun.

Now STO spoil us with instances , we have many:Undine ,Tholian ,Iconian,Temporal, Lukari,Dyson etc. etc. But this all unnecessary, nobody play them anymore not the space not the land queue's.

Im very interested what say the devs. I do not want to believe that the devs dont have something that show them the statitics from the queues.
I hoped that the next season bring something new but i was disappointed. The queus still deads and the people only farm(zerg) the four easiest insta's.

I think the dear devs can learn from other MMO's,on my opnion the easiest way copy the WoW(WorldofWarcraft) system. You queue and the system drop into random insta. Yes after that some peoples must learn all insta mechanics but we not farm forever only four boring insta.
Another change that after this all rep must use only one universal token but this is not to hard to create.

Finally the old borg instances and the others to can develop the dear devs, were in the seventh year and the stupid borg still cant adapt to us.The generators dont have shields and turrets, the borg clones fly straight line and let them finish off and nobody guard them. The cube and sphera ships cant do anything new. Let the borg ships use evasive maneuver , use some skill :tactical, sci and enginering team( i heard the borg can regenerate),maybe alpha strike chance with beam fire at will and torp high yield. And why cant we see diamond ships in the old borg insta's? Diamond ships can defend the bot drones and try slow downs players with gravity wells an with tyken rifts for example.

Sorry for my bad english guys , this is not my native language.


  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    DPS channel folk run queues, its easy to qualify for the bottom rung of the dps channels. Some people run their own private matches with the small pool of others, often from the same fleet. People need to get their fleets functioning as something more than as a way to get fancy gear.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    martaloc wrote: »
    Another season and another fail attempt to reduce dps. My utmost problem the idiotic high high dps .The romulan expansion was the last enjoyable expansion. After that hit the big skilltree rework and our dps almost become three times bigger for no reason.

    I find boring the 20 sec long Crystal entity and the less the 1 min long Cure ,Khitomer and Infected missions.

    My second problem is that the previsious 4 missions are the only playable in the queue and the others are empty .Somebody tried to play the Storming the Spire, Undine missions and the Vaul:ensnared queues? No? I tell you :needless, you can wait 24/7 but nobody play them anymore cuz they cant clear in less then 1 min, so"too" heavy for them.
    I dont know whats the problem with you people , i remember when i began the STO Online 5 years ago there was only 3 insta. The 3 old borg Cure ,Khitomer and infected and the land counterparts. This took almost 2 years and arrived the Into the Hive and Hive Onslaught: And we were very happy for these two and these two lasted almost another year and we played all and we have fun.

    Now STO spoil us with instances , we have many:Undine ,Tholian ,Iconian,Temporal, Lukari,Dyson etc. etc. But this all unnecessary, nobody play them anymore not the space not the land queue's.

    Im very interested what say the devs. I do not want to believe that the devs dont have something that show them the statitics from the queues.
    I hoped that the next season bring something new but i was disappointed. The queus still deads and the people only farm(zerg) the four easiest insta's.

    I think the dear devs can learn from other MMO's,on my opnion the easiest way copy the WoW(WorldofWarcraft) system. You queue and the system drop into random insta. Yes after that some peoples must learn all insta mechanics but we not farm forever only four boring insta.
    Another change that after this all rep must use only one universal token but this is not to hard to create.

    Finally the old borg instances and the others to can develop the dear devs, were in the seventh year and the stupid borg still cant adapt to us.The generators dont have shields and turrets, the borg clones fly straight line and let them finish off and nobody guard them. The cube and sphera ships cant do anything new. Let the borg ships use evasive maneuver , use some skill :tactical, sci and enginering team( i heard the borg can regenerate),maybe alpha strike chance with beam fire at will and torp high yield. And why cant we see diamond ships in the old borg insta's? Diamond ships can defend the bot drones and try slow downs players with gravity wells an with tyken rifts for example.

    Sorry for my bad english guys , this is not my native language.

    Oh my god WOW is the worst example to follow. The absoulute worse example of how to run queues or quests. You really want a queue (raid in WOW) to last hours and hours and is impossible unless you have a huge party. Do you really want to be dropped into a random PVE when you need the rep tokens to complete something and have a remote chance of being in the PVE you need? WOW the realm of gankers and cry babies. A game where skill trees are so dumbed down you have few options to make a charecter yours. A game where a class was brought in to balance out the paladins and magic users but was nerfed to death due to spoiled brats crying foul that they finally had a counter to them.
    Dead queques there are many reasons that most are ghost towns. IMHO there are far to mnay choices and the list needs trimming down and turned into a rotating random set of missions instead of the huge number that are in the selector. AI yes could use tweaking BUT as far as the Borg queques go were you around for DR when it came out?
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  • hoffy1hoffy1 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    When they bring back elite queues, a lot of the people who play advanced will go into elite.
    Simply put, currently people have elite ready builds but not much elite contend to play, resulting in them vaping stuff in advanced.
    give them a proper challenge, so that everyone can play according to there own skill/level/gear.
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  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Smoke & Mirrors is an apt name - it is far more difficult now to gauge how well populated the queues are, when a particular queue will launch, and which ones are likely to be productive time-wise in meeting your goals. You just have to trust it; or as I like to say "hurry up & wait" when playing them.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    I absolutely abhore these fast finished queues with all the vaping. Whilst I can do such a thing, I would prefer feeling like we had just done a mission, just like the old Borg queues before Reps became a thing. 5 to 10 minutes to do an STF should be a minimum at your appropriate level, but as it's widely seen, people want more rewards as soon as poosible, and yes, we have been spoilt rotten with the generosity of rewards, especially when working toward items that should be extremely hard to get, again just like the old Borg Queues.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • nekofury86nekofury86 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    There's a few problems with the queue system, one is the ability to create a private queue group. One of the reasons you see so few people play most of the queues is because private groups play them. It's also the reason why the average wait time is so high for advanced and elite queues. People would much rather make a private group of fellow friends and fleeters that they know has a half competent build put together, one that wont do 1K DPS, or die every 20 seconds. there's also the DPS channels that often group up with fellow players doing 10k, 30k, 50k, 100k and so on. So you have people forming groups of 5 people literally all doing, say, 50K DPS, the queue is fast, easy and simple. Why wait in queue with people who have zero clue what they're doing and can't even manage 5K DPS, let alone 20k, 50k whatever, you get the point.

    Another is the varying amount of marks you get from doing them. If the marks were the same across the board, the people would be much more likely to queue for the mission they like instead of which ever pays the most. For example, why would I do any queue other than UAA that gives Undine Marks when I can just run UAA for 300+ marks. There are more problems too, but these two, I feel, are the major ones.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    What I think some people are forgetting is that a lot of players are also wanting the path of least resistance when it comes to rewards.

    Infected Space can be facerolled in a few minutes. 5 minutes tops with a good team with decent DPS. On the other hand Infected Ground Advanced requires you to actually THINK and coordinate, and can take up to 20 minutes.

    Which one are people more likely to do?
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    3 post count.
    Comes to complain about DPS. And 30 sec queues. (Talk about a "Bait Thread" - but I'll bite)

    I did an ISA last night (in fact 2) both took about 3-4mins with DPS channel groups.
    Even did a CCA, took 2mins on my best character and I died.
    Also did a Borg Red Alert and a Tholian Red Alert on all my Feds last night.
    They averaged 3-5mins. Couple of them even took near 10 mins.

    Where are these 60sec queues OP ? Are you running in the best DPS groups ? Because those are the only people pulling 60 sec and less for ISA's.
    Post a link to your parses.
    I want to see your last 20 CCA and ISA Parses (PUG Parses only accepted).
    Frankly, I think your full Gagh.

    Why does OP and others feel the need to greatly over exaggerate everything to get their point across here.
    Stop it already.

    My Tac took 25% hit.
    I've also noticed my hull has become super fragile since the balance pass, I've been dying a lot more then usual.

    My Sci has taken a 50% Hit

    My Engi seems to be the only one who was slightly buffed.
    (Need more parse data to confirm)

    I agree with @coldnapalm
    We need restructured rewards. - AND then - they need to add Elites for every single queue.

    These whiner threads are getting really old.
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    I might have an opinion but I can't get most of the OP's point with the horrible lack of punctuation & sentence structure. As far as what I did get, those are not the only queues that play, seeing as I never play them & I do queue. The skill revamp was very far separated from the LoR expansion which by the way was the single best recieved expansion the game has had.

    OP already indicated that English is his or her second language in the last sentence of the post. Criticizing the grammar and structure of the post indicates that you didn't read all the way to the end. IMHO you owe the OP an apology.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    rattler2 wrote: »
    What I think some people are forgetting is that a lot of players are also wanting the path of least resistance when it comes to rewards.

    Infected Space can be facerolled in a few minutes. 5 minutes tops with a good team with decent DPS. On the other hand Infected Ground Advanced requires you to actually THINK and coordinate, and can take up to 20 minutes.

    Which one are people more likely to do?

    Its also the main map for DPS scoring as you already know Rattler. So naturally it will be the busiest queue. (In addition to the very good point you make).
    Side note: More people should try the Borg Ground queues, they're some of the best balanced queues in the game. In terms of difficulty and reward.

    That said, I would never pug for Borg Ground STFs. Too much can go wrong... also, you might end up getting queued with Nabreeki, and have to deal with his brand of "MonsterPlay".

    I try my best to avoid that type of thing. "Fun" as it might be. :tongue:
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    Two cents worth of queue observations:
    1. Some of the queues aren't populated because they take too long (as noted), and many players don't have hours to spend on week nights. We have meals to cook, kitchens to clean, homework to oversee, and tasks we brought home from work. If you only have 30 minutes to play, a 20-minute queue run isn't going to be the first choice. Right now I'm using up valuable early-morning playing time just by typing this!
    2. There are other choices now. The Borg Red Alerts are always available, as are the Tholian Red Alerts, and one can pull daily reputation bonuses from those in very short order. (And once you have all the rep gear you need, roll the points over into dilithium.)
    3. Need more dilithium? Aid the Deferi. Run the research mission at the Delta Quadrant Fleet Research Station. The random sector encounters can supply close to 1K dilithium an hour. Who needs Vlugta and twitch mini-games?
    4. As far as I'm concerned, the queues are usually only good for the rep components to do projects--and in three cases, you can get those parts from battle zones.
    5. Doff missions are very lucrative, as are the Klingon Admiralty missions.

    Over the years, many have said that one can't "win" an MMO--but the more I see all this worrying about the queues, the more I think that many some people have "won" at STO--because with so much else to do, why would they be complaining about lack of participation in some of those queues?

    Despite my first point, I confess that I have a very low tolerance for players who complain that this or that "takes too long" because (somehow) they feel that their characters aren't becoming over-powered quickly enough. The notion that one isn't wasting time efficiently enough doesn't parse for me.
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    3 post count.
    Comes to complain about DPS. And 30 sec queues. (Talk about a "Bait Thread" - but I'll bite)

    I did an ISA last night (in fact 2) both took about 3-4mins with DPS channel groups.
    Even did a CCA, took 2mins on my best character and I died.
    Also did a Borg Red Alert and a Tholian Red Alert on all my Feds last night.
    They averaged 3-5mins. Couple of them even took near 10 mins.

    Where are these 60sec queues OP ? Are you running in the best DPS groups ? Because those are the only people pulling 60 sec and less for ISA's.
    Post a link to your parses.
    I want to see your last 20 CCA and ISA Parses (PUG Parses only accepted).
    Frankly, I think your full Gagh.

    Why does OP and others feel the need to greatly over exaggerate everything to get their point across here.
    Stop it already.

    My Tac took 25% hit.
    I've also noticed my hull has become super fragile since the balance pass, I've been dying a lot more then usual.

    My Sci has taken a 50% Hit

    My Engi seems to be the only one who was slightly buffed.
    (Need more parse data to confirm)

    I agree with @coldnapalm
    We need restructured rewards. - AND then - they need to add Elites for every single queue.

    These whiner threads are getting really old.

    I've run plenty of STF's with Taylor1701d in the DPS channels he is a strong player and I agree with everything he has said here.


    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    You're not alone OP. With the exception of the handful of players who benefit from the current imbalanced situation, everyone can see that things are ridiculous. When a certain amount of damage is needed to complete 95% of the game content and a single player can easily reach those numbers on his own, or even 2, 3 times as much then the game is obviously not able to sustain, nor made for what is happening.

    Anyway, many suggestions to fix things have been made but Cryptic has yet to do anything with them.

    - Unique rewards for queues? They're moving in the opposite direction, see for example the Borg boff from Khitomer ground.
    - Rebalance efforts? The effects are hardly noticeable and the main underlying causes have not been addressed - such as Tac dominance, stacking of tons of abilities in general.

    Many of the 'rebalancing' changes have in fact been reverted before they were ever brought to Holodeck. In the end, the most significant changes were only made to cannons (which didn't pose the most serious problem) and Embassy consoles (which is just fighting the symptoms and not addressing the underlying causes).

    - Elite queues? Hardly a solution if it doesn't fix the imbalances in the rest of the game. Indeed, this would only serve to justify not changing the insane amount of DPS we're seeing as it would be needed in Elite. But I assume that those proposing the release of Elites are well aware of and even aiming for that.

    @taylor1701d , Maybe the 'whining' (nice way to attack people with legitimate concerns - I guess that means that only DPS-monsters are allowed to enjoy the game and others can just watch if they want) would stop if they actually did something to address the problem.

    I'm not having problems with DPS monsters. But I can certainly understand that newer and average players are not liking it when everything is killed before they can do anything, or ever experience a tough fight.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    You're not alone OP. With the exception of the handful of players who benefit from the current imbalanced situation, everyone can see that things are ridiculous. When a certain amount of damage is needed to complete 95% of the game content and a single player can easily reach those numbers on his own, or even 2, 3 times as much then the game is obviously not able to sustain, nor made for what is happening.

    Anyway, many suggestions to fix things have been made but Cryptic has yet to do anything with them.

    - Unique rewards for queues? They're moving in the opposite direction, see for example the Borg boff from Khitomer ground.
    - Rebalance efforts? The effects are hardly noticeable and the main underlying causes have not been addressed - such as Tac dominance, stacking of tons of abilities in general.

    Many of the 'rebalancing' changes have in fact been reverted before they were ever brought to Holodeck. In the end, the most significant changes were only made to cannons (which didn't pose the most serious problem) and Embassy consoles (which is just fighting the symptoms and not addressing the underlying causes).

    - Elite queues? Hardly a solution if it doesn't fix the imbalances in the rest of the game. Indeed, this would only serve to justify not changing the insane amount of DPS we're seeing as it would be needed in Elite. But I assume that those proposing the release of Elites are well aware of and even aiming for that.

    @taylor1701d , Maybe the 'whining' (nice way to attack people with legitimate concerns - I guess that means that only DPS-monsters are allowed to enjoy the game and others can just watch if they want) would stop if they actually did something to address the problem.

    I'm not having problems with DPS monsters. But I can certainly understand that newer and average players are not liking it when everything is killed before they can do anything, or ever experience a tough fight.

    I've just not seen what OP describes Risian.
    CCA, not withstanding because 1 very good Exotic player (which is an very expensive build) will bring the Crystal to its knees.
    Despite the above, I've not had a 30sec CCA PUG in over 2 weeks.

    ISA under a min in PUG doesn't happen.
    Unless the stars align and 5 dps players randomly queue for the PUG.
    Over the last month my PUG ISA times are between 5- 10mins.

    Are we assuming 1-2mins isn't enough time to get into firing range ? That's Hogwash at this point, except in a rare case of an Exotic player destroying the crystal. Which doesn't happen every time.
    I know because I've been running CCA PUG for over a month.
    Might happen 1 out of every 10 runs where the queue actually takes 30secs.
    I've been averaging 2-5mins over the past month.

    Its easy to present over exaggerated claims. I want to see some proof. I want to see parses.

    I've been running PUGs heavily the last month or so. This is what I see. I'm not being biased here, I'm being as honest as I can.

    So while I agree with lots in your post @risian4 , when OP or others over exaggerate to make a point, I will call them out on it.

    Thx @ussvaliant#6064
    I consider myself pretty average in terms of DPS league scoring. But I'll take the compliment.

  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    And that's understandable. I agree that some things may be exxagerated but the main point he's making still stands.

    I just wish we could get some real rebalancing or restructuring of the queues, either unique rewards or new reward/effort ratios. The game has to be fun for everyone. Most of the times it is, fortunately but there are certainly some excesses and problems that need to be addressed.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I also think it would make sense for Cryptic to address the queue issue.

    If I look at missions like Undine Assault, Gravity Kills, Borg Disconnected and so on I think it's sad that these well designed missions don't get as much attention as the other, arguably simpler maps with less interesting mechanisms and simple objectives.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Yes there's more work to be done. (Referring to your original post and the points you presented @risian4 ).
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,940 Community Moderator
    Honestly Kitomer Ground is the only one I would PUG. Don't need as much coordination and is the easiest of the three original ground Borg STFs so the learning curve isn't as steep. Infected is too easy to fail and not everyone is willing to communicate, which is pretty much required for that one. Cure has the relay beacon things and unless you know what you're doing you're going to get stuck there for a LONG time.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    60 second Instances!!! What did those d*mn Developers do to nerf us so they take that long!!! :)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Honestly Kitomer Ground is the only one I would PUG. Don't need as much coordination and is the easiest of the three original ground Borg STFs so the learning curve isn't as steep. Infected is too easy to fail and not everyone is willing to communicate, which is pretty much required for that one. Cure has the relay beacon things and unless you know what you're doing you're going to get stuck there for a LONG time.
    Cure is actually incredibly easy with the power creep. You need the same level of teamwork for Cure as you do for Brotherhood of the Sword.

    Infected used to be easy to fail, but again, power creep. Scientists with control powers trivialize Infected.
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