Other than "Of Signs and Portents" i don't see any Reckoning Content. Was it not any episodic content and only just 1 episode? or am I missing something here. The Last thing i see is the "Future Proof" Arc at the bottom of missions.
If this has already been discussed. I'm sorry
Gotta wait about another ~24 hours. Is supposed to be officially released on the 25th.
oh okay thanks that was really throwing me off. i mean i didn't think it was supposed to be out yet but i kept seeing it advertised on twitter for consoles and the "What's New" section said Play the 12th season now so i was confused lol
thanks again
@nekofury86 is mistaken. Reckoning should be out on consoles now, which only includes one episode for the moment. Season 13: Escalation is the one on PC that's coming out on the 25th.
but a season is not normally just 1 episode. that's just the featured episode. in the news section it states to play the entire season basically
here's what i'm talking about
link will take you to the images on my twitter
But it looks like Season 13 is moving away from actually having story episodes and more towards competitive play, as only one episode has been announced
then i really don't get why they would call that a season cause it definitely isn't. lol
it's all good though. you saw all my users. i am just now starting on the romulan arc and i still have klingon to do so it's not like i don't have stuff to do lol
i started back when it was only on pc back in 2012 i believe but i didn't really invest much into it cause i had a feeling it would eventually come out on consoles and stuff wouldn't be transferrable. i love where this game has gone. it definitely takes up most of my time next to WWE2K17
Isn't there a Featured Episode running right now on console?
They don't usually insert the Featured Episode into the current storyline until they've finished running all weekly rewards.
yeah there is.
okay i didn't know it's been a while since there was no content. but i know when the iconian war, and future proof seasons came out they were all together as a set of episodes for each season
this actually is the first time i got to a season on it's launch. lol most times i am behind and end up having to wait till i've leveled up. but i have one account that's maxed at level 60 (unless they increase level cap again)