There's a healthy number of people in the battle zone today but even after the best part of an hour we're still waiting for the dreadnoughts to become available. The problem is the same as was brought up at the very start: the areas revert to enemy control far too quickly. We've spent a lot of time today at 80-90% completion but pretty much as soon as we re-capture an area another falls under enemy control; it's like painting the Forth bridge here!
Edit: now this really is taking the mickey. After eventually getting to attack the dreadnoughts and defeating all three within the time there wasn't even an elite mark drop!
Will there be an update in Season 13 perhaps? I hope so and not forgotten like some maps like Defera ground.
Cryptic has already said multiple times that Defera's Borg Invasion battlezone will never get updated in any meaningful way because its so broke, and so incomplete, that the cost to fix it would be greater then just making a new battlezone from scratch.
Likewise, they won't just make a new battlezone for the Borg unless they go and make a new Borg centric story arc, at which point, Defera will likely just get pulled from the game, with a new battlezone somewhere else taking its place.
It's not "forgotten" it's just too costly to repair.
Removing the team requirements on the hards would be enough for me.
Ok so I just went back because I'm getting the space shield for one toon for its visuals...
It definitely needs to be changed. We were literally at 99% of capturing the whole zone. Just a few more seconds and we would have captured the last point. Then another core point was almost instantly lost (I and another player could just barely prevent its loss and that's just because these core points are close to each other) but another core point was in fact lost in mere seconds.
So everyone flies off to that point that would take another 5 minutes to capture - and another two points were instantly lost.
I left the zone when it fell back to 50%. This is just a waste of time and if it isn't changed, you might as well remove it cause I doubt anyone (except for a handful of players maybe) is going to bother with it.
Some instances can be fun to do like the soccer points - but they need to change the way the loss of points work. Right now it is, reward-wise, not good for anything except daily bonus marks maybe.
I haven't even bothered to see the zone. Once I heard from others how messed up and broken it was, I figured I just wait until it was fixed before going. Don't want to see it because if it turns out to be a great looking zone, I'll start to get really upset that the content in it is busted.
It's been what, 3 months now and at least 1 'fix' and it's still horribly broken? Aw well, perhaps someday it'll get fixed. Just not going to keep my fingers crossed.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
God this place is still a wreck. I know areas of this game get abandoned constantly, but to abandon fixing this area before it ever even worked correctly is very sad.
The speed with which zones convert with little or no warning is just as bad as ever (dropped in for around an hour today, came within 1 zone of spawning the dreads, just to have 2-3 zones flip in less than a minute).
Why bother putting new queues out anymore if they don't even bother making them acceptably functional?
Wonder if the recapping timer could adjust itself by the number of people in a zone, 5 people and it takes a 4 times as long as with a full 20.
Or for the king of the hill points each successive capture doesn't take as long to get done since those are the ones that take the longest and usually have the biggest impact on the zone overall because they take way longer than the asteroid push or shield zones.
Even some kind of incentive for players to keep an eye on held points would help, although I suppose they didnt do that to avoid folk simply going afk and leeching.
That said I was there have been times when I've flown around the middle three KotH points keeping them clear while the dozen or so other players have failed to keep the outer ring in player control. Almost amusing given how simple the asteroid push is for a sci captain as the photonic fleet can be used pretty effectively as a blockade.
It seems to be a stopgap would be to eliminate the re-conquests until they can get it fixed. Of course I don't know if that is so easily ripped out.
The re-conquest code don't need to be ripped out. They could just set the timers to something like hours and get the same effect.
And of course, once they have a stop gap, the pressure to actually fix it will go away.
What pressure? Honestly, the only pressure to fix things seems to be when something works too well for the players.
Stuff like holes in the invisible walls in Breach, get fixed immediately. Missing rewards, broken capture mechanics, well maybe one of these days if they're not too busy.
But I wouldn't go there for doing the full zone or the rewards, except for a quick daily bonus maybe.
It definitely needs to be changed. We were literally at 99% of capturing the whole zone. Just a few more seconds and we would have captured the last point. Then another core point was almost instantly lost (I and another player could just barely prevent its loss and that's just because these core points are close to each other) but another core point was in fact lost in mere seconds.
So everyone flies off to that point that would take another 5 minutes to capture - and another two points were instantly lost.
I left the zone when it fell back to 50%. This is just a waste of time and if it isn't changed, you might as well remove it cause I doubt anyone (except for a handful of players maybe) is going to bother with it.
It's been what, 3 months now and at least 1 'fix' and it's still horribly broken? Aw well, perhaps someday it'll get fixed. Just not going to keep my fingers crossed.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
The speed with which zones convert with little or no warning is just as bad as ever (dropped in for around an hour today, came within 1 zone of spawning the dreads, just to have 2-3 zones flip in less than a minute).
Why bother putting new queues out anymore if they don't even bother making them acceptably functional?
And of course, once they have a stop gap, the pressure to actually fix it will go away.
Or for the king of the hill points each successive capture doesn't take as long to get done since those are the ones that take the longest and usually have the biggest impact on the zone overall because they take way longer than the asteroid push or shield zones.
Even some kind of incentive for players to keep an eye on held points would help, although I suppose they didnt do that to avoid folk simply going afk and leeching.
That said I was there have been times when I've flown around the middle three KotH points keeping them clear while the dozen or so other players have failed to keep the outer ring in player control. Almost amusing given how simple the asteroid push is for a sci captain as the photonic fleet can be used pretty effectively as a blockade.
What pressure? Honestly, the only pressure to fix things seems to be when something works too well for the players.
Stuff like holes in the invisible walls in Breach, get fixed immediately. Missing rewards, broken capture mechanics, well maybe one of these days if they're not too busy.