That's a bit rhetorical, because I'm sure there are plenty of you out there. I used to fly most of them. The fleet patrol escort was my favorite, then the tempest and fleet tempest. Then it was the Phantom. But since I discovered the pilot escorts and most recently the NX refit and their 5/2 weapon layout, I've had a hard time justifying returning to 4/3. All weapons cost the same amount of energy (with a few exceptions under certain situations) so why would I go give up a dual heavy cannon for a turret?
I thought of this as I read the stats of the new escorts today. They look like fine ships, but I have trouble wanting to go from 4/3 to 5/2.
Anyone else feel this way, or am I crazy?
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
...All weapons cost the same amount of energy (with a few exceptions under certain situations) so why would I go give up a dual heavy cannon for a turret?...
More realistically you'd be swapping that dual heavy cannon with a heavy weapon and gaining a turret (5/2 -> 1/4/3). As to if it's worth it or not, we'd have to see some of the stats for these heavy weapons.
EDIT: This is in context of many 4/3 ships soon to gain a heavy weapons slot. As is I would have to go with 5/2 being better than 4/3 for escorts. But personally I'm still flying the 4/3 lifer ship on many characters.
Most of my escort-flying toons are in 4/3 ships, mostly because none of the 5/2 options really appeal to me. Boff seating, console layout, special abilities, and hull aesthetics come in well ahead of weapon layout when I pick ships.
And I always have the Arbiter if I wanted to play a ship with five forward weapons.
I have a Valient, so yeah, I fly a 4/3 ship on my AoY Tac captain. That being said, if I had a 5/2 escort to fly instead, I'd likely be doing that. I'd trade in a turret or Omni for another DHC or DBB any day.
Yes, because there ain't no 5/2 which can roll the way I do.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
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T6 T'varo now and then when I'm feeling red ball'sh. Sadly the red ball isn't what it used to be since it went from plasma damage to kinetic. I miss when my plasma consoles buffed it. I also miss plasma weapons as a Romulan but since AP and other damage types offer better options with things like crystaline torpedo and such. Meh.
Honestly, I don't know how people can play escorts without pilot maneuvers. At least if you are using cannons.
On fed escorts i usually use beams anyway cause I think 90% of them look stupid when firing dual cannons, they have typical wide saucers but the cannon weapons almost always fire from the very front tip of the ship anyway. If dual cannons fired from the sides of the saucer I might be able to stomach it, but as it is imho the only fed ships that actually look ok with cannons are the defiant (which I've always thought was a hideous design anyway) and the pilot escorts.
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I have only one escort like ship at T6 ship which I bought for the star ship mastery trait, but kept playing because I really enjoyed it, and that is the Flight Deck Raptor.
Which I fly basically like I do cruisers as have yet to master dual cannons, I just don't have the dexterity.
The heavy weapons slot concept brings up a point though. They said the heavy weapons will not be affected by such things as beam overload (and presumably FAW), torpedo HY, probably CRF AND CSV... But what about the [Beam] and [Cannon] consoles? Will neither of these affect the heavy weapons? Or will they have different types that perhaps different consoles will boost?
Yes I do use a 4/3 more often then the 5/2 for one reason... I can have two 360 beam turrets and a 360 cut beam aft or two 360's and a mine or torp aft and 4 forward weapons up front. What doe this mean in game play? I have a very heavy punch forward and heavy punch in every arc around the ship. Yes 5/2 looks good on paper but there are distinct disadvantages at times like when you are surrounded by enemies or withdrawing you have a good smack them up against the side of thier bridge option that you miss with a 5/2 thats dedicated to frontal attacks only.
I fly both, but my T6 Fleet Akira is my highest DPSing Escort. Beats out my other tacts using the NX and Pilot escorts.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
Yea sure I fly 4/3 escorts. I have flown most of them actually.
In fact my all-time favorite STO ship I use on my lead space toon flies one. The JHSS. Like @seaofsorrows and @ussvaliant#6064 I got my highest DPS out of that instead of modern escorts with 5/2 ports and pilot maneuvers.
No matter the arrangement of the weapons the main downside of escorts compered to cruiser/dreads has been the lack of 8th gun port and a massive setback when it comes to device slots. No cruiser commands that reduce weapon power cost also factor in. All are a high price to pay for minor benefits of agility depending on what you do.
Looks like Cryptic is out to correct this a bit. Rest assured everybody that leech and embassy consoles have been nerfed to open up slots for the next generation of consoles that augment our new little gimmicks.
Won’t take long until the scrubs around here will begin to hate escorts with rail guns and the escort-online-scrub-cycle is finally complete after 4 years.
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My favorite escorts (and the only ones I still bust out now and then) are all 4/3. Hestia, Theseus and the Faeht.
Especially the Faeht.
Gravwell -> pep-torp spread -> decloak -> plasma lance + intel debuff -> CSV.
For a pure escort 5:2 is clearly better than 4:3, its why they were able to dangle the bug ship as a great prize for years.
umm...the Bug isn't 5:2, its totally 4:3..but it is still a great ship
just imagine how much win the Bug would be if it had pilot maneuvers
the Bug and the Defiant are ships that should have gotten pilot maneuvers
umm... the Bug isn't 5:2, its totally 4:3..but it is still a great ship just imagine how much win the Bug would be if it had pilot maneuvers
the Bug and the Defiant are ships that should have gotten pilot maneuvers
Shhhhh, do not tell anybody! They do not need to know.
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if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I have a rom in a 4:3 Morrigu, which is like an overgrown BoP, I'd prefer that to be 5:2.
More realistically you'd be swapping that dual heavy cannon with a heavy weapon and gaining a turret (5/2 -> 1/4/3). As to if it's worth it or not, we'd have to see some of the stats for these heavy weapons.
EDIT: This is in context of many 4/3 ships soon to gain a heavy weapons slot. As is I would have to go with 5/2 being better than 4/3 for escorts. But personally I'm still flying the 4/3 lifer ship on many characters.
And I always have the Arbiter if I wanted to play a ship with five forward weapons.
Yep, because I do not have any 5/2 ships.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I never really liked most of the Patrol Escort's looks but that one isn't bad at all.
I see no real difference for beams, but in a 'front facing' build using Cannons or DBB's 5/2 is king.
On fed escorts i usually use beams anyway cause I think 90% of them look stupid when firing dual cannons, they have typical wide saucers but the cannon weapons almost always fire from the very front tip of the ship anyway. If dual cannons fired from the sides of the saucer I might be able to stomach it, but as it is imho the only fed ships that actually look ok with cannons are the defiant (which I've always thought was a hideous design anyway) and the pilot escorts.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I don't care how many weapon on front or back is, so long as it works good, I'll take it.
Which I fly basically like I do cruisers as have yet to master dual cannons, I just don't have the dexterity.
Space Barbie is the real endgame!
Same here. And I pick beams (or cannons) by which energy type fits the theme of the ship and captain.
The heavy weapons slot concept brings up a point though. They said the heavy weapons will not be affected by such things as beam overload (and presumably FAW), torpedo HY, probably CRF AND CSV... But what about the [Beam] and [Cannon] consoles? Will neither of these affect the heavy weapons? Or will they have different types that perhaps different consoles will boost?
Easy use an eng console that boost turn rate and it really doesn't matter. I fly pilot escorts and for the most part the pilot manuvers are a gimmick.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
In fact my all-time favorite STO ship I use on my lead space toon flies one. The JHSS. Like @seaofsorrows and @ussvaliant#6064 I got my highest DPS out of that instead of modern escorts with 5/2 ports and pilot maneuvers.
No matter the arrangement of the weapons the main downside of escorts compered to cruiser/dreads has been the lack of 8th gun port and a massive setback when it comes to device slots. No cruiser commands that reduce weapon power cost also factor in. All are a high price to pay for minor benefits of agility depending on what you do.
Looks like Cryptic is out to correct this a bit. Rest assured everybody that leech and embassy consoles have been nerfed to open up slots for the next generation of consoles that augment our new little gimmicks.
Won’t take long until the scrubs around here will begin to hate escorts with rail guns and the escort-online-scrub-cycle is finally complete after 4 years.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Especially the Faeht.
Gravwell -> pep-torp spread -> decloak -> plasma lance + intel debuff -> CSV.
umm...the Bug isn't 5:2, its totally 4:3..but it is still a great ship
just imagine how much win the Bug would be if it had pilot maneuvers
the Bug and the Defiant are ships that should have gotten pilot maneuvers
Shhhhh, do not tell anybody! They do not need to know.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I also just got the Qin Flight Deck Raptor yesterday, and I am enjoying it.
I have the Mat'Ha Raptor though, and it's 5/2 And a Beast.
I really think they should re-tool the game, and make all or most escorts 5/2 and change science to 4:3
So yeah, I use 4:3s