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coldsnappedcoldsnapped Member Posts: 520 Cryptic Developer
Tribble has been updated to: ST.75.20170306c.8

  • Abilities that previously referred to Accuracy and Defense as percentages now refer to "Accuracy Rating" and "Defense Rating".
    • This is a tooltip update only to more accurately convey how the Accuracy and Defense mechanics work.
  • Attack Pattern Lambda now only gives its caster buffs when they fire weapons
  • Attack Pattern Lambda's perception buff and debuff have both been decreased
  • Sensor Analysis has been updated to function the way it describes itself.
  • Counter-Offensive's cooldown has been increased and the damage it reflects has been decreased.
  • The Subsystem Offline from Override Subsystem Safeties can once again be cleansed or resisted.
  • The damage Gravity Well and Subspace Vortex deal has been decreased relative to a significant net increase on Tribble
  • Gravity Well's Pull now scales much more aggressively with Control Expertise
  • Omega Kinetic Shearing's damage is now only 10% of the pre-resistance damage of the projectile impact that triggered it
  • Timeline Collapse now has a larger radius at ranks 2 and 3.
  • Causal Reversion's heal amounts have been increased
  • Boarding Parties now fly significantly faster at their target
  • The damage dealt of the proc on Shield Refrequencer Science Consoles has been significantly increased.
  • Continuity's Healing has been increased
  • Emergency Power to Weapon's Damage Energy Damage buff now only affects Directed Energy Weapons
  • Miracle Worker's Hull heal has been decreased slightly relative to a much larger increase on Tribble.
  • Miracle Worker's Secondary Shielding amount has been decreased slightly
  • Rotate Shield Frequency's Resistances have been increased
  • Demolition Team:
    • Damage has been increased
    • Now only requires 3 stacks to detonate
    • Now only require you to wait 8 seconds after detonating before beaming more demolition teams to targets.
  • Imminent Decay and Entropic Rider now indicate that their damage bypasses shields.
    • This is a tooltip change only.
    • Entropic Rider's damage has been increased.
  • Updated the description of a few stats in the stats UI.


  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017
    Tribble has been updated to: ST.75.20170306c.8

    • Sensor Analysis has been updated to function the way it describes itself.
    • The Subsystem Offline from Override Subsystem Safeties can once again be cleansed or resisted.

    On SA, all I have to say is, "What?" As far as I could tell it worked fine. I remember testing the boost on drain when it got changed and it worked perfectly.

    As for OSS, the original change was perfect. The whole point of it was having a downside, not a downside that you can get around from easily. You say you want to fix power level creep, but leave this jewel of an ability with a loophole. Same junk as running two copies of doffed aux2bat, the second and most subsequent uses don't have a downside because it's broken and doesn't do the -Aux portion correctly.

  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    •The Subsystem Offline from Override Subsystem Safeties can once again be cleansed or resisted.

    Starfleet: "Risk is Our Business ...Unless you mean the risk offsetting massive power level gains from overriding the safeties, in which case we're about as risk-adverse as a 72-year-old loan officer with a nervous bladder."

    Back to the OSS III meta it is. I don't know why they even put safeties on those systems. The downside of overriding them being a 1 second hiccup.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017
    @crypticspartan#0627 - I'd love to know more detail on what exactly got changed with Sensor Analysis. That description there is vague.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    nikeix wrote: »
    Starfleet: "Risk is Our Business ...Unless you mean the risk offsetting massive power level gains from overriding the safeties, in which case we're about as risk-adverse as a 72-year-old loan officer with a nervous bladder."

    Back to the OSS III meta it is. I don't know why they even put safeties on those systems. The downside of overriding them being a 1 second hiccup.

    I just went to read the system offline duration. It's only 6 to 2 seconds depending on which one you use. Not sure why they have to add the loophole in the first place except for people complaining they can't keep their DPS running for 2 to 6 seconds.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    Maybe they were afraid Reroute Power from Lifesupport might actually see some use if OSS wasn't easy-mode ;).
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    nikeix wrote: »
    Maybe they were afraid Reroute Power from Life support might actually see some use if OSS wasn't easy-mode ;).

    Funny that OSS has practically no penalty whatsoever while that one has a pretty rough 10 second one.

  • eclipsoreclipsor Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    OSS change makes sense though, with hot restarts having a lockout, you basically either hope for appropriate EPTX to be ready or waste an eng team that would otherwise be used as a heal. Clearing it manually is a downside on its own, not being able to at all made no sense.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017
    eclipsor wrote: »
    OSS change makes sense though, with hot restarts having a lockout, you basically either hope for appropriate EPTX to be ready or waste an eng team that would otherwise be used as a heal. Clearing it manually is a downside on its own, not being able to at all made no sense.

    Not being able to was the point. It's a very short disable on 1 subsystem in return for a very decent power boost to all of them. Not really that big of a deal.

  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    Or run Predictive Algorithms and half the buttons on your ship cleanse :).

    But really, +0-50 Max and Current All Power Levels might possibly need to incur some risk.

    I was genuinely looking forward to feeling like I was making a big play, putting it on the line, doing something ballsy to win, and not just auto-mashing buttons because they're off cooldown.
  • snipey47asnipey47a Member Posts: 485 Media Corps
    Hello Spartan,

    These further refinements prove that you are listening to the community and changing what you can but still keeping everything within your original scope. Bravo on your efforts and thank you for them.

    When I did Miracle Worker testing I was surprised how high I could get the heal with on a modest Hull Restoration stat so I am not surprised by this.

    Thank you for scaling up Grav Well pull with Control X stats. I can imagine the fine line here between being too much in PVE but enough of impact in PVP.

    Have you considered making Causal Reversion's DoT and Entropy effect scrubber longer than 5 seconds so that builds that have a temporal science station don't need to waste a temporal seat in another career with a casual reversion because hazard emitters 15 second scrubber is required. Hazards will clearly still be the better hull heal particularly if specc'd that way but that's a choice the player will have to make. I was thinking that if the debuff element can be changed then some builds can potentially not slot Hazards and play with a wider range of Temporal abilities.

    And before you shut STO's hood, can you please take a look at Super Weapon Ingenuity operation with DBBs vs arrays? The tooltip suggests that the B01 from the trait is being slotted ahead of the BO2/B03 boff power. This is also supported by the sequence of damage in the combatlog. Arrays are WAI from what I can see.

    Thank you again, Spartan.

  • snipey47asnipey47a Member Posts: 485 Media Corps
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Tribble has been updated to: ST.75.20170306c.8

    • Sensor Analysis has been updated to function the way it describes itself.
    • The Subsystem Offline from Override Subsystem Safeties can once again be cleansed or resisted.

    On SA, all I have to say is, "What?" As far as I could tell it worked fine. I remember testing the boost on drain when it got changed and it worked perfectly.

    As for OSS, the original change was perfect. The whole point of it was having a downside, not a downside that you can get around from easily. You say you want to fix power level creep, but leave this jewel of an ability with a loophole. Same junk as running two copies of doffed aux2bat, the second and most subsequent uses don't have a downside because it's broken and doesn't do the -Aux portion correctly.

    I agree with Luncho about OSS. However, the lockouts are still in place so I guess it isn't a complete reversal.
  • crypticspartan#0627 crypticspartan Member Posts: 847 Cryptic Developer
    lucho80 wrote: »
    @crypticspartan#0627 - I'd love to know more detail on what exactly got changed with Sensor Analysis. That description there is vague.

    This was largely a server performance driven change; its impact on your drain builds should be minimal. The functional change was to move it from decreasing the target's resistances to your effects to increasing your effectiveness vs that target. This causes it to now do precisely what the tooltip says, instead of something approximately similar to what it says.
  • martakurillmartakurill Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    lucho80 wrote: »
    As for OSS, the original change was perfect.

    Sorry, but I have to disagree with all of you for two reasons:

    1) Exceeding power level limits now provides less of a benefit.
    2) You still need to plan for clearing those subsystem offline debuffs; even more so than ever with the hot restart change.

    I'd maybe be okay with the offline debuff being unable to be resisted. But not clearable? No way. As a matter of fact, to reference nikeix's point, it actually gives you a reason to run the terrible trait that is Predictive Algorithms.

    If they put the unclearable feature back on this skill I doubt anyone who knows what he or she is doing will ever slot it again.
    Post edited by martakurill on
  • edited March 2017
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  • kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User

    Rotate Shield Frequency's Resistances have been increased

    Thanks for doing that! I was wondering about this, it did seem like the resistances given by this ability were too low.
  • colsanderson47colsanderson47 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I have to say that reverting the OSS changes in full perhaps isn't the best thing to do.

    I think where this got out of hand was with the "hot restarts". Our favourite Iconian set provides a lot of these hot restarts.

    I would suggest the following for OSS:
    - Prevent OSS from being able to be cleared with hot restart abilities. Make engineering team the clear for the subsystem offline debuff.
    - Scale the resistance values that players get since afterall this is a self inflicted debuff. A self inflicted debuff should not be able to be resisted by our own skill choices. If anything make the resistance for this offline period only be 50% of what it was before.

    I feel that being able to resist this with hot restarts alone and reducing its impact to be minimal reduces choice in game. If someone wants to boost weapon power (for more damage) there will be no choice but to go with an intel ship. If there was a penalty (as in the first patch cycle) there's now a tough choice: high power levels with a subsystem offline or use a different ability in its slot that may increase my damage. This in turn means that I would likely not use an NX Escort Refit and instead just stick with my Jem'Hadar Strike ship.
  • spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 251 Media Corps
    These are some wonderful changes. Seeing that yet another extreme (Omega Kinetic Shearing) has finally been balanced, has me wishing these changes were on Holodeck now.

    Thank you for these wonderful changes. These along with everything done so far with the balance pass will help make the game much more enjoyable for many of us.
  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    "Gravity Well's Pull now scales much more aggressively with Control Expertise"

    My Gravity Well I was at 23 repel before this patch with over 200 Control Expertise and went down to 18 repel after this patch. So you made it less effective for holding targets. good job.

    Have you looked at it around 400, which is where the radius of effect maxes out? Otherwise, this seems like it's working as stated.

    Edit: Seconded on the point about liking the first round of changes to OSS, making the disable unavoidable. It felt like a better tradeoff for the benefit, since there are enough other heals that keeping a copy of ET1 around to cleanse it isn't much of a problem.
  • This content has been removed.
  • edited March 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • halo111111halo111111 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    To quote your own words "Increase the fun – Games are about having fun, and players should not be made to feel that their fun is "wrong.”" In this quote you said our fun should not feel wrong but in reality you killed my build. I used a beam with crtdx4 for an overload and a massive single target hit and i used dual heavy cannons with that to tear the shields. well you killed in in the way it no longer always crts and nerfed the energy weapons so that each shot takes power instead of each cycle and in return i cant really use dual heavy cannons because it drains to much power. Thank you for taking away my fun and making me think that my fun is wrong really thank you. But here is what you could do instead of beam overload just buffing beam weapons make it to where it buffs cannons as well. and for power, decrease the amount of power cannons use so that they become more viable.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017
    I have to say that reverting the OSS changes in full perhaps isn't the best thing to do.

    I think where this got out of hand was with the "hot restarts". Our favourite Iconian set provides a lot of these hot restarts.

    I would suggest the following for OSS:
    - Prevent OSS from being able to be cleared with hot restart abilities. Make engineering team the clear for the subsystem offline debuff.
    - Scale the resistance values that players get since after all this is a self inflicted debuff. A self inflicted debuff should not be able to be resisted by our own skill choices. If anything make the resistance for this offline period only be 50% of what it was before.

    I feel that being able to resist this with hot restarts alone and reducing its impact to be minimal reduces choice in game. If someone wants to boost weapon power (for more damage) there will be no choice but to go with an intel ship. If there was a penalty (as in the first patch cycle) there's now a tough choice: high power levels with a subsystem offline or use a different ability in its slot that may increase my damage. This in turn means that I would likely not use an NX Escort Refit and instead just stick with my Jem'Hadar Strike ship.

    I've had a problem with hot restart for a while. I know they were put in the set because of the Iconians disables, but on top of that the set is the go-to for most players because it's DPS heavy. The set as it stands now makes using subsystem disables a joke in PvP right now. That lockout period is a great idea by Spartan, I just hope it's enough to make subsystem targeting worthwhile since there is also the disable lockout period that was added.

    Getting back to OSS the downside has to stay somehow. You are absolutely correct, one thing is being disabled from someone else, but this disable is self inflicted so adding self clearing is silly and gives players an easy loophole and makes it a must have ability for most now that plasmonic leech is out.

    I have to add, it seems from the comments that gravity well control scaling got screwed up in Tribble with this patch and needs to be fixed ASAP.
  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    tobiashirt wrote: »
    "Gravity Well's Pull now scales much more aggressively with Control Expertise"

    My Gravity Well I was at 23 repel before this patch with over 200 Control Expertise and went down to 18 repel after this patch. So you made it less effective for holding targets. good job.

    Have you looked at it around 400, which is where the radius of effect maxes out? Otherwise, this seems like it's working as stated.

    Edit: Seconded on the point about liking the first round of changes to OSS, making the disable unavoidable. It felt like a better tradeoff for the benefit, since there are enough other heals that keeping a copy of ET1 around to cleanse it isn't much of a problem.

    Tested it out at 400 Control Expertise and it's still under what I have on holodeck, it only puts at it to 21 repel, that's not scaling much more aggressively with Control Expertise from what it said it should. Compared to 23 repel on holodeck with 200 Control Expertise. The fact is from testing it out that Gravity Well scales about 400% less aggressively with Control Expertise not more than it did on holodeck.

    The distance at which it pulls is increased but the strength of what it pulls has been to bored line ? useless. incensing Increasing the distance of the control effect means jack all if it's hardly having any control effect.

    Now for some numbers...on exactly the same ship today vs. 2 days ago on Tribble:

    GW3: ~5200 damage/tick --> ~2600/tick, Radius 12km @ 400 ctrlX (same as prior test, and same as Holodeck), -0.32 Repel --> -0.40 Repel

    Above is as 130 Aux in ESD orbit, noting that the hold strength on Holodeck is currently the -0.32 that this ship had during the prior test. Values may differ due to my having equipped the Psychological Warfare trait, which is a % boost on top of the contributions from the CtrlX stat. Try equipping that and report back, but I'm looking at the above values as I type.

    TL:DR Pull distance unchanged, scaling with stat contribution is more aggressive.


    Numbers on some of the changes:

    SSV3 ~7200/tick -> ~4100
    Counter-Offensive reflection goes from 20k to 10k and 15s to 20s c/d
    Causal Reversion's base heal seems about the same, around 5300, but the added heal-per-entropy is at least doubled
    Entropic Rider went from ~530 to 700
    @125 Shield power, RSF is now about 39% resist
    MW3 secondary shields decreased from about 25k to 20.5k, hull heal from ~48k to ~38k
  • edited March 2017
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  • sarah2774sarah2774 Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    spencerb96 wrote: »
    Seeing that yet another extreme (Omega Kinetic Shearing) has finally been balanced, has me wishing these changes were on Holodeck now.
    Wince, Ouch. Once snipey47a mention it the video, knew it would happen (Cryptic can't resist nerf). Guess we torp user have to adapt. Watching those slow torp reaching the target and explode, the anticipation was fun. Most torp users will probably curse.
  • renimaltrenimalt Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    @crypticspartan#0627 - I'd love to know more detail on what exactly got changed with Sensor Analysis. That description there is vague.

    This was largely a server performance driven change; its impact on your drain builds should be minimal. The functional change was to move it from decreasing the target's resistances to your effects to increasing your effectiveness vs that target. This causes it to now do precisely what the tooltip says, instead of something approximately similar to what it says.

    How does this work for the "50% reduction to all incoming heals" effect of SA? On Holodeck, this seems to be done via an inverse sum; this results in a 1/1.5 = 0.66x multiplier to incoming heals on the target, or a 33.33% reduction to heals. Does this change mean that SA will now actually reduce all heals to the target by 50%? (That would be a pretty significant increase to its effectiveness as a control ability in PvP.)
    Resist viewer! See shield/hull resists! Read about it here!
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    10 % damage bonus is the same as some other traits - but isn't the fact that it's a damage over time a drawback that warrants a bit higher buff then 10 %? It doesn't add as much spike to your torpedo attacks as an actual 40 % damage buff would.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    10 % damage bonus is the same as some other traits - but isn't the fact that it's a damage over time a drawback that warrants a bit higher buff then 10 %? It doesn't add as much spike to your torpedo attacks as an actual 40 % damage buff would.

    I tend to agree. 15% feels like the goldilocks zone to me.
  • neogabi1neogabi1 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    [*] Emergency Power to Weapon's Damage Energy Damage buff now only affects Directed Energy Weapons

    Edited: So after reading your response on tribble directed energy weapons includes cannons and turrents and such things as well as the two energy torpedoes in game, but not things like console weapons, lances, etc. Is that correct?
    nikeix wrote: »
    10 % damage bonus is the same as some other traits - but isn't the fact that it's a damage over time a drawback that warrants a bit higher buff then 10 %? It doesn't add as much spike to your torpedo attacks as an actual 40 % damage buff would.

    I tend to agree. 15% feels like the goldilocks zone to me.

    I'd say 15-20% myself, yes. Torpedoes are already looked down upon unless you're specifically making a torp boat and Omega shearing was one of the few easy ways to make them more effective in a mixed build. If you don't want torps to be doing as much additional damage, perhaps something can be done to decrease the amount they get negated by shields?
    Team Fencebane - All Adventure, No Direction!
  • sovereign2727sovereign2727 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    "The damage Gravity Well and Subspace Vortex deal has been decreased relative to a significant net increase on Tribble"

    Yes this was ridiculous, but as far as I understood you wanted to fix the auxiliary scaling and have the damage end up to be about the same? My GW2 on holodeck now does more than my GW3 on Tribble. And GW1 is just right behind it. Also SSV got substantially nerfed in the end now. I wish that you can at least keep the abilities at kinda the damage range they were at, considering the other nerfs you have done to science ships so far. Sure, 6k DPS GW3 is not right :P

    Nerfing Omega Kinetic Shearing? Oden Knight won't like that one :D But yes it was needed, but as proposed above 10% is making it not worth slotting, something like 15-25% would be more... adequate.

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