In the patch notes for 3/2/2017 it says
23rd Century Bridge Officers now have stance animation in the character select screen.
I started a new thread here, because the Patch Notes thread was already closed when I saw the new poses. Frankly, I was skeptical. I snagged poseless screenies of my 23rd Century crew yesterday, just in case. But the devs did a GREAT JOB, and deserve kudos! Correct 23rd century gear on all BOFFs! Bravi!
Absolutely no sarcasm is intended, just honest appreciation. (I can certainly be critical when I feel it's warranted, but I'm always just as quick to express appreciation, too.) Thank you for a job well done!
Now, if our Security Teams were also 23rd Century, that would be nice, too! *Hint, hint*
But in any case, many sincere thanks!
Yes, I second your entire post!
I had noticed that before the patch. I had one 25c BOFF in 23c uniform and weapon, but he showed up posed and with a 25c. weapon in the screen, alongside the poseless 23c. crew. Before the patch went live, I had replaced him with a 23c. BOFF from the K-13 Fleet Holding, so I didn't catch that, post-patch. Good catch!
BTW, at a T3 K-13 you can get 23c. BOFFs (purples) of all four AoY races, all three careers, and both sexes to fill out your crew. Two androids are available, too, of which you can have one. KDF-side, you can get 23c. Klingon BOFFs of all three careers and both sexes.