Find an Induction Coil toggle missing
As a Romulan-kdf aligned engineer alien at level 47, I've completed the "help McCoy Pioneer a Neural Rejuvenation Procedure" and it shows up in green with a checkmark, but the other sole objective "Find an Induction Coil" stays white, and the room with the big green circle highlight on the map and flashing highlight has no interact that pops up no matter where I stand next to it. I've done this mission many times but haven't had this problem before.
[12:16] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #4,279,700.
Posting this here for added visibility, and in case someone has any pointers in case I'm doing something wrong, although I've checked the rest of the map and there's nothing left to interact with or any other objectives.
I find that jumping onto the console gets me close enough.
Well, apart from jumping onto the console like I previously mentioned.
I will try again with a Romulan to see if the problem is species-specific.
And yes, I know your char is not AoY and that your issue was experienced recently unlike mine. (maybe linked somehow too and maybe linked to a past carrier dialogue option bug too - or any other obstacles in this "bumpy" missions, I don't know or remember)
"-Grind is good!" --Gordon Geko
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