For the Love of God, do you think you guys will ever get around to fixing it? I just love logging on multiple alts and having it occur on all of them. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Hell maybe its keybinds. I go into battle pick a target load all my buffs, numpad 0 and open fire and wTF happens my god^!@ ship warps out and warps back in randomly and interupts in my attack are introduced during that 3 second animation.
Word's cannot express how f ing tiresome it is to see this bug not being addressed or fixed. It's been going on for how long now? It's gamebreaking, immersion breaking downright annoying. Ranks right up there with the boffs that used to dissapear from their stations and tray powers dissapearing. Frakking fix the effing thing already!
^^ All of this!
For the love of Kahless, fix this already! Stop tinkering with the Overflow Bag and other non-sense!
And people (in general), stop white-knighting Cryptic over this! All that does is tell them they're getting away with being lazy.
eek, it was bad enough being limited to [x] number of players, even with the increase in occurrence we were seeing, it did appear to be triggered by our activity/buffs/group buffs/abilities or the such. but if this is now started to proliferate out through npc's.. that is an entirely different thing all together.
i really do hope they are able to get on top of this before it escalates further or becomes epidemic
I entered the queue event and decided not to use any abilities just auto target and fire when in range thinking maybe it's a tray ability issue. NOPE this time simply moving forward triggered it on my temporal captain. I am still not able to find a reason this is happening.
I don't get this as often as before really. Once in a while it does happen en most likely because I adjusted the ships build to try new things - I just don't know what I changed.
This bug can get you out of the battle for a while. Who know, it could even be the overly high DPS that the game just breaks with calculations. It's an odd one that's for sure.
Are you asking us or the Devs?! :P
I think ppl have actually tried to determine the cause many times; but just when you start to think you might have an inkling as to what ability might possibly trigger it, your theory gets immediately falsified by yet another condition you don't know.
Seriously, what is needed is a Dev, flying around with an open debug screen, actually, you know, debugging this.
At this point, I'm going to mention @ambassadorkael#6946, in the hope he can prompt the Devs to action. It's been over a year now. Too long.
Playing from the UK my ping never goes below 120 due to the transatlantic factor but when it jumps for whatever reason, usually hits around 1800, it won't cause the warp out/in to trigger. All that happens is that the game will suddenyl exhale and you see a flickbook show of the time spent in the lag bubble.
Top of my list of personal "favourites" is when the game does it just as you've popped evasive maneuvers to avoid a warpcore breach.
"it makes no sense.. there is no tactical pattern to these things.. but there must be a reason"
Common powers to them all include power to weps, energy modulation, hazard emitters and power to shields.
Never liked cannons so beam arrays and banks on the different characters but type of beam (phaser, plasma, ap, etc) doesnt seem to me to be a factor.
Dunno about that. Would be an extremely TRIBBLE mechanic to have you warp out because of latency (instead of over you doing something actively... like warping out). And even if the game erroneously thought you had left the map, it would then be even more TRIBBLE to still create a warp-out animation for you.