Every time I come back to STO for a nose around, it seems things have gotten even more convoluted. Anyway, my question is this - how exactly does unlocking the "nuTrek" Material 7 in ship customisation work?
Do you pay the 3000zen cost it lists and then get access to the material on all your ships? Or just that one? Or do you have to buy specifically the matching Tier 6 version of the T5 Multi-Mission Recon Explorer(and the same again for every other ship you want to use it on)? Or does buying any C-Store ship with the number 7 material unlock it for your other ships?
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Hard to say if this is intentional or the tailor just TRIBBLE up by showing stuff that shouldn't even be available in there.
We are PWE. Your forums and game accounts will be added to our own. Your community will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Did they own the T6 version?
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Eg. I have T4? Voyager. I bought T6 Pathfinder. Both are the same type of Science Vessel so I can apply Type 7 to my T4 Voyager.
Right, OK thanks guys. That's actually depressing - just to make all my 25th C ships look "right" will cost about 80 quid.
One last question - is there a list anywhere of exactly which ship "costumes" work with the T6/T5U versions? Some of them are listed on stowiki but it's a bit patchwork. Among other things I want to figure out if there's a way to keep using my TOS character's Pioneer as I level.
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As for the pioneer, it's a standalone ship with no high tier equvialent. T1 forever.