Why can't we buy an item as a gift for a friend, like say I have some spare Zen and want to buy a ship for a friend, or vice versa why can't we do this? Cryptic is getting their money either way it just seems like it would be a nice feature to offically support.
You could create a bunch of alt accounts and farm dilithium, then change the dilithium for zen, then gift your main account with whatever zen-only purchase you want. There's already plenty of things that can be traded from the c-store. You can gift your friend fleet modules, master keys, and upgrade tokens.
Depending on the ship he wants, there may already be a Fleet T6 version of it which would require 5 Fleet Modules along with 20k fleet credits.
There are Zen Gift Cards you can purchase.
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You don't even need to do that. I believe there are web sites that provide e-mail delivery of gift card codes.