OK, I don't always use a controller on the PC version and the few times that I have, it's always been while flying a cruiser or larger type ship, so probably why I did not notice this issue before, but while testing out the new NX Retrofit from the Lobi store, I noticed the ship does not turn in a very tight arc as befitting an Escort class vessel. So, I used the mouse, then the keyboard and the turn rate was better. I tried a few other ships, including other Escorts, Pilot ships and a Destroyer on different characters of different factions, both on Holodeck and Tribble, and the issue is still there. I've adjusted everything I can think of in settings and nothing seems to work. I'm using an official Xbox One controller on Windows 10 Pro with all updates and current drivers.
Love your video' btw.
Ahh, cool. At least it was acknowledged. Thanks