referring to the Op's original post, the my biggest issue has been the exact opposite: finding zones that aren't already Blue. Keep having to change instances.
Pick off the targets starting with the smallest, moving up to the biggest and not the other way around.
This is not the best advice. Always prioritize the Cruisers first, since they're the ones that make the other ships invulnerable. This counts for any point.
At Tug of War points: If you are alone or in a pair coming into a fresh red point, check what ships are there first. Sometimes it's just 3 Frigates, so go ahead and melt them, but sometimes it's 3 Frigates near the Tzenkethi goal and a Battleship/Cruiser pair near the next ring. Take the Battleship/Cruiser pair first, then melt the Frigates. Otherwise, you start the contest and have to deal with a periodically invulnerable artillery unit with high HP shelling you as you move along slowly towing an asteroid, or letting a bunch of Frigates that spawn in behind you clear a number of asteroids while you remove this nuisance.
If there are a number of you, somebody should stay back near the Tzenkethi goal and play goalie. Just get close enough for your tractor to activate on the asteroid and full stop to blow the enemy away. You'll usually be facing his forward arc, and the opposing beams on the same asteroid means that it doesn't move.
At Blockade Points: Clear the ships before turning the towers.
If you are solo, paired or even in a trio, stick to a zone to keep active and work the rest as you can. Do not bunch up and follow each other around the circle hitting enemies, it takes too long and you will lose tower control, especially if there are only 2 of you, and especially if one of you is not so strong. Cover your tower, move to clear any unguarded tower, then aid someone else. As long as there's someone firing on the Tzenkethi at any tower, they will be interrupted from taking it back, so your attention is needed elsewhere first.
If there are more than 3 of you, try not to all bunch up and just go ahead and go to town. You'll probably overwhelm them.
At King of the Hill points: It's probably best not to even bother with these solo. You might be able to beat back the Battleships quickly, but you'll likely get less data drops, and probably not make the progress to flip the point. It can be done with 2 decent players, 3 is easier, and more than that is a rout. If there are 2 or 3 of you, get the data from the Tzenkethi whenever you can, it will help immensely in advancing control of the point, and building a buffer in case of too many Battleships at once.
Dreadnoughts: Get on those satellites! Get them out there and keep them out there at all costs. This should be your top priority. Park on them.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
For me I think it might be nice to see a bit of a buff in the Tzenkethi ships, but that is not fully needed at all. THough it does seem like the points have alot faster timer before they go from capped to contested or even fall fully., and so it would be nice to see this time improved to give the players more time to deal with that, though this being a bug is also thought so once fixed might make this completely irrelevant. If it is not though the amount of coordination an communication needed in this battle-zone compared to the Undine an Terran battle-zone, as well as that it does seem the Tzenkethi battle-zone does not have the same incursion at the end like the other two do (giving them an additional elite mark/regular marks an also dil rewards), so it would be nice to see a bit of a buff to rewards gained from the battle-zone to compensate for this (either at the end, or spread out among the points and the three dreads.).
I did not mind the idea of having the capture points being retaken quite quickly, but if it were to stay in place an made so that yo could do it effectively, than it would be nice to have some kind of reward for it. Like 2-3 marks an 15 dil would be a nice incentive for players to stay in the point to safe-guard it. It would also still make capping points better for rewards, but not make those taking the time to recap points take a hit to their reward payout for doing it compared to the players just worrying about capping even as points are taken over by the Tzenkethi.
The players who sacrifice themselves to watch the zones have no gain. They prefer to conquer zones to win marks.
Tzenkethi are faster to regain areas.
Success is too difficult to get, this battlezone will end in oblivion
Yep, that's a big problem.
In order to have even a slight chance at winning, you need several players to just agree to sit around and do absolutely nothing for no gain. This is a stupid way to design a battle zone. It should be like other BZ's where the Zone turns red and you have X number of Minutes to get back there and stop the re-capture. The instant re-cap thing makes the entire endeavor a complete waste of time.
The players who sacrifice themselves to watch the zones have no gain. They prefer to conquer zones to win marks.
Tzenkethi are faster to regain areas.
Success is too difficult to get, this battlezone will end in oblivion
Yep, that's a big problem.
In order to have even a slight chance at winning, you need several players to just agree to sit around and do absolutely nothing for no gain. This is a stupid way to design a battle zone. It should be like other BZ's where the Zone turns red and you have X number of Minutes to get back there and stop the re-capture. The instant re-cap thing makes the entire endeavor a complete waste of time.
Well that or keep the idea of having the Tzenkethi recap faster, but instead of keeping the idea of not getting any rewards for defending give the player some rewards. Like I suggested since this idea of the Tzenkethi have a much faster re-capping time then others, which makes sense we are in their territory truly, than give the players that defend the points a small reward (I am thinking something like 1-3 marks and 15-30 dil per defend.). This would keep the battle-zone intact, though it would need to have the cheap instant recaps even when defended fixed, and give players a incentive to defend the points that are captured.
Also I would say that since this battlezone not only takes more coordination, and also communication between players to finish, while also having much thinner lines of completion it should have the end rewards buffed abit. I mean it does not even seem to have the normal final fleet incursion like the Undine an Terran battle-zones did, which drops the rewards further down compared to these other two battle-zones that give out about the same rewards for the first part (an 1 more elite mark, 20 i think reg marks, and 500 dil for the fleet incursion completion.).
We could also use specific zone chats, since even with the chat options to list your instance number on, there is still alot of confusion. Merely having a zone-instance specific channel would clear this up, and if that is not done, than making it that when you enter the battle-zone you are grouped into a raid group with those in your zone-instance would be a good alternative.
Well the precedent is certainly there in a sense. In the Voth Ground Battlezone, if they retake an area and you go get it back they drop those Command chips at a 4:1 ratio pretty much per kill while doing so.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I can't comment on the difficulty as I haven't touched the BZ or the new queues yet, but having people auto grouped when entering a BZ would go a long way to solving the problem of anyone who stays behind to guard a zone not getting any rewards.
Multiple groups wouldn't be an issue since the CC queue does this, so we already know it's possible.
I can't comment on the difficulty as I haven't touched the BZ or the new queues yet, but having people auto grouped when entering a BZ would go a long way to solving the problem of anyone who stays behind to guard a zone not getting any rewards.
Multiple groups wouldn't be an issue since the CC queue does this, so we already know it's possible.
The Difficulty is fine.. if anything, the enemies might need a bit of a buff to match the Badlands.
The real issue is the mechanics of the BZ. The enemies are by no means OP, I doubt anyone ever really gets blown up in the new BZ. You do however, fly around shooting things until your inventory is full and then you warp out since the zone never actually gets completed.
Battleszone Problem? You mean TEAM problem. Look it's a long drawn out battle and if you have some yahoo flying off and trying to be superman taking everyone out you are going to have problems. The whole secret to ANY of the various Tzenkathi PVE's is take out the cruisers and frigates as a team as they will heal and buff the BB's and each other. This is not a battle where you can fly around willy nilly and expect to win. For once we have an enemy that has a good balence in both HP's, shields, and damage that require team work to beat them! And frankly it is about damn time!
The players who sacrifice themselves to watch the zones have no gain. They prefer to conquer zones to win marks.
Tzenkethi are faster to regain areas.
Success is too difficult to get, this battlezone will end in oblivion
Yep, that's a big problem.
In order to have even a slight chance at winning, you need several players to just agree to sit around and do absolutely nothing for no gain. This is a stupid way to design a battle zone. It should be like other BZ's where the Zone turns red and you have X number of Minutes to get back there and stop the re-capture. The instant re-cap thing makes the entire endeavor a complete waste of time.
^^ You absolutely nailed it. As you did in your follow-up posts. The Tzenkethi are not OP in the least. Nor is the *team* the problem, here, as suggested further down the line; nobody can be faulted for not wanting to sit idle for 5 minutes in a row, for no gain whatsoever: the team just moves along the broken design.
isn't there supposed to be a Boss type of thing with this one? I remember reading that when they first brought up this Battle zone. If there is, I've not seen it...
Or am I just insane? Too much coffee, maybe?
As for difficulty? For me? Almost too easy. Kill Regen Probe things, blast Cruisers, take out Escort types, then go for the bigger ships and finally the hammerlooking ones (forget names since I'm usually too busy to see them). 1 Cruiser + any other ship = you're wasting your time (or) it's on infinite heal.
regular drops, basic awards... no Microcontainers? yep. zero. zilch. none.
played it for about 5 hours the other day. Didn't get anything other than basic junk, which I can get doing other stuff.
Battleszone Problem? You mean TEAM problem. Look it's a long drawn out battle and if you have some yahoo flying off and trying to be superman taking everyone out you are going to have problems. The whole secret to ANY of the various Tzenkathi PVE's is take out the cruisers and frigates as a team as they will heal and buff the BB's and each other. This is not a battle where you can fly around willy nilly and expect to win. For once we have an enemy that has a good balence in both HP's, shields, and damage that require team work to beat them! And frankly it is about damn time!
You just don't get it. Why in the hell would I want to do teamwork, when half of the "teamwork" isn't challenging or even balanced. It's sitting on a capped zone, waiting for gods know how long for the chance that an enemy warps in, kill them off quickly enough, for zero reward, while my "teammates" wrack in the marks for actually playing the bz. Bottom line is, the BZ rewards you for NOT being in a team more then it does for you being in a team. No microcontainers, better marks for letting the enemy recap and attacking them again, no incentive for sitting on capped site and being a team playing. So why in the heck would I want to play as a team, when there is zero reward in it, but there is at least a marks reward for flying off willy nilly?
Battleszone Problem? You mean TEAM problem. Look it's a long drawn out battle and if you have some yahoo flying off and trying to be superman taking everyone out you are going to have problems. The whole secret to ANY of the various Tzenkathi PVE's is take out the cruisers and frigates as a team as they will heal and buff the BB's and each other. This is not a battle where you can fly around willy nilly and expect to win. For once we have an enemy that has a good balence in both HP's, shields, and damage that require team work to beat them! And frankly it is about damn time!
You just don't get it. Why in the hell would I want to do teamwork, when half of the "teamwork" isn't challenging or even balanced. It's sitting on a capped zone, waiting for gods know how long for the chance that an enemy warps in, kill them off quickly enough, for zero reward, while my "teammates" wrack in the marks for actually playing the bz. Bottom line is, the BZ rewards you for NOT being in a team more then it does for you being in a team. No microcontainers, better marks for letting the enemy recap and attacking them again, no incentive for sitting on capped site and being a team playing. So why in the heck would I want to play as a team, when there is zero reward in it, but there is at least a marks reward for flying off willy nilly?
You can get the elite marks, a whole 3 of them, if you're involved in a successful takedown of the 3 dreadnoughts at the end. It does happen, but not very often, and it seems even that can be buggy. I've seen 1 of the 3 Dreadnoughts with a health bar in the UI at the end, and it simply isn't there. I assume this is where the "sticky" Dreadnought health bar in a zone that isn't done comes from, it just persists through the reset.
For now, I run a single point to get my daily marks package on each character and then leave each day. At least it works for that. If by some miracle the endgame of the zone happens during that time, I take part in that.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There can be no strategy when the zone is not even working properly. Resets happen to fast, even if no enemy ships are there and ships sometimes don't even go down. Heck, I've even seen a capture point reset immediately to an enemy hold just as it was captured by allies. It's a sick joke how this was put together without proper QA.
This is not the best advice. Always prioritize the Cruisers first, since they're the ones that make the other ships invulnerable. This counts for any point.
At Tug of War points: If you are alone or in a pair coming into a fresh red point, check what ships are there first. Sometimes it's just 3 Frigates, so go ahead and melt them, but sometimes it's 3 Frigates near the Tzenkethi goal and a Battleship/Cruiser pair near the next ring. Take the Battleship/Cruiser pair first, then melt the Frigates. Otherwise, you start the contest and have to deal with a periodically invulnerable artillery unit with high HP shelling you as you move along slowly towing an asteroid, or letting a bunch of Frigates that spawn in behind you clear a number of asteroids while you remove this nuisance.
If there are a number of you, somebody should stay back near the Tzenkethi goal and play goalie. Just get close enough for your tractor to activate on the asteroid and full stop to blow the enemy away. You'll usually be facing his forward arc, and the opposing beams on the same asteroid means that it doesn't move.
At Blockade Points: Clear the ships before turning the towers.
If you are solo, paired or even in a trio, stick to a zone to keep active and work the rest as you can. Do not bunch up and follow each other around the circle hitting enemies, it takes too long and you will lose tower control, especially if there are only 2 of you, and especially if one of you is not so strong. Cover your tower, move to clear any unguarded tower, then aid someone else. As long as there's someone firing on the Tzenkethi at any tower, they will be interrupted from taking it back, so your attention is needed elsewhere first.
If there are more than 3 of you, try not to all bunch up and just go ahead and go to town. You'll probably overwhelm them.
At King of the Hill points: It's probably best not to even bother with these solo. You might be able to beat back the Battleships quickly, but you'll likely get less data drops, and probably not make the progress to flip the point. It can be done with 2 decent players, 3 is easier, and more than that is a rout. If there are 2 or 3 of you, get the data from the Tzenkethi whenever you can, it will help immensely in advancing control of the point, and building a buffer in case of too many Battleships at once.
Dreadnoughts: Get on those satellites! Get them out there and keep them out there at all costs. This should be your top priority. Park on them.
I did not mind the idea of having the capture points being retaken quite quickly, but if it were to stay in place an made so that yo could do it effectively, than it would be nice to have some kind of reward for it. Like 2-3 marks an 15 dil would be a nice incentive for players to stay in the point to safe-guard it. It would also still make capping points better for rewards, but not make those taking the time to recap points take a hit to their reward payout for doing it compared to the players just worrying about capping even as points are taken over by the Tzenkethi.
Yep, that's a big problem.
In order to have even a slight chance at winning, you need several players to just agree to sit around and do absolutely nothing for no gain. This is a stupid way to design a battle zone. It should be like other BZ's where the Zone turns red and you have X number of Minutes to get back there and stop the re-capture. The instant re-cap thing makes the entire endeavor a complete waste of time.
Well that or keep the idea of having the Tzenkethi recap faster, but instead of keeping the idea of not getting any rewards for defending give the player some rewards. Like I suggested since this idea of the Tzenkethi have a much faster re-capping time then others, which makes sense we are in their territory truly, than give the players that defend the points a small reward (I am thinking something like 1-3 marks and 15-30 dil per defend.). This would keep the battle-zone intact, though it would need to have the cheap instant recaps even when defended fixed, and give players a incentive to defend the points that are captured.
Also I would say that since this battlezone not only takes more coordination, and also communication between players to finish, while also having much thinner lines of completion it should have the end rewards buffed abit. I mean it does not even seem to have the normal final fleet incursion like the Undine an Terran battle-zones did, which drops the rewards further down compared to these other two battle-zones that give out about the same rewards for the first part (an 1 more elite mark, 20 i think reg marks, and 500 dil for the fleet incursion completion.).
We could also use specific zone chats, since even with the chat options to list your instance number on, there is still alot of confusion. Merely having a zone-instance specific channel would clear this up, and if that is not done, than making it that when you enter the battle-zone you are grouped into a raid group with those in your zone-instance would be a good alternative.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Multiple groups wouldn't be an issue since the CC queue does this, so we already know it's possible.
The Difficulty is fine.. if anything, the enemies might need a bit of a buff to match the Badlands.
The real issue is the mechanics of the BZ. The enemies are by no means OP, I doubt anyone ever really gets blown up in the new BZ. You do however, fly around shooting things until your inventory is full and then you warp out since the zone never actually gets completed.
^^ You absolutely nailed it. As you did in your follow-up posts. The Tzenkethi are not OP in the least. Nor is the *team* the problem, here, as suggested further down the line; nobody can be faulted for not wanting to sit idle for 5 minutes in a row, for no gain whatsoever: the team just moves along the broken design.
It's a shame too, as it's such a pretty zone.
isn't there supposed to be a Boss type of thing with this one? I remember reading that when they first brought up this Battle zone. If there is, I've not seen it...
Or am I just insane? Too much coffee, maybe?
As for difficulty? For me? Almost too easy. Kill Regen Probe things, blast Cruisers, take out Escort types, then go for the bigger ships and finally the hammerlooking ones (forget names since I'm usually too busy to see them). 1 Cruiser + any other ship = you're wasting your time (or) it's on infinite heal.
regular drops, basic awards... no Microcontainers? yep. zero. zilch. none.
played it for about 5 hours the other day. Didn't get anything other than basic junk, which I can get doing other stuff.
You just don't get it. Why in the hell would I want to do teamwork, when half of the "teamwork" isn't challenging or even balanced. It's sitting on a capped zone, waiting for gods know how long for the chance that an enemy warps in, kill them off quickly enough, for zero reward, while my "teammates" wrack in the marks for actually playing the bz. Bottom line is, the BZ rewards you for NOT being in a team more then it does for you being in a team. No microcontainers, better marks for letting the enemy recap and attacking them again, no incentive for sitting on capped site and being a team playing. So why in the heck would I want to play as a team, when there is zero reward in it, but there is at least a marks reward for flying off willy nilly?
Pretty much all of this!
Battlezone must be reworked or it will quickly become a desert.
For now, I run a single point to get my daily marks package on each character and then leave each day. At least it works for that. If by some miracle the endgame of the zone happens during that time, I take part in that.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'