I've been playing this game on Xbox One since it first dropped and the various lockboxes have begun to seriously stack up across the characters on my account. I've been amassing them all in my shared account bank and am now awaiting the next discount weekend to splurge and buy enough keys to open them all.
I understand that the percentage chance of a rare ship drop is still minimal and not guaranteed, but as there are many more people who've played this game for years on pc I thought that I might solicit some feedback on the handful of ingame lockbox ships whose visual I really like. I did not research their traits and other benefits, just the visuals of those that appeal to me personally.
If anyone pc or console has an opinion about the Na'kuhl Acheros Battlecruiser (T6); Na’kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel (T6); Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought; Krenim Imperium Warship; Zahl Heavy Cruiser; Hazari Destroyer; Kobali Samsar Cruiser; Ouroboros Temporal Raider - please speak up.
I think the the Na'kuhl ships look awesome and also if anyone has info about what these ships price at in the exchange that would be great. I've not seen any lately and am nowhere near credit sufficient to buy one anyway, but it might help me start planning for the long haul. Thanks!
I was sort of expecting that to mostly be the case, honestly. Maybe selling the keys is the better path? So, anyone got experience seeing what any of these ships regularly sell for on the exchange?
Lock box odds are 1 in 250. Before opening any boxes the odds of NOT getting any ships are 0.996 ^ (number of keys). You can use the x^y button on a calculator including Windows' in Scientific view.
For 100 keys, 0.996 ^ 100 = 0.6697 = 66.97% chance of getting NO ships. 1 - 0.6697 = 33.03% chance of getting AT LEAST one ship.
Compare that to the EC prices of ships on the XB1 exchange, and the EC price of selling 100 keys.
1) You are playing on a console, therefore content is lagging behind almost by a year;
2) You are trying to gamble with keys having no single idea of your odds and generally any awareness of how TRIBBLE it is;
3) You are focusing on ship visuals before their actual use, so I am guessing your plan is to be yet another clueless player in this game.
The Samsar is a legacy event ship and will only be available in Phoenix boxes (to scam more cash out), knowing how terrible the console version is, I feel it will never hit your stores other than pay-to-win.
The Ouroboros is a C-Store ship and a part of the 31c pack. The bundle is super good.
The Zahl Cruiser exists and stands only for its ship trait.
The Annorax is not a lockbox ship, but a promo ship. The price varies on PC, you couldn't find it cheaper than 750mil EC these days. You have missed out the infinite promo box launch, though.
The Hazari Destroyer is just an abomination.
Any other ship is worthless as long as you have no usable gear. You don't need a premium ship if you don't know how to play the game. I would advise you to take basic lessons on ship abilities, DPS, builds, and so on in before you waste billions on the ships and be disappointed (as well as your potential teammates whom you will ruin the queues for).
STOWiki for all your needs: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Main_Page
Plus what others said: keys --> EC --> purchase off exchange vs gambling and having a good reason for buying the ship beyond visuals, although that counts as well
i.e. it's trait, included console for set bonuses, turn rate, weapon, console, and boff layouts, etc. compliments what you are trying to achieve. This game has a *lot* of interesting synergies and mechanics so knowledge is power and Google is your friend (the wiki, Reddit, the DPS sites, these forums).
(A decent player can make any T6 ship work, so starting from a ship where you like its looks is a perfectly valid strategy. Especially if you also have mastery traits from a bunch of other ships )
And saying someone is goi g to. E clueless because they consider ship visuals show what an utter fool you are. Some people (an lot of people actually) play STO in their favourite looking ship and doing exceptionally well. You don't need some god-like dps monster build to be good or effective. You pick a ship you like and play with it and develop a build and play style that works for you and can make you an effective player. Pointing someone towards some dps cookie cutter nonsense will not make them a better player, it won't make them understand the game better.
The guy asked for advice and opinions and if you ain't got any to give then don't just come in and tell them they are doing it all wrong.
Out of the ships you listed OP, I have the Daemosh and Archeros. Both are nice ships and with different styles. Daemosh is a wicked good science vessel and probably one of the best I've flown. Battle Cloak, lt cmdr tac seat, all the usual science vessel perks, looks gorgeous.
Archeros is quite epic looking as a ship but leans more towards a beam cruiser with a more sneaky side. Interestingly with the Na'kuhl ships you can build a seriously plasma focused ship because you can slot the Na'kuhl sets that buff plasma and the Romulan sets that also buff plasma. No other ships to my knowledge can fit so many plasma buffing sets on them at one time.
Daemosh is lobi, so not sure if that's in your budget.
Archeros, at least on PC is coming down in price a hell of a lot and is along with the Vonph the cheapest T6 ship on the exchange. Worth the price I'd say.
Huh. That is something i still have to experience myself... And yet, despite my MK XIV ultra-rare/epic stuff, i am far, very far from flying a DPS cookie cutter of doom.
I disagree.
It is fast, maneuverable, hits like a truck, is survivable, has access to intel and the boff layout makes it very versatile.
It's currently one of the better escorts/destroyers in the game.
Play the game however you want and enjoy yourself! That is all that matters.
All the ships you listed are good, some are extremely good. All the na'kuhl ships rock and are beautiful too. Are you familiar with playing science ships? They require a somewhat different approach then other ships.
If there ever is a T7, I would like to see PWE separate ships from their equipment screen. There are times when i feel like I have to sacrifice a ship I want to play for a ship that has a better layout to grind through PvE stuff for marks more effectively. If they cut the cost of ship skins down to $20 and sold layouts for cruisers, escorts, and science that would be useable on each ship type instead of their default layout they come with. I would find more reasons to enjoy playing STO because I could be a slightly more effective player without having to give up an aspect of the game (the ship I want to play) to make the boring repetitive grind a little more fun.
Premium layouts could be sold for $10 in the C-Store, others could end up in lock boxes, special event rewards, and so on.
Truly an uplifting and entirely useful paragraph that answers the OP -_-
Anyway, OP, I own every one of the listed ships except the Zahl, so I'll give you a few highs and lows. First, the Annorax looks cool, but isn't worth the price if you're not lucky enough to get one, mainly due to the turning. Having more forward than aft weapons is only good if it's nimble, but the long/large ship model and the low base turn mean it's hard to bring the weapons and integrated lance to bear. Also good in the looks department, and somewhat better in the performance department, is the Acheros. It's closely comparable in general role to the Arbiter from the zen store, i.e. a battlecruiser with Intel seating, differing mainly in having a battlecloak integrated, which may or may not be worth the extra resources needed to get it.
As for the highlights, as mentioned above, the Ouroboros is good mainly as part of it's bundle, which still stands as the best deal in the store imo. All ships in the bundle can be used by any character of any faction, the console set is worth using all parts of, and the temporal powers are quite strong, especially with some moderate effort in boosting exotic damage. The Krenim Warship is one of the top cross-faction choices for a beam damage build, has great handling, and is fairly durable for a destroyer/escort type of ship, plus it gets the most offensively-focused mastery package there is. Lastly in this category is the Daemosh, which may be outdone slightly in a technical sense by the Eternal and Edoulg for exotic damage potential, but which is still a exceptional platform for exotic abilities due to the ltcom Intel seat and the presence of battlecloak for the ambush buff on abilities like gravity well.
Off in it's own world, as noted in the post I quote, is the Zahl which is known almost exclusively for it's ship trait which is integral to the best dps scores in the current meta, but of limited use outside that niche.
Also, steelmax, keep in mind the maxim that "you can pug or you can set standards, not both". Offer your time as a resource, or the time of someone willing to be helpful, if you think OP can benefit.
Feeling proud of your DPS cookie cutter that can one-shot a Voth Fortress? Well, guess what, no matter how proud you are, Cryptic will always find ways to ruin your build and render it outdated soon or later, because they NEED to do so in order for you to continue playing the game, grind the newest space set of awesomeness and buy new shinies.
I appreciate this comment more than you can know! I'm an older gamer with a suitably tougher skin, but the harsher responses still often flabbergast me? Some few of them give me laugh for a variety of reasons, but any role-paying game depends mostly on how engaged you are and frankly despite knowing that more effective ships exist, I still would choose one whose appearance worked better for me.
And while I participate in queues, I'm playing this game to experience the main story - not just stack up against others.
Another winning comment. Thank you!
I second that 100%
Half the reason I have certain ships is because I love the visuals on them. To be honest, it's about what makes the individual player happy. If that didn't matter, people would only get certain ships and everyone would be flying the same ships. However, because people are *gasp* PEOPLE, their opinions actually matter in terms of aesthetics.
For instance, the Cardassian Keldon is one of the more desired ships in the game (at least last I checked). It has great stats and is a hell of a ship. Even I will agree to this.
That said, despite getting one three times out of Lockboxes, I still haven't taken one as a ship, preferring to sell it or trade it.
It's not because I need the EC or got a great trade for it. My reason for selling it is very simple: I just don't find it aesthetically appealing for me. If I can't enjoy looking at it on screen, I want nothing to do with it.
In contrast, I've always LOVED the Ferengi D'kora from the moment I laid eyes on it. So when the opportunity arose to get one, I jumped on it like a fat kid on a cupcake. I was just lucky that it was a T5-U and has pretty decent stats. So far, EVERY character I own has one and I actually have a small stockpile of them in my account bank for future characters.
Does it compare stats-wise with a Keldon? Not really. However, I make it work and work well because I love the ship.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!