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Bug Report - Fluid Dynamics (Borg Diamond)

lz16#4389 lz16 Member Posts: 1 Arc User

I have been trying to report this bug for a while now. It is for the console version of the Star Trek Online. When I select forums for Xbox One on this site it directs me to this forum so I hope that this is in the correct place.

I have been playing this game for a while now on PC and I have never had issues with this mission on the PC and I have only experienced issues on the console version.

When you get to the end of Fluid Dynamics and go up against the Borg Diamond the Diamond starts to move towards the back of the map moving through the buildings behind it. When it does this the NPC friendly fleet either stop dead and dont move to chase it or try to follow through the buildings and get trapped on the buildings. Which can lead to it just being me shooting Borg Diamond and I cannot do any damage or penetrate the shields and can take an age to even attempt to kill. This even happens in my lvl 60 Federation Tactical Office, in a T5-U Odyssey Class ship with Tier 14 Antiproton beam weapons. Once the diamond moves away from the main engagement area it has become stuck on either one of the Borg station elements or even get stuck inside one of the planet models where it is impossible to shoot.

I have never had any of these issues when I have ran this mission on the PC version of the game and feel that it needs to be addressed because I am finding it frustrating to complete this mission and my friends who also play this game on the console are also finding this frustrating.

For interest this mission has been tested across all the playable races and the majority of the different types of characters you can have in the game.

Again I want to apologise if this is not in the correct place. But I have been wanting to report this for a while now and I have been unable to find a relevant location to report bugs for the console version of this game and the only in-game support I can see is if my character is stuck.

Thanks in advance.


  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    It's also a bug on the PC version, btw. Quite an annoying one, because you actually really need that NPC fleet to defeat the Diamond.
  • awlaforgeawlaforge Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    It doesn't help that the Diamond begins to regenerate health at around 66% health. Then randomly runs around the map further spreading out the fleet which gets stuck in structures.
  • mallory2kxmallory2kx Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    I had that issue too on ps4 version I just got my fleet mates with powerful ships to kill it for me and was done in 5 mins best way to tackle the problem.
  • I had the same problem on the xbone. The diamond either exited the scene then respawned at it's original starting position (at full health), or it phased into the hull of unimatrix two and became impossible to destroy. I did however finally manage to defeat it, but it meant that I had to die a few times for it to spawn in the right place.
  • veeger#9876 veeger Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    I just joined the game this week and am experiencing this problem too. I certainly hope this is not a reoccurring issue in STO.
  • wesleypicardwesleypicard Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I just joined the game this week and am experiencing this problem too. I certainly hope this is not a reoccurring issue in STO.

    unfourtantly it seems to be the case. i have trouble witht he diamond. i end up fighting it without any of my NPC's. it if freakin annoying and i would skip it but i need it to complete my Temporal agent missions(i made it duign the event so i am able to collect probes and get the rewards)

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