With the official announcement of the look/design of the Tzenkethi, I decided to throw a quick video together talking about this species and its history in the Star Trek multiverse.
Hailing from deep within the Alpha quadrant, the Tzenkethi are an extremely hostile and secretive warp-capable species. Their homeworld is called Ab-Tzenketh and operates as the capital planet for their government, the Tzenkethi Coalition. The Coalition is led by an appointed Autarch, who then appointees different members of the leadership caste as administrators.
As it stands today, there are 2 different canon descriptions of what the Tzenkethi look like. First is from DS9 writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, who described the species as "Heavily armored lizard things." Second, is several Star Trek Novels published throughout the years, they describe the Tzenkethi as externally humanoid, but internally quite different. Their skeleton is made up of several fluid-filled sacs, which can be contracted and expanded at will. This allows an unusual flexibility in appearance.
Because the Tzenkethi had never before been seen on film, there was much debate between fans as to what they actually looked like. But now it seems the answer has been finalized. Cryptic studios, the makers of Star Trek Online, will officially bring the Tzenkethi to live on the small screen. Based off of the released concept art they appear to be closer to Robert Wolfe’s description as giant lizards.
Tzenkethi culture is based on strict classifications for all individuals. Tzenkethi individuals are genetically tested and then assigned to an "echelon" based upon their genetic disposition. Movement between the echelons is possible if a citizen's regular test results suggest it would be appropriate, although the initial tests are accurate enough that it rarely happens.
Early alien contact was very traumatic for Tzenkethi, as they often found themselves kidnapped and abused by other warp capably races. This led to a cultural discomfort with open and unused spaces. They use artificial gravity envelopes to make use of all surfaces within a room. It is a frequent practice for people to live and work on what humans would consider the ceiling of a room. Using only the floor of a room is considered wasteful and uncomfortably vulnerable. They also dislike being alone, preferring the safety of crowds or areas where a lot of individuals are located.
Tzenkethi warships are described in several star trek novels as being teardrop-shaped, presenting seemingly unbroken, featureless surfaces that opens to reveal weapons, sensors and other devices. However, it would appear that Cryptic studios has re-done the ship designs for this species. Leaked images from the Star Trek Online test server show a wildly different design then what was previously described. Still, the designs look unique and alien enough to give off a sense of culture and history behind the look.
Contact between the Federation and the Tzenkethi is turbulent at best. Several failed attempts at diplomatic and trade agreements lead the 2 factions into all out conflict in the year 2361. The war waged for several years, until an armistice was reached at the end of 2364. Ever since then DS9 and several other federation outposts have had little to no contact with the Tzenkethi.
But that doesn’t mean the Coalition wasn’t busy. According Section 31 reports, the Tzenkethi have been involved with every major conflict and upset in the alpha and beta quadrants. Even going as far as to reportedly assist the Iconians during their invasion. But due to their clandestine nature there hasn’t been any official reason for the Federation to openly engage the Coalition again.
Star Trek Encyclopedia 2016 Edition
Looks like the latest in a long line of ugly space monsters that's asking us to pass the can of whoopass their way.
I like it.
I guess my take on 'canon' is different
Has it been stated officially anywhere that STO isnt official 'canon' for the Trek Universe? I thought STO was the only thing still producing official cannon for the prime universe, but maybe I was wrong lol!
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
Was there an official statement from CBS regarding this or is it something just understood by the community?
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
Well thats disappointing to hear...I'm going to considered it canon for my own personal view but in the future I will be sure to preface that in my vids.
A better title for this topic would be 'What we know at Tzentheki so far' lol
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
I would disagree with that...I feel like STO tries harder to stick more in canon then the 'planet of the apes' crossover stuff. And thus makes it much closer to being actually considered canon by most fans.
Has paramount/CBS ever stated what is and is not canon? or do we as fans just accept the TV/films as canon only?
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
I understand the need for canon but I just disagree with your assessment as to what is and is not canon.
Again, I dont wanna turn this thread into this discussion about this topic...but if you want to start up another one I would gladly join in on the discussion.
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
Again, if you would like to discuss this topic then lets start up another thread
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
They have (probably deliberately) left fans to beat each other over the head with references and contradictory information like they're stone knives and bearskins.
Truth! Lol which is exactly what we are doing right now
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski
The psychology of the internet is not that complex - people arguing passionately about a topic is more valuable to that brand's continued prominence that a handful of know-it-alls preaching from the mountaintop.
So they blew up the mountain. Which is actually for the best, for Star Trek.
There is however, another classification, often called 'Soft Canon' which is what STO is. Although it is not on TV or in Movies, the content is licensed through the holder of the intellectual property (In this case CBS) and is therefore a form of Canon. It can be overwritten down the road should they chose, but like it or not, STO is considered canon.
Comparing it to novels and comic books is ridiculous. Those are something entirely different which is 'fan fiction.' In that situation, those writers have simply obtained legal permission to use the setting for their own stories, they are used with permission but are not works licensed under the I.P. There is a difference between using something with consent and licensing that product under the Intellectual Property. If you think books are the same thing, you simply don't know what you're talking about.
Doesn't matter if you like it or not, it's excepted as Canon. The story lines used in STO are approved by CBS and licensed with their consent which makes them a form of canon Star Trek. Star Trek is muddy waters for canon continuity to begin with since CBS actually owns the TV rights and Paramount owns the movie rights so if you want to get technical, you can even claim that none of the movies are canon since the TV show came first. Of course, that's silly, just using it as an example.
YT Channel: youtube.com/c/ketwolski
Twitter: @realKetwolski