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Science vessels with positional nacelles.

Could we possibly get the vessels whose nacelles alter position to actually reflect the position change in sector?

I mean, they're suppose to be in the "warp" position while traveling at warp, right? It would also look cooler to see them in one configuration in sector and another in system.

I have no clue how difficult that would be to accomplish but if someone there could make it happen, I would be so happy


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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    They used to. Then they broke. And since it makes them no money, they have no desire to fix them.
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    sovereign#1027 sovereign Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Here's to hoping they reconsider.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    They used to. Then they broke. And since it makes them no money, they have no desire to fix them.
    A common misconception. Just because they fixed a bug yet doesn't mean they have decided "We're never going to do it".

    It just means they haven't decided to fix the bug for this particular iteration of game development.

    Every few weeks they will look at their backlog of features and bugs, and decide which one to tackle now. It will be based on how important a feature is and what resources it will cost, and whether those resources are available. Some tasks require specialists, like animators or environment artists or programmers or designer, and so tasks must be selected so that none of them get too much to do, while ensuring that complex tasks that involve multiple disciplines are not delayed by some specialist working on something else.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    A common misconception. Just because they fixed a bug yet doesn't mean they have decided "We're never going to do it".

    In your opinion, approximately how many years having a bug like this before "never" can be used? Cause it's been a few years, not months or weeks, that this bug has existed.

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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    *cough cough" Tholian Red Alert took them 11 months to fix. Never say never. Say: "Maybe next year." :*
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    strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,666 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2017
    It's been a year for Romulan Warp trail's on Federation ship's to be corrected, given the schedule and all other enhancements and updates... But perhaps while this isn't as system impacting it too will make it back on the list of items that can be corrected in months ahead.

    I know the Vet ship has two modes that change how it looks, but it's not dependent upon speed but tactical configuration.
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    saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,401 Arc User
    Not the first (and the last) time ships with animated nacelles and wings get this animation broken, then fixed, then broken again.
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    byozuma#0956 byozuma Member Posts: 502 Arc User
    Not like that's the only science vessel with nacelle issues. The D'kyr has a secret backwards nacelle in it's starboard hull behind the ring. When jumping to warp it creates a trail off the left side instead of out the left engine port. Port side is fine, though.
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    drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    A common misconception. Just because they fixed a bug yet doesn't mean they have decided "We're never going to do it".

    In your opinion, approximately how many years having a bug like this before "never" can be used? Cause it's been a few years, not months or weeks, that this bug has existed.

    As far as I'm concerned, it's always "never". I consider it a complete surprise when they a) say they fixed something and b) actually do. And then it's too often just a matter of a few months or less before it breaks yet again.
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