ok guys, got a question about this trait,
on the STOwiki (
http://sto.gamepedia.com/Trait:_Ablative_Field_Projector), it lists this trait as temporary hitpoints which is fine, under the detailed information i get a little confused and was wondering if someone with the trait could clear it up (would happily help testing).
To me the Wiki implies that while the temporary hit points are active the ship removes movement and hazards debuffs every second for 15 seconds or until the hit points are consumed.
My fleetmate beleives that it enchances the powers that provide those buffs (Hazard Emitters & Polarise Hull) but to what end? Hazards already remove hazards and polarise already removes slows? Neither are a shield heal so wont apply the hit points i assume?
If someone could clear this up for me i'd greatly appreciate it!
Thanks for the reply, i just wanted that confirmation from someone that uses the trait!
For the exact reason you used as an example (Tholian so and so's) lol.
On the note of temporary HP i use a few abilities that grant it (and the radiant weapons) so i got those advantages anyway just need to find a reliable way to stop tractor beams outside of science boff abilities that i have no space for =(
Again thank you for the reply!
Your friend is assuredly wrong. Polarize Hull adds hull hitpoints, Ablative Field Projector adds shield hitpoints.
Self: Periodically removes Movement Impairing effects every 1 sec for 15 sec
Self: Periodically removes Hazard debuffs every 1 sec for 15 sec
The wiki is wrong too.
Well Ill take a look..sometimes these pages dont always reflect updates when there made...But were working on it.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Btw, thanks for all your hard work on the wiki!
makes a little more sense and a trait i'm after,
Again thanks for all replies guys!
^^ Good find!
Yup thats what happened...Fixed. One of us just updated the entire trait list in December and might have confused 1 or 2..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.