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Shadow play mission with fed

Well I'm finally found a game where the developers openly cheat. In all the Star Trek games I have played through the years if it be pc or console, have I came across a Romulan Warbird that holds you in a tractor beam and blow you to kingdom come. Now I've been a fan of Trek since the grand young age of 7 ( I'm 54 now) and in all the Treks I've watched, never has a enemy ship been able to tractor a ship with its shields up and start blowing the heck out of it with heavy plasma tropedos and disruptors!! I've got a Galaxy class starship and I can't beat this Shadow play mission because of the BS of the Warbird tractoring my ship and destroying it!! Cheating, ruddy cheating and explotation of the player and total disreguard of the trek universe and fair play. I will not spend mony on a game that cheats, Arc you can stick it where the sun don't shine!


  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    Well I'm finally found a game where the developers openly cheat. In all the Star Trek games I have played through the years if it be pc or console, have I came across a Romulan Warbird that holds you in a tractor beam and blow you to kingdom come. Now I've been a fan of Trek since the grand young age of 7 ( I'm 54 now) and in all the Treks I've watched, never has a enemy ship been able to tractor a ship with its shields up and start blowing the heck out of it with heavy plasma tropedos and disruptors!! I've got a Galaxy class starship and I can't beat this Shadow play mission because of the BS of the Warbird tractoring my ship and destroying it!! Cheating, ruddy cheating and explotation of the player and total disreguard of the trek universe and fair play. I will not spend mony on a game that cheats, Arc you can stick it where the sun don't shine!

    ROFL!!! love that move tbh, hell i use it when im flying except i use the assimilated tractor and rom hyper torp, heres the solution BFaW , yup just use BFaW and those torps vanish easy as pie.
  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Actually I believe the Borg were quite fond of doing that on TNG ;) but I agree that it can be annoying. There are methods to beating such an annoying attack however.

    1. Polarize Hull: Loosens the tractor beam's grip and makes you immune to it's damaging effects.
    2. Tractor Beam Repulsors: Pushes the enemy warship away from you, as well as disapating those annoying heavy plasma torpedoes.
    3. Evasive Maneuvers: Working in tandem with Polarize Hull, it allows you to get away even when tractored.
    4. Beams: Fire At Will: Another great way to rapidly target incoming heavy plasma torpedoes.
    5. Brace for Impact: Not all the torpedoes are slow and targetable so it's good to brace yourself if/when they send a spread of torpedoes your way

    These are some of the methods I use against those annoying tractor beamers.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Well I'm finally found a game where the developers openly cheat. In all the Star Trek games I have played through the years if it be pc or console, have I came across a Romulan Warbird that holds you in a tractor beam and blow you to kingdom come. Now I've been a fan of Trek since the grand young age of 7 ( I'm 54 now) and in all the Treks I've watched, never has a enemy ship been able to tractor a ship with its shields up and start blowing the heck out of it with heavy plasma tropedos and disruptors!! I've got a Galaxy class starship and I can't beat this Shadow play mission because of the BS of the Warbird tractoring my ship and destroying it!! Cheating, ruddy cheating and explotation of the player and total disreguard of the trek universe and fair play. I will not spend mony on a game that cheats, Arc you can stick it where the sun don't shine!

    LMAO! OMFG This is so sad it's funny. Dude I bet you are a sit and shoot person. Learn some freaking tactics. There are enough tutorials around that if you take 5 seconds you can find tips on how to beat every NPC in the game. So can I have your stuff?
    Oh yeah FYI there are MANY examples of ships being tractored and beaten to scrap while tractored in Trek. Oh yeah FYI been fan of Trek since the Pilot "Where No Man has Gone" TOS first run night one and more. So your rant doesn't hold any weight here.
  • bcwhguderian1941bcwhguderian1941 Member Posts: 804 Arc User
    I had trouble with that ship as well. I saw it as a challenge, and kept trying with different tactics until I found a few that were effective. To me, having to learn how to defeat oppponents is a realistic process, not cheating.

    BCW :)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Grav well and Tyken's rift are also good, but you need to use it before the Warbird fires torps for max effectiveness.

    Yeah, Tyken's does negligible damage to ships, but seekers don't have enough HP to shrug it off.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • myk5myk5 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    The developers openly cheat by making almost every enemy have fewer abilities than a starter captain and use none of the counters. I think there's only about three enemies that ever heal themselves.
  • gawainviiigawainviii Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    I had difficulty with that mission the first time around too... That particular D'd is probably the hardest enemy at that level with only f2p & loot-drop items, which is usually the case in first-run characters (if you're playing above level or with purchasable items, then it's cake).

    My final solution was to load a mine launcher, turn it on autofire, and then run around the D'd, just outside of tractor range (5km), forcing him to chase me... all the while making him run right into my mines (Thank you Galaxy Quest). Don't get TOO far away or he'll stop chasing and just heal up waiting for you to come back. 6-9km is just about perfect.
  • pudster62#4886 pudster62 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Some of the comments left have been helpful and I thank you for your time to share them. Other comments such as "sit and shoot" and "unremarkable" are just players who just want to make things worse. Not really a trek thing. In trek, we fight if we have to not because we want to and if you were a true trekker, then you'd know that and not leave stupid comments. Yes the Borg are the ONLY ones that have trapped a ship to blow the heck out of it. Then the Feds got smart and worked around it by modulating the shields. Now the Borg are no threat to the Feds or anyone else now. Come on, keep up guys. Forget JJ's pile of tribble s**t. But to clear up the whole tractor beam thing, before the Borg showed up in ST:TNG Q Who, no ship has ever been able to tractor a ship with its shields up. And no, V'ger doesn't count as the Enterprise's shields were weakened to 30% by V'ger's attack and that was weak enough for V'ger to grab them after the fly-by and prob attack. Having said that, V'ger was so powerful that even if the Enterprise's shields were at full strength it still would have been able to grab them. The Only thing in trek to be able to do that because of its power that even the Borg couldn't match.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    Come on, keep up guys[...]before the Borg showed up in ST:TNG Q Who, no ship has ever been able to tractor a ship with its shields up
    But now, they can. At least on screen, because offscreen, it was most likely possible before the appearance of the Borg (actually, it happened with the Fesarius encounter), otherwise, I don't see the point of being able to use tractor beams other than for spacedock and hangar bays.
    Now the Borg are no threat to the Feds or anyone else now.
    Game meta-wise perhaps. In canon... yeah, right.

  • zerokillcf2011zerokillcf2011 Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    a) stay outside of 5km = no tractor beam.
    b) beam fire at will or torpedo spread will help counter his cloaking tractor mines
    c) tyken's rift, or gravity well, tachyon beam, or polarize hull are helpful science abilities (assuming your character isn't end game level)
    d) if you aren't using it, emergency power to weapons (eng ability available at ensign level and up, but gives 10% or more boost to weapon power = boost to dps) and tactical team (tac ability available at ensign and up, gives a boost to damage)
    e) hazard emitters removes buffs like plasma burn
    f) tac team removed boarding parties

    hope that helps. and as mentioned above, if you want helpful comments, don't start out with "I'm being cheated", or x,y,z sucks because". Just say you are stuck and looking for help. Cheers!
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    hope that helps. and as mentioned above, if you want helpful comments, don't start out with "I'm being cheated", or x,y,z sucks because". Just say you are stuck and looking for help. Cheers!

    Also, forum searches often give you the help you need. There's even as current thread on the same mission:

    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Some of the comments left have been helpful and I thank you for your time to share them. Other comments such as "sit and shoot" and "unremarkable" are just players who just want to make things worse. Not really a trek thing. In trek, we fight if we have to not because we want to and if you were a true trekker, then you'd know that and not leave stupid comments. Yes the Borg are the ONLY ones that have trapped a ship to blow the heck out of it. Then the Feds got smart and worked around it by modulating the shields. Now the Borg are no threat to the Feds or anyone else now. Come on, keep up guys. Forget JJ's pile of tribble s**t. But to clear up the whole tractor beam thing, before the Borg showed up in ST:TNG Q Who, no ship has ever been able to tractor a ship with its shields up. And no, V'ger doesn't count as the Enterprise's shields were weakened to 30% by V'ger's attack and that was weak enough for V'ger to grab them after the fly-by and prob attack. Having said that, V'ger was so powerful that even if the Enterprise's shields were at full strength it still would have been able to grab them. The Only thing in trek to be able to do that because of its power that even the Borg couldn't match.

    Hey pudster you have a lot of stones daring to say what I and others said is "Not really Trek" . You act like a little Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel whining with your game cheats BS and what do expect? Everyone to say oh you poor baby you are right. Wow what a special snowflake you are. Yeah I will say you are a sit and shoot player who wants insta kill one shots and never get a scratch. You want everything just handed to you and when you run into a bit of problems you whine and stomp your little feet and expect sympathy from people for your obvious lack of any gaming skills. It also obvious you really do not understand Trek at all PERIOD. To even imply that I am not a "True Trekker" (WTF that is by the way? Oh wait I bet only TOS fan is a true trekker) is a riot. You have no clue OP not one. You are so wrong on the tractor deal. I guess you missed Doomsday Machine full shields tractored, Corbomite Manuver again full shields tractored. And gee if maybe you had not come in stomping your little feet you may have gotten some help but again that little rant brokers you no sympathy. I will also say if anything the Devs have very much nerfed NPC's in this game for the lower level missions. Oh by the way the DD warbird IS more then an equal match for the Galaxy class. I guess you missed that in TNG somehow.
  • vern1701vern1701 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Any changes to this strategy?
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    For someone who was apparently a Trekkie for 47 years, I find your lack of trek knowledge disturbing.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,797 Community Moderator
    Damn. Someone necro'd a flame thread.

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