Can a Dev answer this 3 questions!
How can someone spend 3million dil on boxes and not get an Epic from it?
How do i see lots people getting them in System Announcements are these people computer generated?
What Actually is the Percentage you have in your Algorythm
Please Dont Flame this post
Thank You
1. Because you had a poor run of RNG
2. Many people are opening many boxes, which in turn produces what would seem like many winners, when in fact many of us have opened hundreds and hundreds, but just didn't luck out. Myself 800 boxes, no UR or Epic. Which is fine, I own all those ships anyway except the bulwark, which I wouldn't object to owning, but really doesn't interest me. I'm happy with Upgrade tech for the next two years taken care of, plus all the other goodies that were in Very Rare/Rare/ and uncommon stores.
3. Differing opinions on odds have been floating around. Some are getting multiple epics or ultra rares in very few boxes, while others have opened anywhere from 1000-5000 boxes with no Epic or Ultra tokens.
Not sure if they have announced "Official" odds. I wasn't concerned enough to bother searching around for that info.
It's just the way it is with these types of events. Some get lucky, while some sink many resources and never luck out.
Doesn't seem fair when you're the one losing, but sure feels good when the inverse is true. And we're all facing the same odds in the end. So sometimes you gotta "Know when to fold em", as the song goes.
Feel bad for ya if you had a bad run...but try to think of the positives. You now have Upgrade Tech for life at the very least.
Especially if you spent 3+ mil Dil. You should be literally swimming in them.
I spent about the same as you if it makes you any feel better.
Edit: There is also another Pheonix thread where people have been posting their success rate if you're curious. It's not official but should give you some idea.
OP, its a game of chance, one I like better then the LockBox. I hope they do it again. I'll be ready.....
lotteries are only won by 80 year olds.
The OP should take this as a lesson, always gamble with the expectation that you might not buy your way into your desired grand prize. Even when the odds are good, they aren't certain. You may simply end up with a lot of tech upgrades.
If that's a problem for people then they should look into the C-store or Exchange for whatever ship or item is the best compromise to what they originally wanted.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Some of those event ships have consoles to complete sets which cannot be obtained any other way. But considering the ships were FREE in the first place, (and none of them particularly "epic") it seems a bit unreasonable that when they do become available, the chance of getting one is incredibly improbable.
Of all the boxes I opened:
84 Uncommon
32 Rare
11 Very Rare
0 Ultra Rare
0 Epic
So, unlike some other lucky people, I didn't get the ship(s) I wanted either. I have all the Epic ships, but would love to have gotten the Risian Corvette and the Voth Bulwark (the only 2 ships I don't have out of those listed). No go foe me, but there is a good chance this will come back around. If so, I'll invest about the same. I'm an LTSer and didn't sink any more into this event than I had sitting around and available from playing. I'm happy with the tribbles, emotes, Red Matter Capacitors, and upgrades I got from the boxes.
That's why I said you had to reach a compromise. This is how things are. Would better odds to more favorable? Sure would, specifically for those who have only set top-tier prize objectives, but consider that the Phoenix prize pack isn't about handing out "free" ships, free of an event grind. See. how low they specifically set the odds. It's more fair to say that the pack is an acute adjustment to the dilithium economy.
Therefore, it's unreasonable to expect Cryptic to change their current policy by merely pointing out the situation as they intended it to be. Doubtless, we're telling them nothing new by complaining about how these ships still aren't truly accessible. You need a different approach, such as "by setting the odds so low too much dilithium has been siphoned out of the game!" but there's a few problems with those alternatives:
1. We don't have enough data to make the point
2. We don't know what Cryptic's expectations are
3. We don't long what the long term effect are going to be
4. I don't think there are many who are upset by cratered Zen prices.
So, there's not a whole lot pushing for a change in the base odds to the Phoenix prize pack. It is what it simply is, "feedback" doesn't have the necessary weight to force a change to the game.
That leaves the problem I outlined above. You can gamble for a chance at a ship (and many other lower prizes) or put your dilithium/zen into something reliable (ie. c-store or exchange). It may not be your first choice, but if the odds are a problem then (regardless of all other factors) it'll be a much better alternative for you.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I guess I will open the 300 Phoenix boxes I purchased tonight. If the end result is 300 uncommon tokens, then I can live with that since I can use 'em to purchase upgrade kits.
from the news blog "The Phoenix will return to retirement on December 8th"
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
The secret lies in skewness of the chance distribution. This means that the individual outcomes aren't evenly distributed around the average. Skewness does not mean being rigged: it is not biased against any participant, nor its average result is wrong. Let me explain it with coinflips where you want to get a head. You have 50% chance for it, so on average you need 2 tries. However if you give coins to 1024 people and ask for their experience about this "game":
512 will tell "I did it in one toss"
256 will tell "I did it in 2 tosses"
128 will tell "I did it in 3 tosses"
64 will tell "I did it in 4 tosses"
32 will tell "I did it in 5 tosses"
16 will tell "I did it in 6 tosses"
8 will tell "I did it in 7 tosses"
4 will tell "I did it in 8 tosses"
2 will tell "I did it in 9 tosses"
1 will tell "I did it in 10 tosses"
1 will tell "I did it in 12 tosses" (bonus internet points for those who understand why not 11)
So if you are a social, who makes decisions not by facts but by the opinions of "friends", you will be convinced that you need less than two tries to get a head. After all half of your friends said it can be done in one try, 1/4 of them did it in two and only 1/4 needed more. If you are good at maths or just don't give a damn about the opinions of people, you realize that this game has lots of small winners and few big losers.
That is at 50%. Our Phoenix boxes seem to be close to the .5% Duncan gave the math for. When rng is involved, nothing is guaranteed no matter how many boxes you buy.
9 Epic ( 0.072%, or 1 in 1400)
26 Ultra ( 0.208%, or 1 in 480)
1569 Very (12.525%, or 1 in 8)
3754 Rare (29.967%, or 1 in 3)
7169 Unco (57.291%, or 1 in 2)
12,527 tries
If there is a 1 in 10,000,000 chance of getting an Epic, then EVERY SINGLE BOX has that same 1 in 10,000,000 chance. That's how statistics work with disparate attempts to accomplish something.
It's also, strangely enough, how quantum physics work. The only time the outcome is known for sure is when you open the box to measure the results. Until that point, everything is on the table.
Now as you approach an infinite amount of boxes, the chances of getting an Epic approach 100%, but that's simply because you have an infinite number of boxes. However, every single box you have STILL has the same chance as any other box.
If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
12 UC
7 Rare
4 Very Rare
Quite a few of the R/VR boxes were converted to UC, simply so I could clean out the emotes, snag the Radan tribble, and get a ton of upgrades...though I -did- get the automated defense console and crystalline one, as well....
Not a big deal for me, as the only UR/Epic ship I really wanted was the Risan Corvette...maybe next time!
Thanks, nice sample size.
I honestly feel fortunate that I was only truly hoping for at least one UR token and managed to get it in ~250 boxes. Which is good, because I honestly couldn't have afforded too many more boxes. And if I never got my Bulwark, I'd definitely be salty and sad over it.
The usual event start/end time (10 AM PST IIRC) is usually some time after the maintenace downtime, not during it, except for major content releases or otherwise extended maintance.
They are not available anymore.
As far as the phoenix boxes go, here's my story..
Day 1.. Opened 400 boxes. Got 1 UR..
Day 2.. Opened 11 boxes (10 from refining and the 1 daily free box), got 1 UR and 1 Epic from those 11 boxes!
Then I come on here and read that people opened over 1k or 2k boxes and didn't get a UR or Epic and that seems crazy.
Luck of the draw.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!