a few things that are really killing this awesome game for me:
1. unique console powers (specifically Antimatter Spread and other Fed Consoles) will appear as active for a BOF slot, but once a BOF power is selected, it disappears and I have to reset the ship to get it back.
2. cannot select uniforms that have been made. I.E. I go to the tailor and hit "A" to select as active and nothing happens.
3. ship disappears and then "warps" back in. is it Lag? Captain Disappears until game is reloaded or abandon and restart.
4. Camera Distance on anything smaller than a dreadnought cruiser is horrible. I cannot see my stalker fighter at all making it impossible to use during stealth. (I hope this problem is self explanatory
5. where is my M.A.C.O. Task force and reputation?! I WANT MY BORG SETS PLEASE!!!
6. to expand on number 5: when will we be getting all the cut content? this game is VERY light by comparison to what I last played on the PC...
7. Why the F can't I use the D-Pad for the mini puzzles like Dilithium mining and Radiation scans?
8. can we please get a help article for where to find everything we get for our Lifetime Subscription?
5. Check out today's news. Will be in update 1.2
9. why make the omni-directional arrays useless by limiting it to one total on starships? I remember playing with one of each array on my ships in the PC version.
Thats how it is on PC..1 Rnd Omni and possible 1 lockbox/mission onmi and a Kenetic cutting beam to round out 3 for the back..
Check the C store and Dil store for more of that stuff.
If ya aint got it yet..then the answer is: Sooon..
As far as Console VS PC..It had to be light to ensure everything would work..So when ya'll get fleets and Task Force Reps..Should have 1 expansion or so left but behind in Tons on ships (mostly due to when those t6 ships came out) but im sure those will show up soon too.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.