I came across a rather interesting bug during my play-through of Dragon's Deceit. Apparently, when you have to destroy the rocks to create a distraction in the base, using Chroniton Mines on them as you shoot the rocks will cause them to bug out and you can no longer target them, thus blocking progression. Only way to fix was to restart the mission from the beginning of "Holes and Corners"
To Replicate:
1. Complete the mission "Dragon's Deceit" until you reach the "Shoot the weak point" objective in the Vaadaur base
2. Place Chroniton Mines on the rocks and wait a while for the mines to become armed
3. Shoot the rocks. As you shoot them, the mines will trigger and deplete the health of the rocks, but won't progress the mission.
Anyone mind testing this out to see if it is the cause?
I just got here and I can't shoot the rocks. No way to target them didn't place any mines.
I had the same thing, and when I reproduced it, it was obvious that I simply was trying to get replay through the content too quickly.