Very lucky to have won a t6 Jem Hadar dreadnaught. I'd like to sell and get an escort. But the box. The unopened box is bound to my account. Help please ?
This is a feature to prevent fraud especially for new users who have not previously ordered ZEN thru the ARC or other provider websites. It's solely designed to ensure user purchases are verified within 24-48hrs prior to users then turning around and placing items for sale on the Exchange. This does NOT impact users who use items for themselves, it only impacts users wishing to resell items...
If you however are looking to sell items on a new account you must wait for the unlock (probation) to be removed prior to purchasing CSTORE items or purchasing or using lockbox keys purchased with Zen to open items OR you may not be able to place those items for sale--only use them directly yourself. Account bindings will not be updated for items already opened by lockboxes so only future purchases after the probation has expired will it change to bind on equip. In most situations the probation is removed within 24hrs.
If you still have ZEN you'll be able to confirm when probation is removed, then be able to purchase keys / open lockboxes, so you can place items for sale to acquire other items you may desire. Probation or if it may be applied to future purchases (often 24-48hrs) varies based upon your purchase/account history as well as the provider utilized to acquire the ZEN.
If you however are looking to sell items on a new account you must wait for the unlock (probation) to be removed prior to purchasing CSTORE items or purchasing or using lockbox keys purchased with Zen to open items OR you may not be able to place those items for sale--only use them directly yourself. Account bindings will not be updated for items already opened by lockboxes so only future purchases after the probation has expired will it change to bind on equip. In most situations the probation is removed within 24hrs. fraud
Two primary vendor's are of course: