My AoY Character's kit was missing after that big update so I just went and got the cheapest one on the exchange that fit my sci lieutenant Commander qualifications but it will not accept it or allow the kit to mount. It asks if I am sure I want to do that because if I do I won't be able to sell it on the exchange...yada yada I click Ok and nothing, it is back in the inventory. I can drop the module's into their slots though...doubt they work the whole kit area has a red border so I assume the kit is not working at all.
My old romulan embassy kit is still missing all it's modules, and according to the kit console in the romulan embassy, the trade-in version of the kit ALSO comes with no modules. before everything went fubar, the trade in kit had equivient module to what the old kit had
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
Same issue, I had no full details though (though I don't think it's our fault if they make such a patch and we might have no details documented in screens, or in memory regarding to what was changed or wrong or missing due to that patch, especially but not only on alts), but hopefully they will be aware and solve the issue; Open a new ticket (or reopen old) with a new screenshot proving you still have the issue after last patch of 3/11.
Provide all details you can (including the KIT FRAME/MODS info as relevant etc, and the fact it is so after the patch, and what you did to try to make it update for you, I think, and any relevant screenshots, if you have old proving previous state I think it could be very helpful but a new one proving you still have the issue will be needed and will be asked for if you didn't provide, it seems)
If you have a kit in known issues such as Romulan Embassy Kit or a widely reported Standard Issue kits which was not returning etc please emphasize that.
I wish them to be aware to what was fixed and what wasn't, and to work to fix all, and maybe without feedback it won't happen. Could be your feedback will help make a change and help to fix the issue.
Like one said here, people complained on 28/10 notes on Tribble that some things are not working (if anything works), it seems it was missed or otherwise <not fully well or successfully utilized maybe> by those who should have taken such feedback into an account at that time (no further patch to test on Tribble since 28/10 and the next release (allegedly of that patch's contents) on Holodeck on 3/11 despite the feedback, and no stuff comment I was aware of on that feedback and what which didn't work after 28/10 on Tribble), but good opened tickets are not to be ignored by support itself, at least. And yes, some bugs are critical in my opinion, but releasing a patch which doesn't fix those but only allegedly fixes those is not the way. Especially if it MIGHT make a higher risk of loosing items possibly by missing the fact/alerts some things are not working as intended (25/10, 3/11 on Holodeck).
Either way, support will be nice and polite and will try to help you. I hope they can help us all.
I do wonder if this patch had fixed anything beside replay episode though without giving 1st time xp for those who played without xp <probably fixed, though, but none of the critical thing it seems, and nothing I've personally (easily) noticed>
Support are now aware of this 3/11 kit frame actual issue (persistence of the artifacts kit issue for some) since yesterday, so there is no use in making them aware generally anymore.
Still, no idea if all who need to know are aware of all specific cases, so maybe it will help those who research the bug/working on the fix to know details on affected kit frame, if you have, to investigate further to fix it? (I couldn't give support/forum the kit frame name I had. All I could do was to screen a new 3/11+ proof for support, which will not be needed anymore, and say probably a low level garbage kit and the same details I gave in forum.)
(BTW, no ETA for fix given me by support now, because they don't want to make empty sayings probably and can't say/know for sure or at all, but if I understand correctly they became aware that it was not yet fully fixed (for all), and the stuff (devs etc) are now investigating and working on things (as they can. doing their best) without support being able to make a further prediction of a date. As said they are polite and nice.)
P.S. Is there a SINGLE place accepted by ALL/standard and unified place to report this in one topic on HOLODECK so it will be used to report and be read by devs/those who need to know? If yes, please tell, it could be useful to report specific details without cluttering support anymore unless explicitly required (as they are aware of the basic issue now and now the devs are aware of the basic issue but maybe not all affected items) or using a gazillion of topics (non literally). If there is such, sorry, and please do tell where - not all of us affected ones are enough knowledgeable here in unified topics etc to know it now - I for example not.
I am really missing my UR XII Romulan Fabrication specialist kit. with out it, my combat effectiveness has been cut down do .01%. seriously..... I get shot once now, and I fall down until respawn. I never really thought about how dependant I was on that kit. here's hoping that *when* they fix the fleet kits, they fix the turret damage bug, which was the only reason I was still using the old module-less rom embassy kit. in case there are those that are unaware.... the turrets on the old rom kit did more damage than the new (module based) kits turrets did. there was also the damage/distance drop off on the newer kits, (not a bug) which I did not like either. At this point I could care less about my other VR Mk. X kits, I just want my rom embassy kit fixed!
Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
Yes, please put it back into the KNOWN ISSUE, this was confirmed to not being (fully) fixed on 3/11
and I can see on my chars it's not yet fixed. Starter kit frames are notably still affected, possibly others too - no idea.
We want to be assured it's known in the "upper levels" and worked on and prioritized, (it disables the slot it is in, totally!) and putting in back into known issue after proved to last after 3/11, and then REMOVING IT while it wasn't fixed, was NOT very assuring, I am sorry to say (trying to say politely yet clearly)
Yes, I do read patch notes. Not remembering all but least trying to do so in time, sometimes a bit delayed. It's recommended to read for all.
Also tribble notes can tells in general regarding what to expect on Holodeck on the near future. Comment on past notes or current notes topics on tribble, may be enlightening too regarding bug found and other insights.
The following link is regarding kit FRAME but may also affects this topic
Just found out this official Holodeck bug report I think this is the place to comment more? -trying to redirect
yup still dont have the kits that came on my very rare [engineering kit - fabrication specialist] .... i suspect we wont get them back and we will just get swept under the rug bug who knows we will see
for example
Science Kit Module - Seismic Agitation Field (1,000 Lohlunat Favors)
Science Kit Module - Vaadwaur Shield Drone
not very easy to replace
I reported this a week ago.
Holodeck ticket 4,129,904: Standard-issue kit frames replaced by blank items
on my sci im missign exactly those too
Yep, seems to be what the issue is on my 23rd C. toon; she's still missing her 'standard issue' kit from creation, and can't swap it.
And it started a week before's almost like they didn't have people submitting the bugs on Tribble; oh, wait...they did! /sarcasm
its always the same with cryptic
release date is set...thesy will release no matter how broken everyth is
Provide all details you can (including the KIT FRAME/MODS info as relevant etc, and the fact it is so after the patch, and what you did to try to make it update for you, I think, and any relevant screenshots, if you have old proving previous state I think it could be very helpful but a new one proving you still have the issue will be needed and will be asked for if you didn't provide, it seems)
If you have a kit in known issues such as Romulan Embassy Kit or a widely reported Standard Issue kits which was not returning etc please emphasize that.
I wish them to be aware to what was fixed and what wasn't, and to work to fix all, and maybe without feedback it won't happen. Could be your feedback will help make a change and help to fix the issue.
Like one said here, people complained on 28/10 notes on Tribble that some things are not working (if anything works), it seems it was missed or otherwise <not fully well or successfully utilized maybe> by those who should have taken such feedback into an account at that time (no further patch to test on Tribble since 28/10 and the next release (allegedly of that patch's contents) on Holodeck on 3/11 despite the feedback, and no stuff comment I was aware of on that feedback and what which didn't work after 28/10 on Tribble), but good opened tickets are not to be ignored by support itself, at least. And yes, some bugs are critical in my opinion, but releasing a patch which doesn't fix those but only allegedly fixes those is not the way. Especially if it MIGHT make a higher risk of loosing items possibly by missing the fact/alerts some things are not working as intended (25/10, 3/11 on Holodeck).
Either way, support will be nice and polite and will try to help you. I hope they can help us all.
I do wonder if this patch had fixed anything beside replay episode though without giving 1st time xp for those who played without xp <probably fixed, though, but none of the critical thing it seems, and nothing I've personally (easily) noticed>
they ll have some support tickets comming in
Still, no idea if all who need to know are aware of all specific cases, so maybe it will help those who research the bug/working on the fix to know details on affected kit frame, if you have, to investigate further to fix it? (I couldn't give support/forum the kit frame name I had. All I could do was to screen a new 3/11+ proof for support, which will not be needed anymore, and say probably a low level garbage kit and the same details I gave in forum.)
(BTW, no ETA for fix given me by support now, because they don't want to make empty sayings probably and can't say/know for sure or at all, but if I understand correctly they became aware that it was not yet fully fixed (for all), and the stuff (devs etc) are now investigating and working on things (as they can. doing their best) without support being able to make a further prediction of a date. As said they are polite and nice.)
Is there a SINGLE place accepted by ALL/standard and unified place to report this in one topic on HOLODECK so it will be used to report and be read by devs/those who need to know? If yes, please tell, it could be useful to report specific details without cluttering support anymore unless explicitly required (as they are aware of the basic issue now and now the devs are aware of the basic issue but maybe not all affected items) or using a gazillion of topics (non literally). If there is such, sorry, and please do tell where - not all of us affected ones are enough knowledgeable here in unified topics etc to know it now - I for example not.
Good luck
so it was under known issues the last patch notes
this time it is not AND its not on the fixed issues list...
u forgetting about us, trolling us or do you not know how to type patch notes???,-2016
and I can see on my chars it's not yet fixed. Starter kit frames are notably still affected, possibly others too - no idea.
We want to be assured it's known in the "upper levels" and worked on and prioritized, (it disables the slot it is in, totally!) and putting in back into known issue after proved to last after 3/11, and then REMOVING IT while it wasn't fixed, was NOT very assuring, I am sorry to say (trying to say politely yet clearly)
Yes, I do read patch notes. Not remembering all but least trying to do so in time, sometimes a bit delayed. It's recommended to read for all.
Also tribble notes can tells in general regarding what to expect on Holodeck on the near future. Comment on past notes or current notes topics on tribble, may be enlightening too regarding bug found and other insights.
Just found out this official Holodeck bug report I think this is the place to comment more? -trying to redirect