just open chrome and look at the posts in the search about chrome ending use of flash.....
hehe patch notes say they updated it lol why bother migrate off it n a year or less NO BROWSER WILL BE USING IT....
someone is not paying attention but i thought i'd bring this to everyone's attention.
edt update and while firefox is not following right away they are saying that they too will be following suit.
You've pointed out something that most people already know, including the devs.
Concentrate on your education.
has zero to do with ego man...how is ego to do with not being able to see there videos ....
so if they and you know why rip me when they are updating flash ....WHY BOTHER when how many cant even see it...seems to be a foolish waste a time...ya know if a ceo found out you were wasting time and money and effort on somethng they cant sell or aid in selling a product where would you be son.....
They've been saying this for years!! It's not something new you know!! But here's the thing......until every major site stops using Flash, all the Browsers will still use Flash for many years to come!
Yes. Next question?
All Video sites are no longer using flash for displaying videos, instead switching to HTML5. Don't worry, your videos will work fine without Flash.
I am a Linux Dev, and have worked extensively with the FLOSS community, on a variety of Applications and Distro's.
Two pretty practical ways to stay up to date on Google dev fixes are to read the Google Patents in the patent office site, and to just Google stuff. The devs at that company are very open and love to talk to with their users quite frequently. The issues with Flash and Chrome are well known and have been for years.
Oh and @altran3301 : Nice sig
...yeah....was talking about the Cryptic Devs....but I'm sure that's true about the Google Devs.
Besides who uses chrome outside of middle age fat TRIBBLE house wives shopping on q-bids? It's a pos.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Thanks, I like to climb stuff...
What a dumb statement. Plenty of people use Chrome, it's a perfectly viable option. I personally use Firefox, but consider Chrome a close second.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Has nothing to do with chrome or other regular web browsers. Literally nothing will change because even if chrome doesn't support flash anymore, Arc will, and Arc will use it ( until the devs decide to change it)
Aside from that, flash can still be an extremely powerful tool for certain tasks (Granted it is slowly losing its relevance with HTML5, CSS3 and SVG's), and developers of stand-alone programs (such as... oh say... Arc), can still incorporate it into their systems.
Basicall OP, you pointed out something that most already know, but is irrelevant.
That way I can use my 14" IBM ThinkPad T40 from 2003 with a single core Pentium M CPU running at 1.4GHz to surf the web again.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Thanks, I was wondering what OP was confused about since forums and the STO game client don't use it.
Just to expand a little, Arc is using a browser widget, and that widget uses Flash. Since they control the version of the widget it doesn't matter when newer versions of the browser stop supporting Flash, that just means they must keep using an older version. They can keep using it for another 20 years if they want to.
Just disable the flash plugin... how hard can it be?
There are browser plugins for that you know. :P