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xbox-constantly respawning as invisible

deathbykarmadeathbykarma Member Posts: 63 Arc User
Sometimes when I spawn into a system or ground mission, and bein killed and respawning I come back invisible. Only way to fix it is to close the game down and reopen it. Really annoying


  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    ps4. I'm getting this after cut scenes.. ground and space
  • humanerrol#8272 humanerrol Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Yeah invisible after cut scenes and on initial spawn on several instances, totally unplayable when it happens. Xbox one.
  • oldnruty#8528 oldnruty Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Also have this happen ... maybe every other mission (ground and space) ... if you go to menu click change character then just go back to same character, it fixes it and it doesn't reset mission your on.. Hopefully they add it to list of stuff to fix... right after fixing broken romulan / Reman toons / Customize character bug... but maybe before fixing broken universal consoles on some of the ships they are selling in c store?
  • hellion#7095 hellion Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Yep my romulan would also appear to have this issue. Sadly if you're in the middle of a quest changing character will just put you back to before the cut scene or transport that I found the issue after. Been a bit of a poor sto experience so far it must be said.
  • same here
  • hellion#7095 hellion Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Like one of the posts said just go to the change character screen and log back in with the same character. Took me a couple of attempts but it did work. I was on the mission bug hunt when it happened to me I just had to wait a couple of seconds after the cut scene had finished before it fixed the invisible character issue.
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