my captain has the delta set, my Jem Hadar has his set, an engi has the omega set and a second tac has a CC set. to round out the team I cant decide on a set for my engy android.
Well if you put it on a boff anyway I think there is no real point in discussing benefits for either set for your play style. Even if you would use one of them yourself I don’t consider either set to be particularly outstanding. Terran is obviously interesting for melee although boffs don’t make that good a use of it. Therefor go with the gun to get the 3 pieces together. The set also boosts disruptor damage.
Yea, I’d go with the terran set. Reason is also the costume unlock which is truly exceptional for a change. While on other reput set the unlocked costumes always form their own category the terran parts all mix and match with uniform as well as off duty stuff. Now that is nice.
If you collect sets pls also watch out for the Nakuhl set you get for free in a story mission. Game mechanic wise I fell in love with the shield and the 2 piece set bonus looks decent there as well.
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I would suggest going with the Terran Set, but go with the Terran Bat'leth instead of the Rifle. The Terran set bonus is +8.8% for physical and disruptor damage while the Android trait is +10% for physical damage.
I have a bug with one of my AOY toons. She got the Counter Command Set and can't unlock the Tailor for it. Made a ticket on it 4 days ago with no response to the problem. Don't want to get any other rep gear for my AOY toons now, not sure if I will have the same problem with another set.
If you collect sets pls also watch out for the Nakuhl set you get for free in a story mission. Game mechanic wise I fell in love with the shield and the 2 piece set bonus looks decent there as well.
pretty hard to beat this set for it's price.
At least one of my team on each alt wears it, one alt team uses it exclusively.
Don't even have to upgrade it, but that's fun, too.
For usefulness, I prefer the Dyson Set over the Terran Set. The Dyson Set is also a superior option to hand 3 pieces of to a BOff because of the "dual mode" 2nd shot on the rifle, which makes it "work" for BOffs regardless of the situation.
I have a bug with one of my AOY toons. She got the Counter Command Set and can't unlock the Tailor for it. Made a ticket on it 4 days ago with no response to the problem. Don't want to get any other rep gear for my AOY toons now, not sure if I will have the same problem with another set.
They are going to eventually respond to you by telling you to delete your settings file and also to force verify your files. DON'T DO IT!! It is a waste of time by the ignorant customer service reps to suggest it and a waste of time for you to do it. It will not work even though they may insist that it has worked for some, which is a lie, a blatant lie.
Then if you do do it, despite your gut telling you that it will not work, and you inform them that it did not work they are going to tell you that it was a previously unreported bug, they will not apologize for lying to you or for giving you the run around, but instead, excuse it with "some things take development time"(they have had over THREE MONTHS NOW, not including tribble beta test time).
You know how I know? Because that is exactly how it unfolded for me when I sent in a ticket about it.
My advice for you? Just wait, it is the only thing you CAN do, and pray that they eventually fix it, again, the only thing you CAN do.
If you collect sets pls also watch out for the Nakuhl set you get for free in a story mission. Game mechanic wise I fell in love with the shield and the 2 piece set bonus looks decent there as well.
Yeah, the Na'kuhl set is pretty good. However, I prefer the Romulan Imperial Navy set. The good thing about the Na'kuhl set is that you can outfit all your Boffs with it as long as you don't mind continuously repeating the mission. I don't like it that much because the red shield kinda obscures my aiming / targeting. In combat I prefer the camera to be eye level. When the red shield comes up I need to angle the camera upward so that the red shield does not bother me.
The one thing I don't like about the Romulan Imperial Navy set each piece is considered unique and you can not have more than one at a time. That means I can't outfit my entire ground team with the RIN set... unless that has been changed recently...
Yea, I’d go with the terran set. Reason is also the costume unlock which is truly exceptional for a change. While on other reput set the unlocked costumes always form their own category the terran parts all mix and match with uniform as well as off duty stuff. Now that is nice.
If you collect sets pls also watch out for the Nakuhl set you get for free in a story mission. Game mechanic wise I fell in love with the shield and the 2 piece set bonus looks decent there as well.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
pretty hard to beat this set for it's price.
At least one of my team on each alt wears it, one alt team uses it exclusively.
Don't even have to upgrade it, but that's fun, too.
For usefulness, I prefer the Dyson Set over the Terran Set. The Dyson Set is also a superior option to hand 3 pieces of to a BOff because of the "dual mode" 2nd shot on the rifle, which makes it "work" for BOffs regardless of the situation.
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
They are going to eventually respond to you by telling you to delete your settings file and also to force verify your files. DON'T DO IT!! It is a waste of time by the ignorant customer service reps to suggest it and a waste of time for you to do it. It will not work even though they may insist that it has worked for some, which is a lie, a blatant lie.
Then if you do do it, despite your gut telling you that it will not work, and you inform them that it did not work they are going to tell you that it was a previously unreported bug, they will not apologize for lying to you or for giving you the run around, but instead, excuse it with "some things take development time"(they have had over THREE MONTHS NOW, not including tribble beta test time).
You know how I know? Because that is exactly how it unfolded for me when I sent in a ticket about it.
My advice for you? Just wait, it is the only thing you CAN do, and pray that they eventually fix it, again, the only thing you CAN do.
Yeah, the Na'kuhl set is pretty good. However, I prefer the Romulan Imperial Navy set. The good thing about the Na'kuhl set is that you can outfit all your Boffs with it as long as you don't mind continuously repeating the mission. I don't like it that much because the red shield kinda obscures my aiming / targeting. In combat I prefer the camera to be eye level. When the red shield comes up I need to angle the camera upward so that the red shield does not bother me.
The one thing I don't like about the Romulan Imperial Navy set each piece is considered unique and you can not have more than one at a time. That means I can't outfit my entire ground team with the RIN set... unless that has been changed recently...