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"within a few weeks, console versions will come out.." Producers interview has me confused..

Referenced article here

This quote, "It won’t have everything at launch. Because of the certification process, PC will come first. But, within a few weeks, console versions will come out, and they’ll be pretty much in lock step after a little while."

Apparently given by Stephen Ricossa.

Exactly how do you define "in lock step"? In the USMC, we learned to march in "lock step". Meaning that each Marine was doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

So...Mr. Ricossa...how do you define "in lock step"? Because the console version of sto is missing, imo, almost 40% of the content that the PC currently enjoys. Admiralty, reputation factions, specialization points beyond 60, duty officers, fleet ships, fleet holdings, most pve queues....all missing. In fact it's just easier to say what we do have....missions and the zen store to give you money.

So, if this is how you define "lock step", you need to learn English son. I don't believe a damned thing you say. Hellfire, you give NO reason to believe it. You even say early in the interview..."We plan our releases a few years in advance." That is such BS. There is no way you people "planned" this gutted version of the game for years and could be "happy" with it.

You're a liar, Sir. In my never so humble opinion, you are an exaggerator and simply say whatever keeps your job and baits the hook for your customer base.

Perhaps you should just stop giving interviews, if you find that you can't keep yourself from promising what you KNOW the playerbase wants and know you can't deliver on.

Thoroughly disgusted.


  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    "after a little while"

    Sigh. Reading comprehension missing once again.
  • byozuma#0956 byozuma Member Posts: 502 Arc User
    Wow... just, wow. It's called an analogy, analogies are often used to make a longwinded comment short. He was also incredibly vague even with the analogy which I can't help but think was on purpose given how much bug fixing they're having to do to the console version before rolling out major version updates. This is to be expected and, if true, appreciated. Whoever localized the game to console made some rather sizable blunders, everything from removing graphical assets that were actually being used by missions to deleting missions that controlled how other missions resolved to even extending the pane (for lack of a better word) of the camera to where during certain effects and cutscenes you have facial details being phased out leading to exposed skulls, eyeballs and teeth. Even audio glitches where the dB of the atmospheric noises are so high they cancel out music and speech.

    I've never understood the mentality of today's gamers, with their demands and self-entitlement. Can't we just be happy that they even said they were going to try catch the console versions up to the PC version? Sure, it's not going to be an instant process, they're taking a 4 year old game and trying to fit it into the working space of a finite vessel that is a game console. Have some patience, you'll live longer and happier for it.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Cryptic: we're planning to do this, after a little while....

    Player: Are we there yet? LIAR!!! I'm disgusted! Rabble rabble rabble! The food is terrible, and the portions are too small!

  • saihung423saihung423 Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    "after a little while"

    Sigh. Reading comprehension missing once again.

    Definitely. You should brush up on your skills. As it stands, what you've written doesn't invalidate anything I've posted. It's like saying "We're definitely going to possibly do this." SR is talking out of both sides of his mouth, to put it politely.

  • byozuma#0956 byozuma Member Posts: 502 Arc User
    There's lying, then there's being vague. Being vague generally indicates in matters like these that there's no set schedule nor timetable so that they have the time they need to fix the things that break and try and keep other things from breaking later on. Preparing for the future, if you will. To this I say more power to you. They understand the process and know not to get hopes up, something Hello Games probably should have been more appreciative of. Lying is if he DID give a schedule and outlined a timetable to wind up blowing that weeks later. I'd rather have vague than a definitive statement as then it means he's not left holding a bomb of his own making.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    saihung423 wrote: »
    Referenced article here

    This quote, "It won’t have everything at launch. Because of the certification process, PC will come first. But, within a few weeks, console versions will come out, and they’ll be pretty much in lock step after a little while."

    Apparently given by Stephen Ricossa.

    Exactly how do you define "in lock step"? In the USMC, we learned to march in "lock step". Meaning that each Marine was doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

    So...Mr. Ricossa...how do you define "in lock step"? Because the console version of sto is missing, imo, almost 40% of the content that the PC currently enjoys. Admiralty, reputation factions, specialization points beyond 60, duty officers, fleet ships, fleet holdings, most pve queues....all missing. In fact it's just easier to say what we do have....missions and the zen store to give you money.

    So, if this is how you define "lock step", you need to learn English son. I don't believe a damned thing you say. Hellfire, you give NO reason to believe it. You even say early in the interview..."We plan our releases a few years in advance." That is such BS. There is no way you people "planned" this gutted version of the game for years and could be "happy" with it.

    You're a liar, Sir. In my never so humble opinion, you are an exaggerator and simply say whatever keeps your job and baits the hook for your customer base.

    Perhaps you should just stop giving interviews, if you find that you can't keep yourself from promising what you KNOW the playerbase wants and know you can't deliver on.

    Thoroughly disgusted.

    You can earn specialization points beyond level 60 by filling the XP circle all the way up on the console version. Sure it takes a while, but that's what the Specialization system was meant to be, progressive means of advancement over time.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    saihung423 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    "after a little while"

    Sigh. Reading comprehension missing once again.

    Definitely. You should brush up on your skills. As it stands, what you've written doesn't invalidate anything I've posted. It's like saying "We're definitely going to possibly do this." SR is talking out of both sides of his mouth, to put it politely.

    You seem to be confusing when he was saying the console version would be released (weeks, a firm date) and when the console version would catch up (after a little while, an open ended date).

    Just because you chose to define "after a little while" as last week doesn't make it so. It doesn't make it "lying" or "talking out of both sides of his mouth" either.

    It's perfectly valid for someone who thinks about the game's future for the next few years in advance to consider "little while" to be months.

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    saihung423 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    "after a little while"

    Sigh. Reading comprehension missing once again.

    Definitely. You should brush up on your skills. As it stands, what you've written doesn't invalidate anything I've posted. It's like saying "We're definitely going to possibly do this." SR is talking out of both sides of his mouth, to put it politely.

    To repeat the quote you yourself gave
    This quote, "It won’t have everything at launch. Because of the certification process, PC will come first. But, within a few weeks, console versions will come out, and they’ll be pretty much in lock step after a little while."

    "Pretty much in lock step" = not really lock step, but close.
    "after a little while" = Not initially though, after some time.

    For players, "little while" probably means: "within a week", for Cryptic, it might mean half a year. No real point speculating. Notice that even if it's something big like a new expansion, they tend to announce it only very few weeks in advance, and then they generally keep to the exact release date they announced.
    If they are talking about something without definite time frame, you have to expect it will take longer than that.

    But when they say something like that, it almost always happens at some point. The times of dstahl talking about stuff as if it was right around the corner but was actually still just something on a whiteboard somewhere that might never come are loooong over.
    You even say early in the interview..."We plan our releases a few years in advance." That is such BS. There is no way you people "planned" this gutted version of the game for years and could be "happy" with it.
    I am pretty sure that what he said is true. The Iconian story has basically been hinted at since the first batch of missions Cryptic released. That doesn't mean that specifics don't change. But I am pretty sure that they intended the initial console release pretty much as it is now.

    The console release aims at new players.
    New players first have to learn all the basics, they don't need to be throwing into the deep end with DOFFing and Admiralty, most will still be busy exploring the systems that are in the game right now over the first few months. In turn, this allows Cryptic to release the game without new UI work for DOFFs and Admirality, and already cash in on their work, mitigating the financial risk of delivering the console game. They can work on the DOFF and Admirality stuff while the game is already making them money, removing financial pressure.

    It's a pretty reasonable plan.
    Thoroughly disgusted.
    Are you sure you weren't slapped in the face? I am just asking, because the other hyperbolic bullsh*t thing people say when they are angry about video games. I don't want you to forget anything on the checklist.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Cryptic: we're planning to do this, after a little while....

    Player: Are we there yet? LIAR!!! I'm disgusted! Rabble rabble rabble! The food is terrible, and the portions are too small!

    They promised us 6 years of content ON CONSOLE RELEASE. What we got was a game that is currently more broken than what it was on the PC during the beta, with about 50-60% of the overall content missing. What do you not understand?

    "Six Years of Content from the PC version" They advertised it as such. Literally..

    Had they communicated with the community and been more upfront about it, i don't think we'd have any issues with it. It's the way they did things, that I believe, made so many people angry over the console release.
    they're taking a 4 year old game

    The game is 6 years old. 7 years old if you count the betas.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Cryptic: we're planning to do this, after a little while....

    Player: Are we there yet? LIAR!!! I'm disgusted! Rabble rabble rabble! The food is terrible, and the portions are too small!

    They promised us 6 years of content ON CONSOLE RELEASE. What we got was a game that is currently more broken than what it was on the PC during the beta, with about 50-60% of the overall content missing. What do you not understand?

    "Six Years of Content from the PC version" They advertised it as such. Literally..

    Had they communicated with the community and been more upfront about it, i don't think we'd have any issues with it. It's the way they did things, that I believe, made so many people angry over the console release.
    they're taking a 4 year old game

    The game is 6 years old. 7 years old if you count the betas.

    There is almost all of the story episode content.

    You chose to misread that as "everything that's in the PC game except AoY" but that's you.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    They promised us 6 years of content ON CONSOLE RELEASE. What we got was a game that is currently more broken than what it was on the PC during the beta, with about 50-60% of the overall content missing. What do you not understand?

    "Six Years of Content from the PC version" They advertised it as such. Literally..

    To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenoobi, "what I told you was true... from a certain point of view".

    The console version of STO includes story missions up through Season 11.5. The game was released back in February 2010. That the very least that means it should include the mission "The Temporal Front" which was released in April 2016. Therefore, from a main story mission point of view, the console version of STO does in fact include 6 year worth of content.

    Sure there content missing such as all of the reputation systems up through Season 11.5 which on the PC would be the Terran Task Force; that's 8 reputation systems. Based on posts, there only seems to be 5 (or maybe 4) reputation systems currently available. Cryptic plans on releasing them, but I will guess that they still need to go through a Q&A process. So from a reputation system point of view STO console is behind. But the reputation system missions are not considered part of the main story missions (since they are not mandatory); though they do add to the overall story. Most reputations have 3 related missions, though Task Force Omega (which is missing from the console) has 7 missions I think.

    Foundry missions... well from what I remember, they will not be available for the console. But they are community created missions not something that Cryptic releases. I would guess there are some difference in the game engine on the PC and the console version that could cause issues with Foundry missions created on the PC where it is not possible to simply port over the better foundry missions. It is up to the mission's author to work out the bugs. With no Foundry available for the consoles, that would be an impossible task. But if it were possible, then the author would need a PS4 / Xbox One to test their own creations.

    In the general category of C-Store "stuff", yeah, there are a lot of T5 and T6 ships missing. Doesn't surprise me though because there are a lot of ship and each one of them needs to be thoroughly tested.

    Not sure when Steve Ricossa decided to start working on the console version of STO, but clearly there was not enough time to test everything before the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. Console players just need to be patient....

  • panzerbjorne39#1071 panzerbjorne39 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Wow. I don't blame OP for being pissed at the state of the game on console. Two lock boxes, C-store ships but not a single bug fix in over a month since release. The game is gathering dust for me until doffing, pve queues, and major bug fixes hit.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Cryptic: we're planning to do this, after a little while....

    Player: Are we there yet? LIAR!!! I'm disgusted! Rabble rabble rabble! The food is terrible, and the portions are too small!

    They promised us 6 years of content ON CONSOLE RELEASE. What we got was a game that is currently more broken than what it was on the PC during the beta, with about 50-60% of the overall content missing. What do you not understand?

    "Six Years of Content from the PC version" They advertised it as such. Literally..

    Had they communicated with the community and been more upfront about it, i don't think we'd have any issues with it. It's the way they did things, that I believe, made so many people angry over the console release.
    they're taking a 4 year old game

    The game is 6 years old. 7 years old if you count the betas.

    There is almost all of the story episode content.

    You chose to misread that as "everything that's in the PC game except AoY" but that's you.

    Mr Whiteknight, dedicated diehard fanboy and keyboard warrior, please, your brain must be constipated from sniffing too much dev bum.

    You may think that by sucking up to them, you'll get some kind of special "recognition" of sorts, but i can tell you right now, it ain't happening.

    I see your type all the time on any game forums. If someone doesn't post kissy-kissy posts, sucking up to the developers, you go on your little crusade and try to belittle them, and bash their opinions and so on.

    I am pretty sure you'd even throw in your support for Derek Smart (granted you know who that is) as well if you thought you could get some kind of special recognition from it.

    You cannot misread something as literal as "SIX YEARS WORTH OF CONTENT FROM THE PC VERSION ON CONSOLE RELEASE".

    The information has since been changed on the Xbox Live Store page.

    I suggest you go back to your PC version, and avoid posting in threads related to the console versions, if all you can do is belittle people when they post negative criticism towards the developers and publisher, even if constructive.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    ragequit and DOOOOOOOOOOM threads aren't allowed on the forum.... this seems to be a hybrid of both rolled into one.... I wonder if that's a loophole?
    At any rate, don't let the door hit ya on yer way out!!

    I already have transport waiting for you.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    ragequit and DOOOOOOOOOOM threads aren't allowed on the forum.... this seems to be a hybrid of both rolled into one.... I wonder if that's a loophole?
    At any rate, don't let the door hit ya on yer way out!!

    I already have transport waiting for you.

    Yet another whiteknight, dedicated fanboy and keyboard warrior.

    Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like, going out to catch some fresh air?
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Yet another whiteknight, dedicated fanboy and keyboard warrior.

    Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like, going out to catch some fresh air?
    LMFAO!! Calling ME a Cryptic white knight? LOL you obviously are delusional as well.....

    No the problem is you're an idiot that is having rage issues and reading comprehension issues at the same time. Its a brutal trifecta I grant you but, the issue here is you, not Cryptic.

    Thanks for the laughs tho, I haven't lol'd that hard in weeks.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Yet another whiteknight, dedicated fanboy and keyboard warrior.

    Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like, going out to catch some fresh air?
    LMFAO!! Calling ME a Cryptic white knight? LOL you obviously are delusional as well.....

    No the problem is you're an idiot that is having rage issues and reading comprehension issues at the same time. Its a brutal trifecta I grant you but, the issue here is you, not Cryptic.

    Thanks for the laughs tho, I haven't lol'd that hard in weeks.

    I'll take that as "Sorry my brain is too constipated from sniffing too much dev bum so i have nothing better to contribute towards this conversation".

    That's fine by me.

    As for my reading comprehension. No. There is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension.

    The information was available on the Xbox Live store page until it got changed.

    The information was also available on the advertisement video they released, which has since been removed afaik.

    How does that relate to reading comprehension?

    I also have no rage issues. I just love trolling whiteknights, dedicated diehard fanboys and keyboard warriors.
  • This content has been removed.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Check my post history. Calling me a white knight is hilarious. As has been pointed out by others, yes you do indeed, have reading comprehension issues
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Are we playing the "distort ambiguous dev statements into specific, iron-clad commitments" game again? It has been awhile since the last round...
  • deathbykarmadeathbykarma Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Honestly there is no "try" either you "do" or you "don't". Either bring out a game that works, or dont bring it out at all. What they did was give console's a 6 year old game with only 50-60% of the content, also no communication between playerbase and devs....BUT by all means shovel money in there faces.
    so far I've been through 3 fleets because everybody is leaving due to boredom. For endgame all there is to do is spend cash, or just play for 5 minutes each day to select another 24 hour payment for the rep grind.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    Honestly there is no "try" either you "do" or you "don't". Either bring out a game that works, or dont bring it out at all. What they did was give console's a 6 year old game with only 50-60% of the content, also no communication between playerbase and devs....BUT by all means shovel money in there faces.
    so far I've been through 3 fleets because everybody is leaving due to boredom. For endgame all there is to do is spend cash, or just play for 5 minutes each day to select another 24 hour payment for the rep grind.

    Wrong MMO, you want the console version of SWTOR.

  • crypticspartan#0627 crypticspartan Member Posts: 847 Cryptic Developer
    Wow. I don't blame OP for being pissed at the state of the game on console. Two lock boxes, C-store ships but not a single bug fix in over a month since release. The game is gathering dust for me until doffing, pve queues, and major bug fixes hit.

    You listed things that don't require patches and contrasted them to things that do. Turning on a new lockbox and selling C-Store ships are things we planned to do ahead of time. If the specific fix required to fix the specific bugs that you are specifically complaining already existed on your console and simply needed to be enabled, it would have been enabled at launch. If you are not familiar with how console games work, here is the simplified view of the process involved:

    * We need to identify that a specific issue exists.
    * The development team needs to identify the specific cause of the issue users are experiencing.
    * The development team needs to identify and implement the correct fix for that issue.
    * That fix needs to go into a build that can be sent player-facing.
    * That fix needs to be looked at and passed by internal QA.
    * That build needs to make it past internal QA.
    * That build needs to make it past Sony/MS approval.
    * The patch then likely needs to wait for a day we do maintenance.

    This is ultimately a much longer process than it is for PC, especially given the number of issues on console that are new to the platform and the improvements that we're making in various places to the general experience. We understand why people are impatient, but I have seen the schedule, and I can't answer questions about it, but I'm excited about it and would ask you to be patient a bit longer.


    To swap focus and look at the quote that upset the OP:
    TM: Will the console release have absolutely everything that the PC release has?

    SR: It won’t have everything at launch. Because of the certification process, PC will come first. But, within a few weeks, console versions will come out, and they’ll be pretty much in lock step after a little while.

    The initial response from Ricossa should provide context as to how the EP does and has to think:
    We plan our releases a few years in advance. We like to look ahead.

    For starters: This was an interview in June. What he said was referring to the immediate state - "console will not have everything at launch" - and the long-term plan - "due to certification, PC comes first, but console get that shortly afterwards, and they're pretty much in lockstep". He left out the intermediate steps of how console goes from "not everything at launch" to "nearly in lockstep" because we're not ready to announce the details of the plan for that yet, but that is the plan and it is going to happen.

    He has STO's future planned out multiple years ahead, and a significant chunk of that broken down by what's going on each week. At some point within those multiple years, console gets to that "pretty much in lockstep" point, and so he spoke to that.

    If you were interviewing me, you would get a different sense of time, because my job on the QA team is to deal with weekly releases, or at most few months out when we start a major release. I also would not talk about our release plans because it's not my place to do so (hence my vague wording above).

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    Thanks for the detailed explanation. QA is a somewhat thankless job: customers blame you for anything you miss, and anything there isn't time in the schedule to fix before the next release must to come out. Meanwhile developers like me get annoyed by all the holes you poke in our grand designs :)

    (Last week we finally did a public release to one application at work after 4 release candidates. Each time there was a "one last thing" bug that we really needed to fix. Joy.)
  • wag61283wag61283 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    Give cryptic a break they got the console version out before st anniversary and try to make sure we could get in on the events. While yes I like the rest of the stuff now I am willing to wait and enjoy what we have.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    warpangel wrote: »
    "after a little while"

    Sigh. Reading comprehension missing once again.

    You expect more from a crayon eater*?

    *( marine )

    Got to love the Marines feed em crayons and they'll do anything! USN Never Again!
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