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[XBONE] - I need some answers...

Question 1: How much of PC version content, in percents, is available on consoles?
My guess is 77-85%. I see no Foundry missions, which are supposed to give a lot of EC. Missing reputations like Iconian and Terran, no crafting and some other missing things.

Question 2: When are devs going to fix every day gameplay bugs?
Camera zoom, BOFF trainer, not working ship consoles, unable to upgrade certain items... *insert 15 more bugs*. I'm serious, like seriously serious, these are mostly easy to fix bugs, yet after 3 weeks of playing, none of them were fixed. Just assing one or two devs to fix them and when they're done, send an update. I wouldn't mind maintance every two days...

Ouestion 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed.

Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

Question 5: Jem'Hadar dreadnought or Cardassian ...something...
Only from lockbox, I know. Every day like 15 people gets one of these beasts, like really?

Question 6: What's this device?
Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?

It took me an hour to write this down, so please spare a minute of your precisious time to answer at least some of my questions.

Thank you.


  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    1. I would saay even more then that not sure how much though.

    2. console patchs are going to be a lot slower then pc because they have to be approved assuming the have a fix.

    3. no, bad idea. everything in the game is basiced on gearing and advancing at a set rate the increase the refining the have to up the price of everything to count wasting everyones time. and thats not covering what it'll do to the dil exchange.

    4. because on fleet level ships can be upgraded.

    5. yes?

    6. there is also a intel skill that lets you jump. Subspace Beacon.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    2. Just because they seem to be easy to fix doesn't mean they are. First they need to figure out what is causing the problem and that is not always as easy as we initially thought.
    3. 8000 Dilthium per day is not going to change. The Devs had about 5 years to change it if they wanted to so they have absolutely no plans of ever changing it. The PC has ways of getting it up to 9000 Dilithium per day, but one of them is requires the Duty Officer system and the LTS pack and the other requires the Fleet Holding system for console users.
    4. You can buy Ship Upgrade Tokens on the Exchange.
    5. Lockbox ships have a 0.5% chance of being awarded. They are supposed to be rare.
    6. The Subspace Jump Console is available for Fed players from the Tholian Lockbox or Infinity Lockbox. If this is on the console, then I am not sure which console. The Supspace Jump Console works by jumping 3 km behind the targeted enemy.
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    Question 1: How much of PC version content, in percents, is available on consoles?

    I'll take a crack at it as well. Probably more like 60 to 70 percent is what your looking at missing. Foundry is missing (and has been stated will not be made available.) a few reps, AoY, ships, Doffing, Admiralty, crafting, Fleet systems, Episodes, and more. Good news is it will be going to console for the most part. Eventually.

    Question 2: When are devs going to fix every day gameplay bugs?
    Camera zoom, BOFF trainer, not working ship consoles, unable to upgrade certain items... *insert 15 more bugs*. I'm serious, like seriously serious, these are mostly easy to fix bugs, yet after 3 weeks of playing, none of them were fixed. Just assing one or two devs to fix them and when they're done, send an update. I wouldn't mind maintance every two days...

    The bugs will be fixed when and if the Devs deem it. Bugs that work against players can be around for years. (There are still bugs on PC from the Launch of STO that hasn't been fixed.) Just look at Defera Hards for one example.They have been bugged for years, and yet the devs spent time on fixing a bug that allowed the player to get their BOFF's down instead of fixing the Hard missions. General rule of thumb me and a bunch of friends go by is if it benefits Cryptic by making the game harder (or keeping you logged in longer) the less likely they are to fix it fast. If it benefits the player in any way its a priority and goes straight to the top of the list. (I really wish that isn't the case but it is the perceived way it is, and perception is like a reputation.

    Ouestion 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
    8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed.

    Not going to happen. Player's have been asking for this for years. But it would crash the Dil to zen market overnight. Players have so much refined Dil over here that cryptic introduced Special costumes, that START at about 1.2 million refined Dilithium. They dont want you guys on console to get that much Dilithium for a while yet, Right now though you dont have to worry about a Starbase and Holdings. Missions start at needing 20,000 refined Dil and go up to 2 million by the time you get to tier 5.

    Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
    Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

    Pretty much if you havent spent 25 dollars and up on the ship it cant be upgraded. Your Starcruiser is not upgradable for that reason. Only exception are Fleet, Event and certain ships in loxboxes and Lobi store.

    Question 5: Jem'Hadar dreadnought or Cardassian ...something...
    Only from lockbox, I know. Every day like 15 people gets one of these beasts, like really?

    Only 15? We see those flybys so often that most of us had to turn them off.

    Question 6: What's this device?
    Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?
    Subspace jump console, would be my guess


    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
    Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

    Question 6: What's this device?
    Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?

    Thank you.

    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Star_Cruiser does not appear to be an upgradeable ship (To Tier 5 Uggrade) Even if you did aquire an upgrade token..this ship has not T5U feature...If you look at the Federation endgame ships in the federation ships drop down you will see what T5 ships can go to T5u (Most Lvl 40 ships cant go t5u).

    Are you a console player? If so..I have no idea how you would acquire that console on a fed (its in the tholian lockbox..)..

    If you are on PC..There several things that do the subspace teleport thingy..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
    Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

    Question 6: What's this device?
    Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?

    Thank you.

    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Star_Cruiser does not appear to be an upgradeable ship (To Tier 5 Uggrade) Even if you did aquire an upgrade token..this ship has not T5U feature...If you look at the Federation endgame ships in the federation ships drop down you will see what T5 ships can go to T5u (Most Lvl 40 ships cant go t5u).

    Are you a console player? If so..I have no idea how you would acquire that console on a fed (its in the tholian lockbox..)..

    If you are on PC..There several things that do the subspace teleport thingy..[/quote]

    But the Fleet Star Cruiser is an upgradeable ship. So if the OP wants a T5-U, then he needs to purchase 4 Fleet Ship Modules and 1 Ship Upgrade Token from the C-Store or Exchange. If they are a console user, then they need to wait until the Fleet Starbase system becomes available.
  • panzerbjorne39#1071 panzerbjorne39 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    From what I've seen, almost all PvE queues from PC are currently missing. That there alone is a huge chunk of content.
    "Question 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
    8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed."
    This will never change. Neverwinter players are actually able to convert almost double what we can. Why? Because there are so many more people playing and spending on Neverwinter compared to STO. They have no choice but to keep the dil refine limit where it is because they have to keep the value of dil to zen as high as possible. There is a direct correlation between the health of the game and the cost of zen per dil. The older the game gets, the less people are playing, the higher zen will be. Three years ago, dil to zen was a fraction of what it is now. This directly effects Cryptic's bottom line so like I said, will not change.
  • deathbykarmadeathbykarma Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Romulans players have a singularity jump ability that allows them to jump a short distance, but its only for romulans.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    From what I've seen, almost all PvE queues from PC are currently missing. That there alone is a huge chunk of content.
    "Question 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
    8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed."
    This will never change. Neverwinter players are actually able to convert almost double what we can. Why? Because there are so many more people playing and spending on Neverwinter compared to STO. They have no choice but to keep the dil refine limit where it is because they have to keep the value of dil to zen as high as possible. There is a direct correlation between the health of the game and the cost of zen per dil. The older the game gets, the less people are playing, the higher zen will be. Three years ago, dil to zen was a fraction of what it is now. This directly effects Cryptic's bottom line so like I said, will not change.

    Actually, Neverwinter is triple STO's refining cap unless they nerfed it since I last played the game. A major difference between Dilithium and Astral Diamonds is that Neverwinter's Exchange uses Astral Diamonds instead of Gold. It had absolutely nothing to do with there is more people playing and spending on Neverwinter compared to STO.

    The health of the game and the cost of Zen per dilithium has nothing to do with each other. It just means that the previous massive dilithium sink of Fleet Holdings is no longer relevant and no new massive dilithium sink is available yet. Zen was originally at about 300 to 400 Dilithium per Zen until Fleet Holdings became available. The reason why it reached 100 Dilithium per Zen was due to more Fleets being near the end of getting their Tier 5 Starbases.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,854 Community Moderator
    Question 1: How much of PC version content, in percents, is available on consoles?
    My guess is 77-85%. I see no Foundry missions, which are supposed to give a lot of EC. Missing reputations like Iconian and Terran, no crafting and some other missing things.

    Question 2: When are devs going to fix every day gameplay bugs?
    Camera zoom, BOFF trainer, not working ship consoles, unable to upgrade certain items... *insert 15 more bugs*. I'm serious, like seriously serious, these are mostly easy to fix bugs, yet after 3 weeks of playing, none of them were fixed. Just assing one or two devs to fix them and when they're done, send an update. I wouldn't mind maintance every two days...

    Ouestion 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
    8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed.

    Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
    Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

    Question 5: Jem'Hadar dreadnought or Cardassian ...something...
    Only from lockbox, I know. Every day like 15 people gets one of these beasts, like really?

    Question 6: What's this device?
    Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?

    It took me an hour to write this down, so please spare a minute of your precisious time to answer at least some of my questions.

    Thank you.

    1: i don't believe there is a definitive percent and if there is I'm not familiar with the number. if I had to venture a guess I would say around 80% since some of the fleet holdings are very massive pieces in game. in time they will be added, just be patient. you can make ships with full exchange gear if you wanted and them still fly just fine.

    2: bugs take time to fix as working with code isn't as simple as flipping switches, as awesome as that would be for simplicity sake. a bug that's just a visual glitch isn't going to be as high on the priority list as a bug that allows someone infinite ec as a hypothetical. keep putting in bug reports and so on as they do get fixed. I've seen several bugs that I myself and other Bug Hunters have reported that made it to patching. I can't disclose what all of them are for obvious reasons.

    3: That won't happen and wouldn't do anything except inflate the zen market more than what it is already. for sake of argument if they did increase it to 16k dilithium per toon, then the zen prices would double and never drop below 500 dilithium per zen, which would be outrageous. As it sits right now you can refine 8k dilithium per toon per day. so if you're someone like me that has 12+ toons I can rake in 96k dilithium per day if I hit all of my toons for refinement. if anything what needs to happen is the cap on zen prices needs to be lowered to around 300 dilithium per zen. at that point sellers still get decent amounts of dilithium and buyers don't feel like they're getting screwed over.

    4: Not all t5 ships can be upgraded. if yours is the star cruiser you get for free from leveling, it can't be upgraded. your token will still work on another ship such as the cstore t5 ships, but it will not work on a free ship you get from leveling.

    5: That's the lockbox ship on console currently. you have a random chance with each box that you open to get a ship from the box. the chance is very low so most folks on pc go in under the assumption they're getting the lobi, and if they drop a ship then that's just icing on the cake. these are very great ships to have but are not required to succeed in game. far as to why you're seeing so few compared to pc is that the console market hasn't developed as much yet. even more so there isn't as much ec and zen available yet for folks to open boxes. give it time and as more folks get ec you'll see more ships.

    6: The jump console is an older console. If it's the one I'm thinking of feds can get it from a lockbox.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User

    5: That's the lockbox ship on console currently. you have a random chance with each box that you open to get a ship from the box. the chance is very low so most folks on pc go in under the assumption they're getting the lobi, and if they drop a ship then that's just icing on the cake. these are very great ships to have but are not required to succeed in game. far as to why you're seeing so few compared to pc is that the console market hasn't developed as much yet. even more so there isn't as much ec and zen available yet for folks to open boxes. give it time and as more folks get ec you'll see more ships.

    6: The jump console is an older console. If it's the one I'm thinking of feds can get it from a lockbox. [/quote]

    Pretty sure that the only lockbox available for console is the Dominion-Cardassian Lock box. The one your referring to Im sure is only on PC right now. Could be a Trajector warp core tho (Delta Rep).


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    6: The jump console is an older console. If it's the one I'm thinking of feds can get it from a lockbox.

    Pretty sure that the only lockbox available for console is the Dominion-Cardassian Lock box. The one your referring to Im sure is only on PC right now. Could be a Trajector warp core tho (Delta Rep).

    But the OP claimed that the people using it didn't teleport forward 5 km which rules out this and the Warp Burst Capacitor. It sounds like Subspace Beacon is a more likely candidate.
  • horizons2052horizons2052 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    Question 1: How much of PC version content, in percents, is available on consoles?
    My guess is 77-85%. I see no Foundry missions, which are supposed to give a lot of EC. Missing reputations like Iconian and Terran, no crafting and some other missing things.

    Question 2: When are devs going to fix every day gameplay bugs?
    Camera zoom, BOFF trainer, not working ship consoles, unable to upgrade certain items... *insert 15 more bugs*. I'm serious, like seriously serious, these are mostly easy to fix bugs, yet after 3 weeks of playing, none of them were fixed. Just assing one or two devs to fix them and when they're done, send an update. I wouldn't mind maintance every two days...

    Ouestion 3: Dilithium refining cap increase?
    8000 is way too low...Double refining cap event every month would be welcomed.

    Question 4: Ship upgrade token...
    Can't upgrade my T5 Star Cruiser, why? All info I found has one thing common, ZEN...nuff said.

    Question 5: Jem'Hadar dreadnought or Cardassian ...something...
    Only from lockbox, I know. Every day like 15 people gets one of these beasts, like really?

    Question 6: What's this device?
    Ship jump. I saw 3 FED players 'jump' somewhere during Planet killer event. Burst of light with nice sound effect. They didn't jump 5km forward. My search showed it might be Subspace jump console. How can I obtain it fo FED character?

    It took me an hour to write this down, so please spare a minute of your precisious time to answer at least some of my questions.

    Thank you.

    1. I cannot give an accurate percentage on this one, but I can tell you that EC is capped in foundry missions, once you get your quota for a day you are done for 20 hours. And it is not even enough to fill your basic free to play-non-subscriber inventory even once. So foundry missions are NOT a good source of income.

    2. Dude, we are asking that question even to this very day for the PC version. When they released the AoY content they broke all kinds of things, a good example are the reputation ground equipment costumes. Those have been broken now for almost 3 months. THREE MONTHS. And the developers still have yet to publicly acknowledge this broken aspect of the game. I sent in a ticket about two weeks ago pertaining to that and they told me in their reply that it was a previously unknown bug and that it will require development time, which is fine, except that they have known about it since it was in beta test on the Tribble server, which was even longer than three months ago. And this is only one tiny example in an infinite sea of tiny examples.

    So when will they fix gameplay bugs? Your guess is as good as any. Probably never going to fix them all. No, definitely never going to fix them all.

    3. Nope, never. Get used to it. If you feel you are not making enough dilithium then make a few extra characters, each character you make is an addition 8k per day.

    4. It is called microtransactions bro. This is an MMORPG, microtransactions is how MMORPGs are funded, no way around it, get used it of GTFO.

    5. In time more people will have those ships, enough that they begin to appear on the exchange and in time they will also become affordable, either because you become space rich in the game or because better things come along making the old things obsolete.

    6. You did not describe the event well enough to answer that question. There are many many ways to jump a ship from point A to point B.

    The reality is, you have an incomplete game that is crammed full of long time existing bugs that will likely never be fixed. They basically blew the console launch, sadly, as I predicted they would, not like predicting that is some kind of miracle, anyone could have predicted it and those who did not are just fooling themselves, are stupid, or a combination of both, probably a combination of both though.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    4. It is called microtransactions bro. This is an MMORPG, microtransactions is how MMORPGs are funded, no way around it, get used it of GTFO.

    The reality is, you have an incomplete game that is crammed full of long time existing bugs that will likely never be fixed. They basically blew the console launch, sadly, as I predicted they would, not like predicting that is some kind of miracle, anyone could have predicted it and those who did not are just fooling themselves, are stupid, or a combination of both, probably a combination of both though.

    "F2P" MMORPGS uses Microtransactions to survive.

    You tell people to GTFO, yet, you're more clueless than most.
  • kianazerokianazero Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    4. It is called microtransactions bro. This is an MMORPG, microtransactions is how MMORPGs are funded, no way around it, get used it of GTFO.

    The reality is, you have an incomplete game that is crammed full of long time existing bugs that will likely never be fixed. They basically blew the console launch, sadly, as I predicted they would, not like predicting that is some kind of miracle, anyone could have predicted it and those who did not are just fooling themselves, are stupid, or a combination of both, probably a combination of both though.

    "F2P" MMORPGS uses Microtransactions to survive.

    Didn't STO go F2P a couple years ago?

    And the jump could be the Picard Maneuver console. Forget its proper name.
  • morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    #3 You make alts. Every alt is 8000 more.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    kianazero wrote: »
    4. It is called microtransactions bro. This is an MMORPG, microtransactions is how MMORPGs are funded, no way around it, get used it of GTFO.

    The reality is, you have an incomplete game that is crammed full of long time existing bugs that will likely never be fixed. They basically blew the console launch, sadly, as I predicted they would, not like predicting that is some kind of miracle, anyone could have predicted it and those who did not are just fooling themselves, are stupid, or a combination of both, probably a combination of both though.

    "F2P" MMORPGS uses Microtransactions to survive.

    Didn't STO go F2P a couple years ago?

    And the jump could be the Picard Maneuver console. Forget its proper name.

    More like 4.75 years ago and the game went Freemium not F2P. Although, considering how lousy the subscription is compared to other Freemium Subscriptions, the game might as well be F2P.
  • stickystickstickystick Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    morguerage wrote: »
    #3 You make alts. Every alt is 8000 more.

    Dil is not shared between characters, so the only reason to have multiple characters would be for Zen conversion. Even so, you'd have to put more work into it, than what its worth, with the conversion rates.
    starkaos wrote: »
    kianazero wrote: »
    4. It is called microtransactions bro. This is an MMORPG, microtransactions is how MMORPGs are funded, no way around it, get used it of GTFO.

    The reality is, you have an incomplete game that is crammed full of long time existing bugs that will likely never be fixed. They basically blew the console launch, sadly, as I predicted they would, not like predicting that is some kind of miracle, anyone could have predicted it and those who did not are just fooling themselves, are stupid, or a combination of both, probably a combination of both though.

    "F2P" MMORPGS uses Microtransactions to survive.

    Didn't STO go F2P a couple years ago?

    And the jump could be the Picard Maneuver console. Forget its proper name.

    More like 4.75 years ago and the game went Freemium not F2P. Although, considering how lousy the subscription is compared to other Freemium Subscriptions, the game might as well be F2P.

    The subscription/LTS perks in STO are horrible. They don't even have the 500Z stipend for the LTS on the console, and no monthly sub plan available.

    Though, i have to say, this game has a slightly (only slightly) better Freemium option than SWTOR for example, where you can't make any real progress at all without using real money.
  • morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    morguerage wrote: »
    #3 You make alts. Every alt is 8000 more.

    Dil is not shared between characters, so the only reason to have multiple characters would be for Zen conversion. Even so, you'd have to put more work into it, than what its worth, with the conversion rates.

    You share the dil by canceling the transaction on whatever char you want to have it. Easier than using account bank. Every alt is effectively an 8000 increase to your daily limit. There is no reason to convert to zen unless you want to. Making alts is currently the answer to the "dil cap" as there isn't an account limit on dil. Some of the pc players pull some crazy dil numbers, won't be as bad on console due to being more time consuming.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    The subscription/LTS perks in STO are horrible. They don't even have the 500Z stipend for the LTS on the console, and no monthly sub plan available.

    Though, i have to say, this game has a slightly (only slightly) better Freemium option than SWTOR for example, where you can't make any real progress at all without using real money.

    The method of getting the LTS on the console and PC is different. For consoles the LTS is in the C-Store, that means you can simply grind Dil for Zen in order to purchase it. I do not know what the Dil to Zen exchange rate is on the console, but given enough patience player can get it for free. Or at the very least offset the cost of using real cash by grinding for Zen. I don't know the full price of the LTS on consoles.

    On the PC version of STO, the only way to purchase the LTS is with a credit card / PayPal. That will set you back $300 USD, or $200 USD during a sale which happens twice per year. There is no way to grind Zen to lower the cost of the LTS.

    With regards to the lack of a monthly subscription on the consoles... I have no idea. I don't play games on consoles so I do not know any possible reason why that is not an option.
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