Well... I'm on the Patrol the Nassordin System mission ("Aftermath"). I've saved the Kobali ships, and now the mission step I'm on is "Defend Against Further Attacks." The only enemy I've been able to find is a heavy artillery ship that cloaks and summons a friend every time I do a few percentage damage to it, and heals fully by the time I deal with its summon. I can't imagine the goal here is to kill that ship.
What am I supposed to be doing?
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rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited October 2014
Probably kill that ship. Its not cloakin per se. If you've got Sci Team, try popping that as soon as it "Cloaks". The Vaadwuar don't use cloaks.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'm flying a tier 6 escort with mark XII purple gear. How much more DPS does it want?
Is this even POSSIBLE in a cruiser?
I had no problem with this ship and Im running a T5U Escort with Mk XII purple gear as well. If we knew what exactly you are using in the way of gear. And the BOff abilities you have. We may be able to find out why youre underperforming DPS wise. As you should be able to burn down the ally ship before the Artillary Ship can even heal up to 25%.
I did that in my upgraded tac oddy in advanced difficulty, however it took forever.
Also, not sure if its a bug, or if I missed something, but after helping the last ship and destroyed some enemy shps I still had the "Defend Against Further Attacks" objective. So I flew around for about 10 minutes until I found two more assault ships close to one of those satellites marking the ships you're suppose to help.
I don't know if the options you choose while helping the ships have an impact on the mission, but 3 of the helped ships spawned 2 waves of enemy ships each one... and after that I still had to look for another 10 minutes for the last two
"In every age,
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
Update: Finished the mission. Basically zergged the heavy artillery ship to death... took rather a lot of respawns. Its summons (and the fact that the summons appear basically unlimited - it keeps 1-2 active, and brings more if you've destroyed any when it jams your sensors) and that big set of blasts it does killed me pretty efficiently. I think I managed to fire a torpedo at it while its shield arc was down once the whole time - the vast bulk of my damage came from that new Intelligence power that beams a warhead onto the enemy ship. Without that I think I'd still be at that mission some time tomorrow.
I'm not optimal - this is a character I pulled out of mothballs because I fancied using her in the Delta Quadrant - but I'm using Mk XII purples (cannons and the rapid reload transphasic forward, arrays and the 360-degree antiproton array aft). In other words, a perfectly respectable semi-casual build. I cleared a few Advanced STFs with her just before the expansion hit without too much difficulty and with a sufficient contribution to group efforts that I felt all right with myself.
I really hope that ship was glitched - basic story content, on Normal difficulty, should not be nearly that frustrating.
I'm flying a tier 6 escort with mark XII purple gear. How much more DPS does it want?
Is this even POSSIBLE in a cruiser?
I beat it 2 days ago in my Qib. I was using MEH gear (that could have been considered decent pre-DR/upgrade system), and a terrible BOff layout. Took me about 15 minutes though. Maybe your problem is that you have the difficulty setting too high? I had it on normal, and it was still a tough kill.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Also, if there's a hold device (Constriction something?) or other device lying near the WPs, those will need destroying also. You basically have to clean the system up before the final Kobali cruiser will spawn.
Ans that Heavy Artillery ship is truly a pain in the TRIBBLE. I'm running a stock Tac Officer / Tac Odyssey. My first go-around, I kept getting squashed like a bug and gave up. Came back after some upgrading (raised a turret and couple of beam arrays to Mk 13) and it was still no picnic, but I fared MUCH better...No tearing into the hull nearly as bad as the previous outing. I also think that the blue Vaadwaur Torpedo Launcher (quest reward from the previous mission) helped immensely...That thing packs a hell of a hull punch.
Just done this mission... well I say done! I got constant SNR, lag an the fact I play on elite it got messy fast!. Anyone else experience lag an SNR on this mission?.
Hopefully I will try this again today, the vaadwaur hit hard you need sci team an heals, it can be a pain in the TRIBBLE if you play on elite.
I'm flying a tier 6 escort with mark XII purple gear. How much more DPS does it want?
Is this even POSSIBLE in a cruiser?
Did it in an adapted Destroyer, adapted BC and elachi escort. All on elite difficulty.
Use the vaadwaur cluster torpedo and things are suddenly a lot easier.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Did it in my Fleet Hoh'Sus BoP T5-U. Flanking bonus FTW. I'm currently running 3 DHC's, 2 turrets, all Mk XII purples, and a Mk XIII Hargh'Peng with CritD, which I spike them with the moment their rear shields drop. I *do* have all fleet disruptor consoles, though.
I didn't choose the BoP life; the BoP life chose me.
I'm on x1 version and i can't do this bull i'm ok 1 on 1 but 2 on 1 u can forget it when i come back after dying they have full health i won't be doing delta arc until the lazy scum at arc lower the damage the vaardwar does
I've heard that the sensor jamming (or whatever it is) and escape routine triggers when you get too close to the artillery ship. On the other hand, I've found that the best way to evade the barrage is to fly straight towards the ship that's firing as it's preparing to shoot since the blasts don't detonate until they get to the markers. Also, Polarize Hull + Feedback Pulse on an ok science build will make that thing melt itself almost instantly.
My strategy is usually to clear the sensor jamming ASAP, evade the barrages, and try not to get too bogged down with the summons while focusing fire on the big target.
Well... I'm on the Patrol the Nassordin System mission ("Aftermath"). I've saved the Kobali ships, and now the mission step I'm on is "Defend Against Further Attacks." The only enemy I've been able to find is a heavy artillery ship that cloaks and summons a friend every time I do a few percentage damage to it, and heals fully by the time I deal with its summon. I can't imagine the goal here is to kill that ship.
What am I supposed to be doing?
if its the mission in mind , you have to kill a certain amount of reinforcments before actually tangling with the boss ship.
Delta Rising introduced a new aspect to sto. DPS threshold, The vaudwaaur in the normal story missions were designed to be a barrier to get you to upgrade your gear so that you could then join the ques (Battle of Korfez) that actually have a Dps measurement phase, if anyone in that phase doesn't have the dps to advance the que fails. I tried it once in a private group and we made it to the second phase but still didnt have the dps to finish it.
I think the threshold is 10000 dps needed to easily beat this on normal, unless you find other ways to do it. For most people new to the game the easiest way to beat this is to upgrade the gear.
Gear could be an issue, but I find a likely candidate for improvement is also the selection of bridge officer power and how to use them. (Also, remember to reset your power levels every time you switch ships, and unless you're flying something very scence and torpedo heavy,you probably want to put all power to weapons.)
Enemies that disappear from your sensors often use Jam Sensors (very few NPCs actually cloak). You need a Science Team to counter that, and I strongly advise to always have a Science Team. It's also a decent shield heal, and jams is not the only thing it clears.
Now, to deal decent damage to a target, you want the appropriate buffs. Beam Fire At Will is the buff you want for beams, Cannon Scatter Volley is usually the one for Cannons (though in case of this artillary ship, Cannon Rapid Fire might do just as well or better - but you often have multi-target engagements, and then CSV is better:). Torpedo Spread is generally good for any torpedo. (And remember that the torpedo buff skills only buff a single shot - so they can be worth it even if you got just one torpedo launcher. This is a trait it shares with Beam Overload, by the way)
To also be able to take decent damage, Emergency Power to Shields (for a minor heal, for restoring disabled shield subsystems, for a major buff to shield damage reduction which makes your shield last a lot longer), Hazard Emitters (good hull heal over time, cleanses many nasty debuffs) are basically bread & butter skills. If that is not enough, Engineering Team, Auxiliary to Structural Intengrity Field and Transfer Shield Strength can provide additional help. Depending on hybrid spec seats you have there might be additional or alternative options like Hold it Together or Rally Point.
An additional aspect is plain piloting/maneuvering. Evade the enemy fire, move into his back, stuff like that. The Vaudwaur also have a ship that fires a Tri-Cobalt Cluster torpedo - basically a torpedo that drops a bunch of Tri-Cobalt Mines. That's extremely dangerous, evade it. If you can't evade it, be ready to intercept it with area effect abilities like BFAW or, heck, Gravity Well if you got nothing smaller.
Sometimes it can be advisable to wait with certain counters and abilities until the enemy has used particular abilities. (For example, if you know the Cluster Torpedo hasn't been fired yet, and you know you aren't able to kill the enemy before he fires it - wait popping your AoE until that torpedo comes.) Sometimes you can only whether the storm. (That's more a thing for dealing with the Borg and their drain abilities - wait until the drains are done before you bother repairing - and make sure you live till then.)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
One thing to remember about those heavily armored Vaadwaur ships is that they don't move, thus you can freely choose what shield facing to pummel. also... they have broadside mounted weapons. So if you hit their forward shield facing constantly they will have limited ability to return fire.
Well... I'm on the Patrol the Nassordin System mission ("Aftermath"). I've saved the Kobali ships, and now the mission step I'm on is "Defend Against Further Attacks." The only enemy I've been able to find is a heavy artillery ship that cloaks and summons a friend every time I do a few percentage damage to it, and heals fully by the time I deal with its summon. I can't imagine the goal here is to kill that ship.
What am I supposed to be doing?
Don't get within 5 Km of that vaadwaur ship. That's the threshold for the cloak and spawn cycle.
Other than that: Dps and cluster torpedoes.
Edit: Didn't notice the zombies.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Is this even POSSIBLE in a cruiser?
I completed that mission 2 days ago and I understand your pain. That damn Vaadwaur ship took an impressive amount of firepower to bring down.
I had no problem with this ship and Im running a T5U Escort with Mk XII purple gear as well. If we knew what exactly you are using in the way of gear. And the BOff abilities you have. We may be able to find out why youre underperforming DPS wise. As you should be able to burn down the ally ship before the Artillary Ship can even heal up to 25%.
Get some Sci team to scrub your sensors clean and you're good.
More firepower only hurts when it's aimed at you though.
Also, not sure if its a bug, or if I missed something, but after helping the last ship and destroyed some enemy shps I still had the "Defend Against Further Attacks" objective. So I flew around for about 10 minutes until I found two more assault ships close to one of those satellites marking the ships you're suppose to help.
I don't know if the options you choose while helping the ships have an impact on the mission, but 3 of the helped ships spawned 2 waves of enemy ships each one... and after that I still had to look for another 10 minutes for the last two
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
I'm not optimal - this is a character I pulled out of mothballs because I fancied using her in the Delta Quadrant - but I'm using Mk XII purples (cannons and the rapid reload transphasic forward, arrays and the 360-degree antiproton array aft). In other words, a perfectly respectable semi-casual build. I cleared a few Advanced STFs with her just before the expansion hit without too much difficulty and with a sufficient contribution to group efforts that I felt all right with myself.
I really hope that ship was glitched - basic story content, on Normal difficulty, should not be nearly that frustrating.
I beat it 2 days ago in my Qib. I was using MEH gear (that could have been considered decent pre-DR/upgrade system), and a terrible BOff layout. Took me about 15 minutes though. Maybe your problem is that you have the difficulty setting too high? I had it on normal, and it was still a tough kill.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Ans that Heavy Artillery ship is truly a pain in the TRIBBLE. I'm running a stock Tac Officer / Tac Odyssey. My first go-around, I kept getting squashed like a bug and gave up. Came back after some upgrading (raised a turret and couple of beam arrays to Mk 13) and it was still no picnic, but I fared MUCH better...No tearing into the hull nearly as bad as the previous outing. I also think that the blue Vaadwaur Torpedo Launcher (quest reward from the previous mission) helped immensely...That thing packs a hell of a hull punch.
Hopefully I will try this again today, the vaadwaur hit hard you need sci team an heals, it can be a pain in the TRIBBLE if you play on elite.
Did it in an adapted Destroyer, adapted BC and elachi escort. All on elite difficulty.
Use the vaadwaur cluster torpedo and things are suddenly a lot easier.
I didn't choose the BoP life; the BoP life chose me.
Zoom & Boom seems to work well against the Vaardwar
My strategy is usually to clear the sensor jamming ASAP, evade the barrages, and try not to get too bogged down with the summons while focusing fire on the big target.
if its the mission in mind , you have to kill a certain amount of reinforcments before actually tangling with the boss ship.
I think the threshold is 10000 dps needed to easily beat this on normal, unless you find other ways to do it. For most people new to the game the easiest way to beat this is to upgrade the gear.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Enemies that disappear from your sensors often use Jam Sensors (very few NPCs actually cloak). You need a Science Team to counter that, and I strongly advise to always have a Science Team. It's also a decent shield heal, and jams is not the only thing it clears.
Now, to deal decent damage to a target, you want the appropriate buffs. Beam Fire At Will is the buff you want for beams, Cannon Scatter Volley is usually the one for Cannons (though in case of this artillary ship, Cannon Rapid Fire might do just as well or better - but you often have multi-target engagements, and then CSV is better:). Torpedo Spread is generally good for any torpedo. (And remember that the torpedo buff skills only buff a single shot - so they can be worth it even if you got just one torpedo launcher. This is a trait it shares with Beam Overload, by the way)
To also be able to take decent damage, Emergency Power to Shields (for a minor heal, for restoring disabled shield subsystems, for a major buff to shield damage reduction which makes your shield last a lot longer), Hazard Emitters (good hull heal over time, cleanses many nasty debuffs) are basically bread & butter skills. If that is not enough, Engineering Team, Auxiliary to Structural Intengrity Field and Transfer Shield Strength can provide additional help. Depending on hybrid spec seats you have there might be additional or alternative options like Hold it Together or Rally Point.
An additional aspect is plain piloting/maneuvering. Evade the enemy fire, move into his back, stuff like that. The Vaudwaur also have a ship that fires a Tri-Cobalt Cluster torpedo - basically a torpedo that drops a bunch of Tri-Cobalt Mines. That's extremely dangerous, evade it. If you can't evade it, be ready to intercept it with area effect abilities like BFAW or, heck, Gravity Well if you got nothing smaller.
Sometimes it can be advisable to wait with certain counters and abilities until the enemy has used particular abilities. (For example, if you know the Cluster Torpedo hasn't been fired yet, and you know you aren't able to kill the enemy before he fires it - wait popping your AoE until that torpedo comes.) Sometimes you can only whether the storm. (That's more a thing for dealing with the Borg and their drain abilities - wait until the drains are done before you bother repairing - and make sure you live till then.)
My character Tsin'xing
Don't get within 5 Km of that vaadwaur ship. That's the threshold for the cloak and spawn cycle.
Other than that: Dps and cluster torpedoes.
Edit: Didn't notice the zombies.