There are about 50,000 things wrong or broken with STO on consoles right now (abilities not working or totally absent, account bank inaccessible because removing items crashes the game, etc.). Any idea when we might see a patch? The game has been available for more than a month now.
I have paid plenty of money into the game. I feel I deserve an answer - not that I expect it, though, since Arc/PWE is, perhaps, the worst company when it comes to presence on their own forums. I don't think I've ever seen a response from a mod/admin.
They have to pay approx 40,000 dollars per patch to my knowledge, and only get 2-3 free patches free per year. I could be wrong with how much they have to pay, but this is what i've dug up so far on my own.
On the other hand, i see why players are frustrated. The game, as you say, barely works. Ground combat is so laggy for EU players that it makes it unplayable at best. Once we hit 60, there is literally nothing for us to do but to make new characters or repeat the story arcs and daily missions.
PWE does indeed need to show more presence on these forums, as well as on their twitter page. The only time i see them tweeting something is when there's a maintenance.
I am hopeful, though, that we'll get the major update soon. But sadly, experience tells me that we won't see anything for another 4-6 months..
Welcome to the club! There are probably 5X that amount in the PC version. Did you expect to get a better version than PC? PWE is famous for bringing awful products in the market. Dont you know STO rocks!
No, not really. Most of us just ignore the occasional minor glitch.
People have been crying DOOM! since before the game was released.
Entitlement is inherent. That is, it is the feeling that you have a right to something in spite of having done nothing which might warrant such a feeling (i.e. the freedom of speech is a right to which all Americans are entitled). Put another way, saying, "Fred feels he is entitled to own land" is the same as saying, "Fred feels he has a right to own land."
That's not the same as deserving. You have to do something in order to deserve something else. I have paid money into a game that I could have chosen to play for free; I have helped them to accomplish their goal, which is to make money. I feel I deserve some kind of response from those people in return for my patronage (but again, I don't expect it). I don't think that's unreasonable.
No, it's not bad, but I logged in a few times over the past week, and it kinda feels like it's dying (I hope I'm wrong). PvE queues are very slow to fill. PvP queues are literally unusable; you can see people filtering in one or two at a time, but the queue kicks you out after a certain amount of time, so there's never the 8 needed for a match.
Basically, if you're in it for the story arcs or fleet activities, it's lots of fun. Past that, it's... I dunno. Kinda lonely.
They seem to be able to start and end events without patches, as well as adding content to the C-Store (they just added the heavy escort carriers not too long ago).
And if you've never seen a dev post in the forums, you haven't been paying attention. They do it a fair bit - but usually only when they actually have something to say.
The point of the @Trekonlinegame twitter is, as it states, to be an official news source about STO. That is why it almost entirely broadcasts status updates about the game, blogs about upcoming content, and patchnotes.
Beyond that, be hopeful.
The team working specifically on console doesn't post frequently because most of the QA team is busy looking at a very significant number of fixes and improvements that are on the way and monitoring the forums for issues; and because programmers don't tend to post.
I also have important things to do, which is a reason I do not post as much as I would like, but one of my important things is being the QA team member who is the most involved with the community. Because of that, I do a significant amount of reading on the Forums, Reddit, Twitter, and elsewhere, normally while on loading screens, and post when I see fit.
Events can be started or ended without a patch required, as they are setup ahead of time to start and end at set times, and can be manually turned on or off remotely if needed. The C-Store is handled differently, but if it is a case where the game data for what we are doing is already in the patch, as was with the Heavy Escort Carriers, we can turn those on or off remotely as well without excess difficulty. This is because everything that is required for those cases is something's server-side availability, which is not complex to adjust remotely and that we have a system setup to handle. Fixing client-side issues such as some crashes or control schemes, or data changes to the server such as mission flow to fix a mission issue, is much more complex than turning on or off a control and cannot be changed without a patch.
Actual patches with console cannot be as frequent as they can be for PC, flat out; as a result, they are much more significant in volume of things fixed because they have the fixes from several weeks of both players complaining and developers fixing.
I cannot get into specifics about when the next console patch will be or what it will fix for a number of reasons, the most significant of which is that is not my position to break news about ETA's of things, but I hope the information that I have provided here is of some help.
Thank you, sir/madam. While it wasn't an ETA, I can understand that you cannot provide one. I do, however, greatly appreciate the response, regardless of the fact that my request was not technically met. I think, really, all I wanted was some reassurance.
So, again, thank you!
Freedom of Speech is something everyone is entitled to, regardless of country, but it is something a lot of countries also take away from their people, regardless.
There is a big difference between relaying news and actual communication.
Communication is key. Regardless.
I'm not saying that Cryptic or PWE should reply to every single post ever, but perhaps set up an Xbox One forum and maybe do a Q&A there, every now and then where they pick the most asked questions within a month and add an answer to them.
I do however understand, that it is hard to release multiple patches per month on the console due to the way Microsoft handles that system with their own QA team and the hefty sum you have to pay per update.
I also understand that you can't go into specifics. I don't think an ETA is necessary. Would love to know what the next console patch fixes or adds to the game, as it feels extremely dull once you hit level 60. Pre-patch notes is something that i think a lot of people would like to see.
Probably shouldn't mention this, but look at how a few other developers communicate with their player base. As an example, and probably the best example: Blizzard posts pre-patch notes all the time, and have a healthy community where the community management gets involved with their player base.
What does Cryptic do? When was the last time Cryptic posted actual and valuable information that answers the questions a lot of us have?
I invite you to look up a little thing called "The McCarthy Era" to get just the tiniest grasp of what an incredibly fragile, delicate, and precious state it is, and how COMPLETELY it is neither a natural law nor a right. It is a privilege to be safeguarded jealously.
Had to just check the calender and found no such thing. We just finished the MI event and I think i can speak for most, we are pooped and need a bit of an event recovery event.
What we may or may not be smoking has nothing to do with the fact that we're talking about consoles, and that the Crystalline Cataclysm event does, indeed, start there in several hours. ;P
A potty break tends to do that.
I am going to take a wild guess, that you're an American.
Not that any of this is on topic or anything.
Really? First sentence (I had just run afoul of the account bank problem with a stack of rich dilithium deeds and was not too happy): And then in the response from the dev:
Not to mention the thread title. So... yeah. What are you smokin'?
And guys... *sigh* I didn't intend to start a "freedom of speech" discussion, but it's pretty simple: in the US, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom of speech (among other things). This "freedom of speech" is simply freedom from government persecution for speech you create/use. This means two things: one, it is not a license to say what you want, when you want, without any repercussions (you can still suffer consequences, just not government-issued ones); and two, each individual government would have to agree to that in order for the freedom that exists in America to exist elsewhere (and it does, just not "everywhere"). You might think of the "freedom of speech" as a human right (I would agree), but in America, it means something specific. That is to what I was referring, and only as an example to get a point across.
Often a patch will be long done and ready, but still takes a while to get through MS/Sony's red tape, thus making it take long from a players perspective.
I say this because the Event Calendar on Xbox shows that an R&D event weekend starts on November 17th, and it wouldn't make much sense to have that event if R&D wasn't implemented at that time.
It'll probably be a little before that, but that date is, I hazard to guess, the latest we would see a patch. I know there are plenty of people waiting for this patch, so I thought I'd share my deduction.
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
– Grey Council greeting
I hope this happens because players are selling the bugged t6 boxes on exchange for 50+ million and they are granting t5 ships. Supports stance is this is ok and nothing for them to do to correct it. It has sorta sucked the enjoyment out of the game knowing nothingg is what it says it is.
I trust a lion at the zoo with a pet me sign more than the game right now.