I have to push to have the original Borg stf missions restored back to STO from way back when the went from the space ground space story to the now two parters they are. As it stands now the Borg STF's have standard and advanced where other rep missions have an elite option as well. So I am curious, would anyone else like to see the original missions brought back (and difficulty changed to match an elite level) as an elite STF option?
First, Vice Admiral, U.S.S. Wolf Pack-F, NX-101687-FFirst., Vice Admiral, A.R.W. Moon WolfWolf, I.K.S. Frost Bite
Would you like the option to play the original Borg STF story missions? 49 votes
It would make an interesting FE rather than PvE and I wouldn't mind sampling them in the old format.
The problem of course is that power creep will make it insanely easy.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
That's a good idea. The Borg are a looming threat to the quadrant ... then we stop caring about them forever.
Borg update concept- I could see a story arc that centered on the omega rep-faction, and their dealings with the borg as they discover their now assimilating the much more advanced wreckage of enemies we had been fighting like the Vaadwaur and Iconians. I mean honestly are we thinking the Borg the scavengers of the universe would not see these advanced vessels, and even races (think of a assimilated Vaadwaur or Herald.), and not seek them out to adapt an rebuild themselves thru attaining greater technology.
- I could also see the borg with their new assimilated systems going back to how they were in the show, and how they work on ground, as they would have most likely now adapted technology that is vastly more advanced than the current factions have. So i could see them using a sort of buff based system, in which when they are attacked with energy weapons they gain a stacking resistance buff to the energy type damaging them. While I could see also a stacking buff that improves their bleed-thru on the type of shield they are hitting the most (like coverient or regenerative.). Just would need to tie in some abilities that could be used to negate, reduce, or remove these buffs an debuff to make the borg more interesting to fight.
- I could see a update to the older borg stfs that is about these upgraded borg now seeking to reclaim what they lost with their new technology, while also giving us access to new omega rep projects as well that need a new form of elite mark. It woud also make for a nice filler till brand new content hits without them having to rush out that new content.
That's just it, though, they're not supposed to be some incredible force in the STO story. They never really were. When the game launched, they were in the TUTORIAL.
One of the themes about the Vega colony and the borg that show up is that they're different. The Federation has advanced quite a bit and these borg just aren't what they used to be.
The players keep trying to treat them like they are the apex alpha villain of Star Trek. But the STO storyline moved on to the Undine, who beat the snot out of the borg time and time again. Then the Voth came, and took it right to the Undine (and the Borg). Then the Iconians got involved. And now the Sphere Builders. The Borg are very far down the pecking order in this game's plot and we've all moved past them.
Borg Disconnected is probably the best map example of why the Borg don't need any more revamps or power ups or buffing or tweaks ever again.
Like my Voth homies say when their bulwark arrives, "You will be eliminated!" ... or my Undine peeps, "The weak shall perish!" ...
The borg on the other hand, all the queen has to say for herself is, "The collective will not fall here."
That's right. That's your incredible force in the storyline ... tucking and tail and running from some extradimensional psionic fish species and some dinosaurs.
Let the Borg go. STO did years ago.
I actually feel that re-using these older villains that have come an gone in the story arc, or in mini-arcs during the midway part of the expansion could be a nice idea. As to me the story arc of the expansions, but also the villains that are associated with those story arcs, are getting churned out so fast that they feel rushed an much less developed. Which is part of the fact of content locus that eat thru content, and proceed to demand/seek out more content to process thru. Now using the older/prior villains that might make appearances in something like a mid expansion release could allow the devs the time to further develop the content an story by giving us content/updates focused on these older/prior villains.
After the Undine, Voth, Kobali, Vaaduwar, and Iconians have shown that they can be a much bigger threat than the Borg, I'd rather we find some new stuff to focus on as big bads, so the story and all the factions can find new life and new civilizations and we can boldly go into new adventures against new foes, which no one has seen before.
I'd actually like a weekend to play pulled missions like Starbase 24 Rescue, Foxes and Hounds, and DS9 Under Siege!
In addition to what those against it have said, there were also forum flame posts about 'hardcore players' vs 'casual players' and those post got ugly imho.
Many 'casual players' back then felt they were being treated badly by the 'hardcore players' during the stf's. A small few of the the 'Hardcore players' thought that the 'casual players' shouldn't even play the stf's. Some of the 'casual players' felt that because they couldn't commit the time to the longer stf's the were missing out on story content as well as rewards.
And so, now the stf's are what they are.
If I may borrow a line from Planet of the Apes..."we are here and it is now"
Into the Hive was introduced in Season 7. Before that the in game content was just the Cure, Infected and Khitomer.