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[PS4] Withdrawing from account bank crashes the game

With the Dil weekend i figured i'd stick some mining claims in the account bank for easy access. Everytime i try to take them out, the game completely crashes everytime.

Error code CE-34878-0

I paid a lot to get mining claims that i can't use when theres a Dil event going on. What a waste of money. Please fix it asap


  • jameskelly09#5276 jameskelly09 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I am also having this same bug problem now that item being stuck. If anyone can help us out that would be greatly appreciated
  • beebleboxn#4809 beebleboxn Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Same problem here I remembered this being a problem long ago. I just didn't think they would carry the problems to PS4. I'm even having issues with missing items in lock-boxes that it says I obtained, but I didn't get. I took screenshots of it as well. What a waste. :s

    Why would they Rerelease the broken stuff. It's like purgatory.

    Or fraud. B)
  • tro11fac3tro11fac3 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Same happens to me on Xbox mate, noone has fix/workaround please?
  • inanevalthonisinanevalthonis Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same issue on Xbox One.
  • satanstoenailsatanstoenail Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Same on PS4. Dilithium certs stuck in account bank, anyone tries to get them out from any location the game crashes. Since we only get 1 slot, and no way to buy any more it is crippling and has completely ruined the first ever event of the new launch, and will also ruin the upgrading for many people event too if it isn't dealt with promptly. The fact that it's items payed for with REAL money that are stuck in there is just salt in the wound.

    This, along with the fact that people are getting T5 ships instead of T6 in their boxes when it is clearly advertised literally everywhere that they will be T6 is outrageous yet not a single word from the people responsible. You know people are paying real money for these keys right? Get it sorted.

    Then there is the complete lack of console forums on here that an office junior could have whipped together in a matter of hours at any point since the console versions where announced, 6 months and not a finger lifted. It is making an absolute mess of the PC section.

    I have also had a ticket in about this for 4 days now and not even an automated response, in fact not a single response to anything whatsoever on this forum to anyone from what I can see, may as well be peeing into the wind.

    This whole situation is so unprofessional it's embarracing. If you want to lose a good proportion of your player base early on this is the way to do it. First impressions, first impressions...
  • shockwave981shockwave981 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Couldn't agree more. Tickets go unanswered for days and, they tell you to put bug reports right here but never any communication from them
    Post edited by shockwave981 on
  • jameskelly09#5276 jameskelly09 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Well I finally got a reply back late last night and here's what they told me:

    Thank you for contacting us. I'm sorry to hear that you experiencing game crash when you remove the mining claims from your bank.

    We are currently looking into this and please rest assured that we will have the fix rolled out in the soonest possible time. In case you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    Looks like this Ashynt person did actually read my email and knows about the problem most of us are having. This actually gives me hope that the higher-ups know about this bug and are working on it. Hopefully in the next update they fix it!
  • shockwave981shockwave981 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I see that you're receiving an error message "CE-34878-0".

    Looking at your ticket, that appears to be a Sony error code, and thus you will need to contact PlayStation Support in order to diagnose the issue. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    Please use the following link to access the PlayStation support site:


    Thanks again for reaching out to us, and stay safe.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    Yeah. I'm sure its Sonys fault for your bug infested game right? Sela bug showed the same message. Was that their fault too? Support is as bad as i remember it.
  • bigasstokerbigasstoker Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    yeah i'm on xbox tried switching mains so glad I only put my lobi crystals in but now there stuck in account bank purgatory neither character can take them out but I can do anything else other than hit A on them. that causes it to freeze every time and crash,
  • shockwave981shockwave981 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I see that you're receiving an error message "CE-34878-0".

    Looking at your ticket, that appears to be a Sony error code, and thus you will need to contact PlayStation Support in order to diagnose the issue. I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

    Please use the following link to access the PlayStation support site:


    Thanks again for reaching out to us, and stay safe.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment


    Thanks for replying.

    Because it is a SONY error message. Our game does not produce the "CE-34878-0". This error message actually comes from console itself, thus you will need to contact Sony for assistance. For your convenience, allow me to repost the link to their support site:

    If you're still doubting the source of that error message, you can simply google search it.

    If you have other concerns, just let me know.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    Hm first the account bug crash was Sony's fault. Now its my Consoles Fault. Not like Xbox has the same problem or anything
  • shadow7901#1720 shadow7901 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Xbox has the same problem but they're not telling me it's Microsoft's fault
  • shockwave981shockwave981 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Thanks for replying.

    Please contact SONY support for "CE-34878-0" error message. As I've mentioned previously, we do not PRODUCE "CE-34878-0" error message nor make your console produce the message. You can reach their support site here:

    Please be advised that resolving Sony error codes are out of our scope.

    Thanks again for reaching out to us, and have a good day.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    Craptic totally blaming there bug on Sony now. Refusing to accept its their problem, its Sonys fault that xbox has the same problem. Wow.

    Thanks for replying.

    Just because Xbox version coincidentally has the same issue doesn't mean it should produce a Sony error message. This is a SONY error code. KINDLY contact Sony to have this error code resolved on their end first.

    If you have further concerns, just let me know

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    And now totally misreading and misunderstanding everything, its like their 100% convinced its sonys fault.. how the heck are Sony supposed to fix this cluttered mess of a game? And i thought Biowares support was really bad. This is a whole new level. I bet if it was an issue that was generating them money they would be right on it.
    Post edited by shockwave981 on
  • satanstoenailsatanstoenail Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    I got a (slightly) more promising reply.

    Thank you for contacting us.
    We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused and we can confirm that the developers are aware of the issue and are investigating it further. At this time time we can't say when it will be fixed and we encourage you to keep an eye on our website and official game forums for updates. 
    We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment
  • shockwave981shockwave981 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Sigh. Just like the PC version when i had problems. Conflicting information. Sorry but but i can't trust people to run a game if they cant even communicate amongst themselves.
  • I'm having this issue on ps4 is there any way to solve this in-game I've been waiting but support has yet to reply is there a contact number for customer service this is taking too long.
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