I am on xbox one and can not get past this mission. Is there a trick to it? I can get to the last part where you have to destroy the dampinging fields and fight a bunch of romulans but at the last bit I get stuck in a one on one with the warbird and can not beat it. I have tried more times than I can count. I have tried different ships with different weapons and still fail. My last handful of attepts I held off on unitl i was level 47 will a much better ship and much better weapons. Am I missing something?
Do you have the Hazard Emitters bridge officer skill? Romulan beams and torpedoes cause a plasma burn damage over time.
Good point, especially if they have a stream-of-seeker-plasma-torps launcher. If you stay out of their forward arc those torp launchers do nothing, nor do any dual cannons.
Hunt for Red October advice.
Beam Fire at Will or Cannon Scatter Volley are also important. Warbird deaths usually occur due to the Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo which spits five heavy Plasma torpedoes at you with each volley when High Yield is used. In the days of the Tau Dewa Patrol...well let's just say many Bothans and Caitians lost their lives to that weapon. Fire at Will and Scatter volley can shoot them down without having to manually target each of them.
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Doesn't one of the attack patterns give immunity to holds too? Omega?
Yes. Omega can, but I believe we're talking about a first run of the mission so access to Omega and Pilot spec Evasive is probably not an option.
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normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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And carriers are a great idea - if you've got one. Is there a T3 or T4 carrier, though? Because you're usually a Commander or Captain during that mission.
Looking at the wiki for T3 and 4 ships... doesn't look like it to me. No Fed carriers until T5.
Although maybe the Point Defense console off the T3 Heavy Escort Refit might be another good counter...
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Impress Sela? Hell I'm just trying to shoot oh dear "Empress" in the face like I did Hakeev! And I'm an Imperialist Romulan no less!
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
Damn, beat me to it!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
That what I was thinking. I've tried some of these idea like omega pattern and I'm still sucking. Maybe I am just terrible at it. I thought that the 'ally' ships are suppose to help in the fight. the first two do until we kill the first ship, then they stop moving and the rest never start moving. I was thinking it was glitched but I know other xbox players have gotten around it so I'm gunna keep trying.