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50th anniversary free gift



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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    How could I have missed this? I've been playing every day since launch (PS4) and I never saw anything for free on the store... How long did it last?

    It was there for 24 hours.

    Don't feel too bad though since Cryptic gives out freebies from time to time... unless you really, really wanted the costume pack. For example, for whatever reason sometime earlier this year I forgot to claim a Federation T4 starship Tactical Escort Refit (Defiant) which comes with Phaser Quad Cannon [Dmg]x4.

    Though I have to admit the TOS costume would be great to have when Agents of Yesterday is released for the console (best guess is early 2017) because you will have the ability to create a Fed captain that starts in the 23rd Century. Though it will only last for 6 missions, then you get tossed into the 25th century at the beginning of the Klingon War story Arc.

    Also, be aware that in STO there are 3 events during the year where players can spend a little time per day to grind for vouchers to claim a free T6 starship. The starship will be whatever Cryptic has designed specifically for the event, not for a ship in the C-Store. For example, the 2016 Risa Summer Event offered players the chance to grind for a T6 Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort which is a nice T6 starship to have. The free events are as follows and Cryptic will release more info about them when they are about to start. This is basically just a FYI.

    STO Anniversary - Beginning of February. You play the "featured episode" to get 400 vouchers (1st play through only per character). Then play the "Omega Molecule Stabilization" daily event for 15 days (40 vouchers per day) to get another 600 vouchers. You need 1,000 vouchers to claim whatever ship they will be offering. The daily mission is generally quick, but it may take up to 15 minute because it involves traveling to 3 different locations to play the "Omega Molecule" mini-game.

    Risa Summer Event - About mid June, I think... You rent or purchase a floater (jet pack) to do the "Flying High" daily event which is basically to fly through 3 different obstacle courses on Risa. Do it for 25 days (40 vouchers per day) to get a total of 1,000 in order to claim whatever ship is being given away for free. I think you have a total of 10 minutes to complete all 3 course. If time runs out, you need to start over. That is plenty of time to run through the courses.

    Winter Wonderland Event - Beginning of December. This event has traditionally rewarded a Breen starship. The Breen lives in cold environments. You need to complete the daily event 25 times to receive a total of 1,000 to claim the ship. The event is called "Fastest Game On Ice" which is a race between you and a NPC where you must run on an icy race course. Needless to say there will be a lot of slipping and sliding. The race should take less than 4 minutes to complete.

    Note #1 - Regardless of how many characters are on your account, only one must complete the event for all captains to be able to claim the ship from these 3 events. In other words, the reward for these events are account unlocked rather than character bound.

    Note #2 - The "Omega Molecule" mini-game rewards Omega traces. Depending on how high your score is you can earn Omega Slivers, Omega Shards, or Omega Fragments. These are used to ultimately craft Omega Upgrade Kits that are then used to upgrade your gear. Hopefully the crafting system will be made available on consoles before the 2017 Anniversary Event starts. I am pretty sure there are a lot of veteran STO players salivating for the chance to craft more Omega Upgrade Kits while at the same time dreading the fact that it is a huge grind fest.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    "dreading" is something only a few players do. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
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    psyminion#6383 psyminion Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    as a new player, I was very disappointed the offer was for only 24 hours, as my ps4 took FOREVER to download this game over 2 days and I completely missed it. :(

    next time I suppose!
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