Batlith Tournment - Worf is spawning in back room and you can click on him
Everything Old is New - None of the enemy attack, Happened twice
Afterlife - Kerron spectres cant be killed so mission wouldnt fo forward
Alpha - Mission resets at end BEAM up so must redo - One of the capture tube is in a rock and hard to click
Start screen - When you sign on the wrong faction symbol is dispalyed
Temporal Ambassador - Hands are misshaped in cutscenes
Warping - Both transwarp and Sector space ship goes then graphics appear
Traits - Traits keep resetting on character
Special Requistion packs - Says to see stats of ship click more details but nothing shows up when you click
Small craft - No image in ship select for Kivra shuttle
Coliseum - Communication array parts in rock at the crashsite and hard to click
Cutting the Cord - In science mission part of mission, computer vanishes when you walk in the room.
Bite for Gorn - If you set bite for a gorn on auto execute you character stutters
These are just some of the bugs I have encountered so far. Even with the bugs I enjoy the game.
Ship inside cant enter other rooms with turbolift
yup, just hit this bug too, cam here to find out if anyone else had encountered or had a problem with it.... Shon is really getting on my nerves now! probably has something to do with stripping out the duty officer sub quest, which I hear could be glitchy too!
> Got a new one, weapons not firing while in battle. multiple missions, but on 'Night of the comet' it locks up a few seconds into battle and the health of all enemy ships, as well as the comets disappear completely.
The guns not firing is happening to me too. Hope they fix it soon.
> Also Becoming the Future is broken. When disabling B'vats ship, my guns stop working after disabling the dreadnaught with him. When I leave and go back to he system, I can disable b'vat, but then my guns stop working again.
Hello from 2017. This issue remains. I can blow up the comet and it's pieces, but if my ship auto-targets one of the Klingons and I disable them, then I can't attack anything.
Please fix this, Cryptic! I just started the game in January and this is the first game breaking encounter I have. I would like to complete the Klingon storyline.