I havent played in well over a year, and just recently came back to STO. I was completely lost on my old characters, couldnt really remember how to play, so I started up a 23rd century captain last night and I've gone through 2-3 missions so far.
So, will this captain be stuck in the 23rd century? Is there a full campaign? Or will I eventually, like the romulan republic characters, be joined up with the modern-day federation? Will the character retain any differences from 'modern' captains?
So far I'm enjoying the change in style, though I was a bit let down at the limited race selection (c'mon, m'ress was a TOS era character, but no caitian 23rd century captains?).
You play the 6 then pretend to be a modern fed captain as you go through the normal fed story.
You keep the visual and sound effects for beam outs, etc.
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